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from umbral.curvebn import CurveBN
from umbral.config import default_params
from umbral.keys import UmbralPublicKey
from umbral.params import UmbralParameters
def prove_cfrag_correctness(cfrag: "CapsuleFrag",
kfrag: "KFrag",
capsule: "Capsule",
metadata: bytes = None,
params: UmbralParameters = None
) -> "CorrectnessProof":
params = params if params is not None else default_params()
rk = kfrag._bn_key
t = CurveBN.gen_rand(params.curve)
## Here are the formulaic constituents shared with `assess_cfrag_correctness`.
e = capsule._point_e
v = capsule._point_v
e1 = cfrag._point_e1
v1 = cfrag._point_v1
u = params.u
u1 = kfrag._point_commitment
e2 = t * e
v2 = t * v
u2 = t * u
hash_input = (e, e1, e2, v, v1, v2, u, u1, u2)
if metadata is not None:
hash_input += (metadata,)
h = CurveBN.hash(*hash_input, params=params)
2018-05-25 23:34:36 +00:00
z3 = t + h * rk
cfrag.attach_proof(e2, v2, u1, u2, metadata=metadata, z3=z3, kfrag_signature=kfrag.signature)
# Check correctness of original ciphertext (check nº 2) at the end
# to avoid timing oracles
if not capsule.verify():
raise capsule.NotValid("Capsule verification failed.")
def assess_cfrag_correctness(cfrag,
capsule: "Capsule",
params: UmbralParameters = None):
params = params if params is not None else default_params()
## Here are the formulaic constituents shared with `prove_cfrag_correctness`.
e = capsule._point_e
v = capsule._point_v
e1 = cfrag._point_e1
v1 = cfrag._point_v1
u = params.u
u1 = cfrag.proof._point_kfrag_commitment
e2 = cfrag.proof._point_e2
v2 = cfrag.proof._point_v2
u2 = cfrag.proof._point_kfrag_pok
except AttributeError:
if cfrag.proof is None:
raise cfrag.NoProofProvided
hash_input = (e, e1, e2, v, v1, v2, u, u1, u2)
if cfrag.proof.metadata is not None:
hash_input += (cfrag.proof.metadata,)
h = CurveBN.hash(*hash_input, params=params)
ni = cfrag._point_noninteractive
xcoord = cfrag._point_xcoord
kfrag_id = cfrag._kfrag_id
kfrag_validity_message = bytes().join(
bytes(material) for material in (kfrag_id, delegating_point, receiving_point, u1, ni, xcoord))
valid_kfrag_signature = cfrag.proof.kfrag_signature.verify(kfrag_validity_message, signing_pubkey)
z3 = cfrag.proof.bn_sig
correct_reencryption_of_e = z3 * e == e2 + (h * e1)
correct_reencryption_of_v = z3 * v == v2 + (h * v1)
correct_rk_commitment = z3 * u == u2 + (h * u1)
return valid_kfrag_signature \
& correct_reencryption_of_e \
& correct_reencryption_of_v \
& correct_rk_commitment
def verify_kfrag(kfrag,
params: UmbralParameters = None
params = params if params is not None else default_params()
u = params.u
id = kfrag._id
key = kfrag._bn_key
u1 = kfrag._point_commitment
ni = kfrag._point_noninteractive
xcoord = kfrag._point_xcoord
#  We check that the commitment u1 is well-formed
correct_commitment = u1 == key * u
kfrag_validity_message = bytes().join(
bytes(material) for material in (id, delegating_point, receiving_point, u1, ni, xcoord))
valid_kfrag_signature = kfrag.signature.verify(kfrag_validity_message, signing_pubkey)
return correct_commitment & valid_kfrag_signature