mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
133 lines
4.7 KiB
133 lines
4.7 KiB
import random
from typing import List
from populus.contracts.contract import PopulusContract
from nkms_eth.token import NuCypherKMSToken
from .blockchain import Blockchain
addr = str
class Escrow:
_contract_name = 'MinersEscrow'
hours_per_period = 1 # 24
min_release_periods = 1 # 30
max_awarded_periods = 365
min_allowed_locked = 10 ** 6
max_allowed_locked = 10 ** 7 * NuCypherKMSToken.M
reward = NuCypherKMSToken.saturation - NuCypherKMSToken.premine
null_addr = '0x' + '0' * 40
mining_coeff = [
2 * 10 ** 7,
class ContractDeploymentError(Exception):
class NotEnoughUrsulas(Exception):
def __init__(self, blockchain: Blockchain, token: NuCypherKMSToken, contract: PopulusContract=None):
self.blockchain = blockchain
self.contract = contract
self.token = token
self.armed = False
self.miners = list()
def __call__(self):
"""Gateway to contract function calls"""
return self.contract.call()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.contract.address == other.contract.address
def arm(self):
self.armed = True
return self
def deploy(self):
if not self.armed:
raise self.ContractDeploymentError('use .arm() to arm the contract, then .deploy().')
if self.contract:
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
message = '{} contract already deployed, use .get() to retrieve it.'.format(class_name)
raise self.ContractDeploymentError(message)
contract, deploy_txhash = self.blockchain.chain.provider.deploy_contract(self._contract_name,
deploy_args=[self.token.contract.address] + self.mining_coeff,
deploy_transaction={'from': self.token.creator})
self.blockchain.chain.wait.for_receipt(deploy_txhash, timeout=self.blockchain.timeout)
self.contract = contract
reward_txhash = self.token.transact({'from': self.token.creator}).transfer(self.contract.address, self.reward)
self.blockchain.chain.wait.for_receipt(reward_txhash, timeout=self.blockchain.timeout)
init_txhash = self.contract.transact({'from': self.token.creator}).initialize()
self.blockchain.chain.wait.for_receipt(init_txhash, timeout=self.blockchain.timeout)
return deploy_txhash, reward_txhash, init_txhash
def get(cls, blockchain, token):
"""Returns an escrow object or an error"""
contract = blockchain.chain.provider.get_contract(cls._contract_name)
return cls(blockchain=blockchain, token=token, contract=contract)
def transact(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.contract:
raise self.ContractDeploymentError('Contract must be deployed before executing transactions.')
return self.contract.transact(*args, **kwargs)
def get_dht(self) -> set:
"""Fetch all DHT keys and return them as a set"""
return {miner.get_dht_key()for miner in self.miners}
def get_swarm(self):
miner, i = self.null_addr, 0
while True:
next_miner = self.__call__().getNextMiner(miner)
if next_miner == self.null_addr:
raise StopIteration()
yield next_miner
miner = next_miner
i += 1
def sample(self, quantity: int=10, additional_ursulas: float=1.7, attempts: int=5, duration: int=10) -> List[addr]:
Select n random staking Ursulas, according to their stake distribution.
The returned addresses are shuffled, so one can request more than needed and
throw away those which do not respond.
system_random = random.SystemRandom()
n_select = round(quantity*additional_ursulas) # Select more Ursulas
n_tokens = self.__call__().getAllLockedTokens()
if not n_tokens:
raise self.NotEnoughUrsulas('No locked tokens.')
for _ in range(attempts):
points = [0] + sorted(system_random.randrange(n_tokens) for _ in range(n_select))
deltas = [i-j for i, j in zip(points[1:], points[:-1])]
addrs, addr, shift = set(), self.null_addr, 0
for delta in deltas:
addr, shift = self.__call__().findCumSum(addr, delta+shift, duration)
if len(addrs) >= quantity:
return system_random.sample(addrs, quantity)
raise self.NotEnoughUrsulas('Selection failed after {} attempts'.format(attempts))