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389 lines
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import asyncio
import binascii
import msgpack
from nkms.characters import Alice, Bob, Ursula
from nkms.crypto import api
from nkms.crypto.api import keccak_digest
from nkms.crypto.constants import NOT_SIGNED
from nkms.crypto.fragments import KFrag, PFrag
from nkms.crypto.powers import EncryptingPower
from nkms.crypto.signature import Signature
from nkms.crypto.utils import BytestringSplitter
from nkms.keystore.keypairs import PublicKey
from npre.constants import UNKNOWN_KFRAG
group_payload_splitter = BytestringSplitter(PublicKey)
policy_payload_splitter = BytestringSplitter(KFrag)
class Contract(object):
A Policy must be implemented by agreement with n Ursulas. This class tracks the status of that implementation.
def __init__(self, alice, hrac, expiration, deposit=None, ursula=None, kfrag=UNKNOWN_KFRAG, alices_signature=None,
:param deposit: Funds which will pay for the timeframe of this Contract (not the actual re-encryptions);
a portion will be locked for each Ursula that accepts.
:param expiration: The moment which Alice wants the Contract to end.
self.hrac = hrac
self.alice = alice
self.expiration = expiration
self.deposit = deposit
self.ursula = ursula
self.kfrag = kfrag
self.encrypted_challenge_pack = encrypted_challenge_pack
def activate(self, kfrag, ursula, negotiation_result):
self.kfrag = kfrag
self.ursula = ursula
self.negotiation_result = negotiation_result
def encrypt_payload_for_ursula(self):
Craft an offer to send to Ursula.
return self.alice.encrypt_for(self.ursula, self.payload())[0] # We don't need the signature separately.
def payload(self):
# TODO: Ship the expiration again? Or some other way of alerting Ursula to recall her previous dialogue regarding this Contract.
return bytes(self.kfrag) + b"This might be a ChallengePack" # TODO: come to a decision re: #146
def add_details_from_rest_payload(self, group_payload, ursula):
alice_pubkey_sig, payload_encrypted_for_ursula = group_payload_splitter(group_payload,
alice = Alice.from_pubkey_sig_bytes(alice_pubkey_sig)
verified, cleartext = ursula.verify_from(alice, payload_encrypted_for_ursula,
decrypt=True, signature_is_on_cleartext=True)
if not verified:
# TODO: What do we do if it's not signed properly?
alices_signature, policy_payload = BytestringSplitter(Signature)(cleartext, return_remainder=True)
kfrag, encrypted_challenge_pack = policy_payload_splitter(policy_payload, return_remainder=True)
# TODO: Query stored Contract and reconstitute
self.alice = alice
self.alices_signature = alices_signature
self.kfrag = kfrag
self.encrypted_challenge_pack = encrypted_challenge_pack
class PolicyOfferResponse(object):
class PolicyManager(object):
class PolicyManagerForAlice(PolicyManager):
def __init__(self, owner: Alice) -> None:
self.owner = owner
def create_policy_group(self,
bob: Bob,
uri: bytes,
m: int,
n: int,
Alice dictates a new group of policies.
##### Temporary until we decide on an API for private key access
alice_priv_enc = self.owner._crypto_power._power_ups[EncryptingPower].priv_key
kfrags, pfrag = self.owner.generate_rekey_frags(alice_priv_enc, bob, m,
n) # TODO: Access Alice's private key inside this method.
policy = Policy.from_alice(
return policy
class PolicyGroup(object):
The terms and conditions by which Alice shares with Bob.
_id = None
def __init__(self, uri: bytes, alice: Alice, bob: Bob, policies=None) -> None:
self.policies = policies or []
self.alice = alice
self.bob = bob
self.uri = uri
def hash(message):
return keccak_digest(message)
# TODO: This is a stand-in; remove it.
def pfrag(self):
return self.policies[0].pfrag
def treasure_map_dht_key(self):
We need a key that Bob can glean from knowledge he already has *and* which Ursula can verify came from us.
Ursula will refuse to propagate this key if it she can't prove that our public key, which is included in it,
was used to sign the payload.
