mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/pyUmbral.git
Make simple_api tests pass
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def mock_openssl(mocker, random_ec_point1: Point, random_ec_curvebn1: CurveBN, r
check_point_ctypes(ec_point, other_point)
assert 'BN_CTX' in str(context)
assert 'EC_GROUP' in str(group)
assert random_ec_point1.group == group
assert random_ec_point1.curve.ec_group == group
assert not bool(actual_backend['EC_POINT_cmp'](group, random_ec_point1.ec_point, ec_point, context))
result = actual_backend['EC_POINT_cmp'](group, random_ec_point1.ec_point, other_point, context)
assert not bool(result)
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ def test_point_curve_multiplication_regression():
# Make sure we have instantiated a new, unequal point in the same curve and group
assert isinstance(product_with_star_operator, Point), "Point.__mul__ did not return a point instance"
assert k256_point != product_with_star_operator
assert k256_point.curve_nid == product_with_star_operator.curve_nid
assert k256_point.group == product_with_star_operator.group
assert k256_point.curve == product_with_star_operator.curve
product_bytes = b'\x03\xc9\xda\xa2\x88\xe2\xa0+\xb1N\xb6\xe6\x1c\xa5(\xe6\xe0p\xf6\xf4\xa9\xfc\xb1\xfaUV\xd3\xb3\x0e4\x94\xbe\x12'
product_point = Point.from_bytes(product_bytes)
@ -36,15 +36,9 @@ def test_generate_random_points():
@pytest.mark.parametrize("curve, nid, point_bytes", generate_test_points_bytes())
def test_bytes_serializers(point_bytes, nid, curve):
point_with_nid = Point.from_bytes(point_bytes, curve=nid) # from nid
assert isinstance(point_with_nid, Point)
point_with_curve = Point.from_bytes(point_bytes, curve=curve) # from curve
point_with_curve = Point.from_bytes(point_bytes, curve=curve) # from curve
assert isinstance(point_with_curve, Point)
assert point_with_nid == point_with_curve
the_same_point_bytes = point_with_curve.to_bytes()
assert point_bytes == the_same_point_bytes
@ -67,9 +61,7 @@ def test_bytes_serializers(point_bytes, nid, curve):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("curve, nid, point_affine", generate_test_points_affine())
def test_affine(point_affine, nid, curve):
point = Point.from_affine(point_affine, curve=nid) # from nid
the_same_point = Point.from_affine(point_affine, curve=curve) # from curve instance
assert point == the_same_point
point = Point.from_affine(point_affine, curve=curve) # from curve
assert isinstance(point, Point)
point_affine2 = point.to_affine()
assert point_affine == point_affine2
@ -4,22 +4,23 @@ from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from umbral import pre
from umbral.fragments import KFrag, CapsuleFrag
from umbral.curve import SECP384R1, SECP256R1
from umbral.config import default_curve
from umbral.params import UmbralParameters
from umbral.signing import Signer
from umbral.keys import UmbralPrivateKey, UmbralPublicKey
from .conftest import parameters, wrong_parameters
secp_curves = [
@pytest.mark.parametrize("N, M", parameters)
def test_simple_api(N, M, curve=default_curve()):
"""Manually injects umbralparameters for multi-curve testing."""
params = UmbralParameters(curve=curve)
delegating_privkey = UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ class CurveBN(object):
if type(other) == int:
other = openssl._int_to_bn(other)
other = CurveBN(other, None, None, None)
other = CurveBN(other, self.curve)
rem = openssl._get_new_BN()
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ class Point(object):
group = openssl._get_ec_group_by_curve_nid(curve.curve_nid)
ec_point = openssl._get_EC_POINT_via_affine(affine_x, affine_y,
return cls(ec_point, curve_nid, group)
return cls(ec_point, curve)
def to_affine(self):
Reference in New Issue