mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
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196 lines
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import os
import pytest
from eth_tester.exceptions import TransactionFailed
from web3.contract import Contract
def token(testerchain):
# Create an ERC20 token
token, _ = testerchain.interface.deploy_contract('NuCypherToken', 2 * 10 ** 40)
return token
def test_issuer(testerchain, token):
creator = testerchain.interface.w3.eth.accounts[0]
ursula = testerchain.interface.w3.eth.accounts[1]
# Creator deploys the issuer
issuer, _ = testerchain.interface.deploy_contract('IssuerMock', token.address, 1, 10 ** 43, 10 ** 4, 10 ** 4)
events = issuer.events.Initialized.createFilter(fromBlock='latest')
# Give Miner tokens for reward and initialize contract
reserved_reward = 2 * 10 ** 40 - 10 ** 30
tx = token.functions.transfer(issuer.address, reserved_reward).transact({'from': creator})
# Only owner can initialize
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = issuer.functions.initialize().transact({'from': ursula})
tx = issuer.functions.initialize().transact({'from': creator})
events = events.get_all_entries()
assert 1 == len(events)
assert reserved_reward == events[0]['args']['reservedReward']
balance = token.functions.balanceOf(issuer.address).call()
# Can't initialize second time
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = issuer.functions.initialize().transact({'from': creator})
# Check result of minting tokens
tx = issuer.functions.testMint(0, 1000, 2000, 0).transact({'from': ursula})
assert 10 == token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call()
assert balance - 10 == token.functions.balanceOf(issuer.address).call()
# The result must be more because of a different proportion of lockedValue and totalLockedValue
tx = issuer.functions.testMint(0, 500, 500, 0).transact({'from': ursula})
assert 30 == token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call()
assert balance - 30 == token.functions.balanceOf(issuer.address).call()
# The result must be more because of bigger value of allLockedPeriods
tx = issuer.functions.testMint(0, 500, 500, 10 ** 4).transact({'from': ursula})
assert 70 == token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call()
assert balance - 70 == token.functions.balanceOf(issuer.address).call()
# The result is the same because allLockedPeriods more then specified coefficient _rewardedPeriods
tx = issuer.functions.testMint(0, 500, 500, 2 * 10 ** 4).transact({'from': ursula})
assert 110 == token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call()
assert balance - 110 == token.functions.balanceOf(issuer.address).call()
def test_inflation_rate(testerchain, token):
Check decreasing of inflation rate after minting.
During one period inflation rate must be the same
creator = testerchain.interface.w3.eth.accounts[0]
ursula = testerchain.interface.w3.eth.accounts[1]
# Creator deploys the contract
issuer, _ = testerchain.interface.deploy_contract('IssuerMock', token.address, 1, 2 * 10 ** 19, 1, 1)
# Give Miner tokens for reward and initialize contract
tx = token.functions.transfer(issuer.address, 2 * 10 ** 40 - 10 ** 30).transact({'from': creator})
tx = issuer.functions.initialize().transact({'from': creator})
# Mint some tokens and save result of minting
period = issuer.functions.getCurrentPeriod().call()
tx = issuer.functions.testMint(period + 1, 1, 1, 0).transact({'from': ursula})
one_period = token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call()
# Mint more tokens in the same period, inflation rate must be the same as in previous minting
tx = issuer.functions.testMint(period + 1, 1, 1, 0).transact({'from': ursula})
assert 2 * one_period == token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call()
# Mint tokens in the next period, inflation rate must be lower than in previous minting
tx = issuer.functions.testMint(period + 2, 1, 1, 0).transact({'from': ursula})
assert 3 * one_period > token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call()
minted_amount = token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call() - 2 * one_period
# Mint tokens in the first period again, inflation rate must be the same as in previous minting
# but can't be equals as in first minting because rate can't be increased
tx = issuer.functions.testMint(period + 1, 1, 1, 0).transact({'from': ursula})
assert 2 * one_period + 2 * minted_amount == token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call()
# Mint tokens in the next period, inflation rate must be lower than in previous minting
tx = issuer.functions.testMint(period + 3, 1, 1, 0).transact({'from': ursula})
assert 2 * one_period + 3 * minted_amount > token.functions.balanceOf(ursula).call()
def test_upgrading(testerchain, token):
creator = testerchain.interface.w3.eth.accounts[0]
secret = os.urandom(SECRET_LENGTH)
secret_hash = testerchain.interface.w3.sha3(secret)
secret2 = os.urandom(SECRET_LENGTH)
secret2_hash = testerchain.interface.w3.sha3(secret2)
# Deploy contract
contract_library_v1, _ = testerchain.interface.deploy_contract('Issuer', token.address, 1, 1, 1, 1)
dispatcher, _ = testerchain.interface.deploy_contract('Dispatcher', contract_library_v1.address, secret_hash)
# Deploy second version of the contract
contract_library_v2, _ = testerchain.interface.deploy_contract('IssuerV2Mock', token.address, 2, 2, 2, 2)
contract = testerchain.interface.w3.eth.contract(
# Give tokens for reward and initialize contract
tx = token.functions.transfer(contract.address, 10000).transact({'from': creator})
tx = contract.functions.initialize().transact({'from': creator})
# Upgrade to the second version, check new and old values of variables
period = contract.functions.lastMintedPeriod().call()
assert 1 == contract.functions.miningCoefficient().call()
tx = dispatcher.functions.upgrade(contract_library_v2.address, secret, secret2_hash).transact({'from': creator})
assert contract_library_v2.address == dispatcher.functions.target().call()
assert 2 == contract.functions.miningCoefficient().call()
assert 2 * 3600 == contract.functions.secondsPerPeriod().call()
assert 2 == contract.functions.lockedPeriodsCoefficient().call()
assert 2 == contract.functions.rewardedPeriods().call()
assert period == contract.functions.lastMintedPeriod().call()
assert 2 * 10 ** 40 == contract.functions.totalSupply().call()
# Check method from new ABI
tx = contract.functions.setValueToCheck(3).transact({'from': creator})
assert 3 == contract.functions.valueToCheck().call()
# Can't upgrade to the previous version or to the bad version
contract_library_bad, _ = testerchain.interface.deploy_contract('IssuerBad', token.address, 2, 2, 2, 2)
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = dispatcher.functions.upgrade(contract_library_v1.address, secret2, secret_hash)\
.transact({'from': creator})
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = dispatcher.functions.upgrade(contract_library_bad.address, secret2, secret_hash)\
.transact({'from': creator})
# But can rollback
tx = dispatcher.functions.rollback(secret2, secret_hash).transact({'from': creator})
# Check old values
assert contract_library_v1.address == dispatcher.functions.target().call()
assert 1 == contract.functions.miningCoefficient().call()
assert 3600 == contract.functions.secondsPerPeriod().call()
assert 1 == contract.functions.lockedPeriodsCoefficient().call()
assert 1 == contract.functions.rewardedPeriods().call()
assert period == contract.functions.lastMintedPeriod().call()
assert 2 * 10 ** 40 == contract.functions.totalSupply().call()
# After rollback can't use new ABI
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = contract.functions.setValueToCheck(2).transact({'from': creator})
# Try to upgrade to the bad version again
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = dispatcher.functions.upgrade(contract_library_bad.address, secret, secret2_hash)\
.transact({'from': creator})