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# This is an example of Alice setting a Policy on the NuCypher network.
# In this example, Alice uses n=1, which is almost always a bad idea. Don't do it.
# WIP w/ hendrix@8227c4abcb37ee6d27528a13ec22d55ee106107f
import datetime
import sys
import requests
from nkms.characters import Alice, Bob, Ursula
from nkms.crypto.kits import MessageKit
from nkms.crypto.powers import SigningPower, EncryptingPower
from nkms.network.node import NetworkyStuff
from umbral import pre
ALICE = Alice()
BOB = Bob()
URSULA = Ursula.from_rest_url(address="http://localhost", port="3500")
class SandboxNetworkyStuff(NetworkyStuff):
def find_ursula(self, contract=None):
ursula = Ursula.as_discovered_on_network(dht_port=None, dht_interface=None,
rest_address="localhost", rest_port=3500,
SigningPower: URSULA.stamp.as_umbral_pubkey(),
EncryptingPower: URSULA.public_key(EncryptingPower)
response = requests.post("http://localhost:3500/consider_contract", bytes(contract))
response.was_accepted = True
return ursula, response
def enact_policy(self, ursula, hrac, payload):
response = requests.post('http://{}:{}/kFrag/{}'.format(ursula.rest_address, ursula.rest_port, hrac.hex()),
# TODO: Something useful here and it's probably ready to go down into NetworkyStuff.
return response.status_code == 200
networky_stuff = SandboxNetworkyStuff()
policy_end_datetime = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=5)
n = 1
uri = b"secret/files/and/stuff"
# Alice gets on the network and discovers Ursula, presumably from the blockchain.
ALICE.learn_about_nodes(address="http://localhost", port="3500")
# Alice grants to Bob.
policy = ALICE.grant(BOB, uri, networky_stuff, m=1, n=n,
policy.publish_treasure_map(networky_stuff, use_dht=False)
hrac, treasure_map = policy.hrac(), policy.treasure_map
# Bob learns about Ursula, gets the TreasureMap, and follows it.
BOB.learn_about_nodes(address="http://localhost", port="3500")
networky_stuff = NetworkyStuff()
BOB.get_treasure_map(policy, networky_stuff)
# Now, Alice and Bob are ready for some throughput.
finnegans_wake = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
for counter, plaintext in enumerate(finnegans_wake):
if counter % 20 == 0:
now_time = datetime.datetime.now()
time_delta = now_time - start_time
seconds = time_delta.total_seconds()
print("Performed {} PREs".format(counter))
print("Elapsed: {}".format(time_delta.total_seconds()))
print("PREs per second: {}".format(counter / seconds))
ciphertext, capsule = pre.encrypt(ALICE.public_key(EncryptingPower), plaintext)
message_kit = MessageKit(ciphertext=ciphertext, capsule=capsule,
work_orders = BOB.generate_work_orders(hrac, capsule)
cfrags = BOB.get_reencrypted_c_frags(networky_stuff, work_orders[bytes(URSULA.stamp)])
delivered_cleartext = pre.decrypt(capsule, BOB._crypto_power._power_ups[EncryptingPower].keypair._privkey, ciphertext, ALICE.public_key(EncryptingPower))
assert plaintext == delivered_cleartext
print("Retrieved: {}".format(delivered_cleartext))