Our public key (which everybody knows) and the hrac above.
return self.hash(bytes(self.alice.seal) + self.hrac())
def id(self):
if not self._id:
self._id = api.keccak_digest(bytes(self.alice.seal), api.keccak_digest(self.uri))
return self._id
def publish_treasure_map(self):
encrypted_treasure_map, signature_for_bob = self.alice.encrypt_for(self.bob,
signature_for_ursula = self.alice.seal(self.hrac()) # TODO: Great use-case for Ciphertext class
# In order to know this is safe to propagate, Ursula needs to see a signature, our public key,
# and, reasons explained in treasure_map_dht_key above, the uri_hash.
dht_value = signature_for_ursula + self.alice.seal + self.hrac() + msgpack.dumps(
encrypted_treasure_map) # TODO: Ideally, this is a Ciphertext object instead of msgpack (see #112)
dht_key = self.treasure_map_dht_key()
setter = self.alice.server.set(dht_key, b"trmap" + dht_value)
event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
return encrypted_treasure_map, dht_value, signature_for_bob, signature_for_ursula
class Policy(object):
An individual agreement between Alice and Ursula. Together, all of the Policies by which
Ursula nodes which enter into an agreement regarding the same series of kFrags constitute
a PolicyGroup.
A Policy has a unique ID, which includes a fingerprint of Alice's public key so that
only she can set a policy with that ID. Ursula must verify this; otherwise a collision
attack is possible.
_ursula = None
hashed_part = None
def __init__(self, alice, bob=None, kfrags=(UNKNOWN_KFRAG,), pfrag=None, uri=None, alices_signature=NOT_SIGNED,
:param kfrag:
The kFrag obviously, but defaults to UNKNOWN_KFRAG in case the user wants to set it later.
:param deterministic_id_portion: Probably the fingerprint of Alice's public key.
Any part that Ursula can use to verify that Alice is the rightful setter of this ID.
If it's not included, the Policy ID will be completely random.
:param challenge_size: The number of challenges to create in the ChallengePack.
self.alice = alice
self.bob = bob
self.alices_signature = alices_signature
self.kfrags = kfrags
self.pfrag = pfrag
self.uri = uri
self.random_id_portion = api.secure_random(32) # TOOD: Where do we actually want this to live?
self.challenge_size = challenge_size
self.treasure_map = TreasureMap()
self.challenge_pack = []
self._active_contracts = {}
self._encrypted_challenge_pack = encrypted_challenge_pack
class MoreContractsThanKFrags(TypeError):
Raised when a Policy has been used to generate Contracts with Ursulas in sufficient number
such that we don't have enough KFrags to give to each Ursula.
def n(self):
return len(self.kfrags)
def ursula(self):
if not self._ursula:
raise Ursula.NotFound
return self._ursula
def ursula(self, ursula_object):
self._ursula = ursula_object
def from_alice(kfrags,
policy = Policy(alice, bob, kfrags, pfrag, uri)
return policy
def hrac(self):
A convenience method for generating an hrac for this instance.
return self.hrac_for(self.alice, self.bob, self.uri)
def hrac_for(alice, bob, uri):
The "hashed resource authentication code".
A hash of:
* Alice's public key
* Bob's public key
* the uri
Alice and Bob have all the information they need to construct this.
Ursula does not, so we share it with her.
return PolicyGroup.hash(bytes(alice.seal) + bytes(bob.seal) + uri)
def enact(self, networky_stuff):
for kfrag in self.kfrags:
contract = self._active_contracts[kfrag]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("This contract isn't marked as active. Can't enact it.")
policy_payload = contract.encrypt_payload_for_ursula()
full_payload = self.alice.seal + msgpack.dumps(policy_payload)
response = networky_stuff.enact_policy(contract.ursula,
full_payload) # TODO: Parse response for confirmation.
