mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
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200 lines
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from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Tuple, List
from nkms_eth.escrow import Escrow
from nkms_eth.miner import Miner
from nkms_eth.token import NuCypherKMSToken
class PolicyArrangement:
def __init__(self, author: 'PolicyAuthor', miner: 'Miner', value: int=None,
periods: int=None, rate: int=None, arrangement_id: bytes=None):
if arrangement_id is None:
self.id = self.__class__._generate_arrangement_id() # TODO: Generate policy ID
# The relationship between two addresses
self.author = author
self.policy_manager = author.policy_manager
self.miner = miner
# Arrangement value, rate, and duration
if (value and periods) and (not rate):
rate = value // periods
self._rate = rate
self.value = value
self.periods = periods # TODO: datetime -> duration in blocks
self.is_published = False
self._elapsed_periods = None
self.publish_transaction = None # TX hashes set when published to network
self.revoke_transaction = None
def _generate_arrangement_id(policy_hrac: bytes) -> bytes:
pass # TODO
def __repr__(self):
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
r = "{}(client={}, node={})"
r = r.format(class_name, self.author, self.miner)
return r
def publish(self, gas_price: int) -> str:
payload = {'from': self.author.address,
'value': self.value,
'gas_price': gas_price}
txhash = self.policy_manager.transact(payload).createPolicy(self.id,
self.publish_transaction = txhash
self.is_published = True
return txhash
def __update_periods(self) -> None:
blockchain_record = self.policy_manager.fetch_arrangement_data(self.id)
client, delegate, rate, *periods = blockchain_record
self._elapsed_periods = periods
def revoke(self, gas_price: int) -> str:
"""Revoke this arrangement and return the transaction hash as hex."""
txhash = self.policy_manager.revoke_arrangement(self.id, author=self.author, gas_price=gas_price)
self.revoke_transaction = txhash
return txhash
class PolicyManager:
__contract_name = 'PolicyManager'
class ContractDeploymentError(Exception):
def __init__(self, escrow: Escrow):
self.escrow = escrow
self.token = escrow.token
self.blockchain = self.token.blockchain
self.armed = False
self._contract = None
def is_deployed(self):
return bool(self._contract is not None)
def arm(self) -> None:
self.armed = True
def deploy(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
if self.armed is False:
raise PolicyManager.ContractDeploymentError('PolicyManager contract not armed')
if self.is_deployed is True:
raise PolicyManager.ContractDeploymentError('PolicyManager contract already deployed')
if self.escrow._contract is None:
raise Escrow.ContractDeploymentError('Escrow contract must be deployed before')
if self.token.contract is None:
raise NuCypherKMSToken.ContractDeploymentError('Token contract must be deployed before')
# Creator deploys the policy manager
the_policy_manager_contract, deploy_txhash = self.blockchain._chain.provider.deploy_contract(
deploy_transaction={'from': self.token.creator})
self._contract = the_policy_manager_contract
set_txhash = self.escrow.transact({'from': self.token.creator}).setPolicyManager(the_policy_manager_contract.address)
return deploy_txhash, set_txhash
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._contract.call()
def get(cls, escrow: Escrow) -> 'PolicyManager':
contract = escrow.blockchain._chain.provider.get_contract(cls.__contract_name)
instance = cls(escrow)
instance._contract = contract
return instance
def transact(self, *args):
"""Transmit a network transaction."""
return self._contract.transact(*args)
def fetch_arrangement_data(self, arrangement_id: bytes) -> list:
blockchain_record = self.__call__().policies(arrangement_id)
return blockchain_record
def revoke_arrangement(self, arrangement_id: bytes, author: 'PolicyAuthor', gas_price: int):
Revoke by arrangement ID.
Only the policy author can revoke the policy
txhash = self.transact({'from': author.address, 'gas_price': gas_price}).revokePolicy(arrangement_id)
return txhash
class PolicyAuthor:
def __init__(self, address: bytes, policy_manager: PolicyManager):
if policy_manager.is_deployed is False:
raise PolicyManager.ContractDeploymentError('PolicyManager contract not deployed.')
self.policy_manager = policy_manager
if isinstance(address, bytes):
address = address.hex()
self.address = address
self._arrangements = OrderedDict() # Track authored policies by id
def make_arrangement(self, miner: Miner, periods: int, rate: int, arrangement_id: bytes=None) -> PolicyArrangement:
Create a new arrangement to carry out a blockchain policy for the specified rate and time.
value = rate * periods
arrangement = PolicyArrangement(author=self,
self._arrangements[arrangement.id] = {arrangement_id: arrangement}
return arrangement
def get_arrangement(self, arrangement_id: bytes) -> PolicyArrangement:
"""Fetch a published arrangement from the blockchain"""
blockchain_record = self.policy_manager().policies(arrangement_id)
author_address, miner_address, rate, *periods = blockchain_record
miner = Miner.from_address(miner_address)
arrangement = PolicyArrangement(author=self, miner=miner, rate=rate)
arrangement._elapsed_periods = periods
arrangement.is_published = True
return arrangement
def revoke_arrangement(self, arrangement_id):
"""Lookup the arrangement in the cache and revoke it on the blockchain"""
arrangement = self._arrangements[arrangement_id]
except KeyError:
raise Exception('No such arrangement')
txhash = arrangement.revoke()
return txhash
def select_miners(self, quantity: int) -> List[str]:
miner_addresses = self.policy_manager.escrow.sample(quantity=quantity)
return miner_addresses
def balance(self):
return self.policy_manager.token().balanceOf(self.address)