# Assuming response is what we hope for
def encrypted_challenge_pack(self):
if not self._encrypted_challenge_pack:
if not self.bob:
raise TypeError("This Policy doesn't have a Bob, so there's no way to encrypt a ChallengePack for Bob.")
self._encrypted_challenge_pack = self.alice.encrypt_for(self.bob, msgpack.dumps(self.challenge_pack))
return self._encrypted_challenge_pack
def draw_up_contract(self, deposit, expiration):
return Contract(self.alice, self.hrac(), deposit, expiration)
def find_ursulas(self, networky_stuff, deposit, expiration, num_ursulas=None):
# TODO: This is a number mismatch - we need not one contract, but n contracts.
:param networky_stuff: A compliant interface (maybe a Client instance) to be used to engage the DHT swarm.
if num_ursulas is None:
num_ursulas = self.n
found_ursulas = []
while len(found_ursulas) < num_ursulas:
contract = self.draw_up_contract(deposit, expiration)
ursula, result = networky_stuff.find_ursula(contract)
found_ursulas.append((ursula, contract, result))
except networky_stuff.NotEnoughQualifiedUrsulas:
pass # TODO: Tell Alice to either wait or lower the value of num_ursulas.
return found_ursulas
def assign_kfrag_to_contract(self, contract):
for kfrag in self.kfrags:
if not kfrag in self._active_contracts:
contract.kfrag = kfrag
self._active_contracts[kfrag] = contract
return kfrag
if not contract.kfrag:
raise self.MoreContractsThanKFrags # TODO: Perhaps in a future version, we consider allowing Alice to assign *the same* KFrag to multiple Ursulas?
class TreasureMap(object):
def __init__(self, ursula_interface_ids=None):
self.ids = ursula_interface_ids or []
def packed_payload(self):
return msgpack.dumps(self.ids)
def add_ursula(self, ursula):
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.ids == other.ids
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.ids)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.ids)
class WorkOrder(object):
def __init__(self, bob, kfrag_hrac, pfrags, receipt_bytes, receipt_signature, ursula_id=None):
self.bob = bob
self.kfrag_hrac = kfrag_hrac
self.pfrags = pfrags
self.receipt_bytes = receipt_bytes
self.receipt_signature = receipt_signature
self.ursula_id = ursula_id # TODO: We may still need a more elegant system for ID'ing Ursula. See #136.
def __repr__(self):
return "WorkOrder (pfrags: {}) {} for {}".format([binascii.hexlify(bytes(p))[:6] for p in self.pfrags],
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.receipt_bytes, self.receipt_signature) == (other.receipt_bytes, other.receipt_signature)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.pfrags)
def constructed_by_bob(cls, kfrag_hrac, pfrags, ursula_dht_key, bob):
receipt_bytes = b"wo:" + ursula_dht_key # TODO: represent the pfrags as bytes and hash them as part of the receipt, ie + keccak_digest(b"".join(pfrags)) - See #137
receipt_signature = bob.seal(receipt_bytes)
return cls(bob, kfrag_hrac, pfrags, receipt_bytes, receipt_signature, ursula_dht_key)
def from_rest_payload(cls, kfrag_hrac, rest_payload):
payload_splitter = BytestringSplitter(Signature, PublicKey)
signature, bob_pubkey_sig, (receipt_bytes, packed_pfrags) = payload_splitter(rest_payload,
pfrags = [PFrag(p) for p in msgpack.loads(packed_pfrags)]
verified = signature.verify(receipt_bytes, bob_pubkey_sig)
if not verified:
raise ValueError("This doesn't appear to be from Bob.")
bob = Bob.from_pubkey_sig_bytes(bob_pubkey_sig)
return cls(bob, kfrag_hrac, pfrags, receipt_bytes, signature)
def payload(self):
pfrags_as_bytes = [bytes(p) for p in self.pfrags]
packed_receipt_and_pfrags = msgpack.dumps((self.receipt_bytes, msgpack.dumps(pfrags_as_bytes)))
return bytes(self.receipt_signature) + self.bob.seal + packed_receipt_and_pfrags
def complete(self, cfrags):
# TODO: Verify that this is in fact complete - right of CFrags and properly signed.
# TODO: Mark it complete with datetime.