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import eth_utils
import pytest
from constant_sorrow import constants
from nucypher.characters.lawful import Alice, Character, Bob
from nucypher.crypto import api
from nucypher.crypto.powers import CryptoPower, SigningPower, NoSigningPower, \
BlockchainPower, PowerUpError
Chapter 1: SIGNING
def test_actor_without_signing_power_cannot_sign():
We can create a Character with no real CryptoPower to speak of.
This Character can't even sign a message.
cannot_sign = CryptoPower(power_ups=[])
non_signer = Character(crypto_power=cannot_sign,
# The non-signer's stamp doesn't work for signing...
with pytest.raises(NoSigningPower) as e_info:
# ...or as a way to cast the (non-existent) public key to bytes.
with pytest.raises(NoSigningPower) as e_info:
def test_actor_with_signing_power_can_sign():
However, simply giving that character a PowerUp bestows the power to sign.
Instead of having a Character verify the signature, we'll use the lower level API.
message = b"Llamas."
signer = Character(crypto_power_ups=[SigningPower], is_me=True,
always_be_learning=False, federated_only=True)
stamp_of_the_signer = signer.stamp
# We can use the signer's stamp to sign a message (since the signer is_me)...
signature = stamp_of_the_signer(message)
# ...or to get the signer's public key for verification purposes.
# (note: we use the private _der_encoded_bytes here to test directly against the API, instead of Character)
verification = api.ecdsa_verify(message, signature._der_encoded_bytes(),
assert verification is True
def test_anybody_can_verify():
In the last example, we used the lower-level Crypto API to verify the signature.
Here, we show that anybody can do it without needing to directly access Crypto.
# Alice can sign by default, by dint of her _default_crypto_powerups.
alice = Alice(federated_only=True, always_be_learning=False)
# So, our story is fairly simple: an everyman meets Alice.
somebody = Character(always_be_learning=False, federated_only=True)
# Alice signs a message.
message = b"A message for all my friends who can only verify and not sign."
signature = alice.stamp(message)
# Our everyman can verify it.
cleartext = somebody.verify_from(alice, message, signature, decrypt=False)
assert cleartext is constants.NO_DECRYPTION_PERFORMED
def test_character_blockchain_power(testerchain):
# TODO: Handle multiple providers
eth_address = testerchain.interface.w3.eth.accounts[0]
sig_privkey = testerchain.interface.providers[0].ethereum_tester.backend._key_lookup[eth_utils.to_canonical_address(eth_address)]
sig_pubkey = sig_privkey.public_key
signer = Character(is_me=True, checksum_address=eth_address)
signer._crypto_power.consume_power_up(BlockchainPower(testerchain, eth_address))
# Due to testing backend, the account is already unlocked.
power = signer._crypto_power.power_ups(BlockchainPower)
power.is_unlocked = True
# power.unlock_account('this-is-not-a-secure-password')
data_to_sign = b'What does Ursula look like?!?'
sig = power.sign_message(data_to_sign)
is_verified = power.verify_message(eth_address, sig_pubkey.to_bytes(), data_to_sign, sig)
assert is_verified == True
# Test a bad message:
with pytest.raises(PowerUpError):
power.verify_message(eth_address, sig_pubkey.to_bytes(), data_to_sign + b'bad', sig)
# Test a bad address/pubkey pair
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Test a signature without unlocking the account
power.is_unlocked = False
with pytest.raises(PowerUpError):
# Test lockAccount call
del (power)
def test_anybody_can_encrypt():
Similar to anybody_can_verify() above; we show that anybody can encrypt.
someone = Character(always_be_learning=False, federated_only=True)
bob = Bob(is_me=False, federated_only=True)
cleartext = b"This is Officer Rod Farva. Come in, Ursula! Come in Ursula!"
ciphertext, signature = someone.encrypt_for(bob, cleartext, sign=False)
assert signature == constants.NOT_SIGNED
assert ciphertext is not None
def test_node_deployer(ursulas):
for ursula in ursulas:
deployer = ursula.get_deployer()
assert deployer.options['https_port'] == ursula.rest_information()[0].port
assert deployer.application == ursula.rest_app
What follows are various combinations of signing and encrypting, to match
real-world scenarios.
def test_sign_cleartext_and_encrypt(alice, bob):
Exhibit One: Alice signs the cleartext and encrypts her signature inside
the ciphertext.
message = b"Have you accepted my answer on StackOverflow yet?"
message_kit, _signature = alice.encrypt_for(bob, message,
# Notice that our function still returns the signature here, in case Alice
# wants to do something else with it, such as post it publicly for later
# public verifiability.
# However, we can expressly refrain from passing the Signature, and the
# verification still works:
cleartext = bob.verify_from(alice, message_kit, signature=None,
assert cleartext == message
def test_encrypt_and_sign_the_ciphertext(alice, bob):
Now, Alice encrypts first and then signs the ciphertext, providing a
Signature that is completely separate from the message.
This is useful in a scenario in which Bob needs to prove authenticity
publicly without disclosing contents.
message = b"We have a reaaall problem."
message_kit, signature = alice.encrypt_for(bob, message,
cleartext = bob.verify_from(alice, message_kit, signature, decrypt=True)
assert cleartext == message
def test_encrypt_and_sign_including_signature_in_both_places(alice, bob):
Same as above, but showing that we can include the signature in both
the plaintext (to be found upon decryption) and also passed into
verify_from() (eg, gleaned over a side-channel).
message = b"We have a reaaall problem."
message_kit, signature = alice.encrypt_for(bob, message,
cleartext = bob.verify_from(alice, message_kit, signature,
assert cleartext == message
def test_encrypt_but_do_not_sign(alice, bob):
Finally, Alice encrypts but declines to sign.
This is useful in a scenario in which Alice wishes to plausibly disavow
having created this content.
# TODO: How do we accurately demonstrate this test safely, if at all?
message = b"If Bonnie comes home and finds an unencrypted private key in her keystore, I'm gonna get divorced."
# Alice might also want to encrypt a message but *not* sign it, in order
# to refrain from creating evidence that can prove she was the
# original sender.
message_kit, not_signature = alice.encrypt_for(bob, message, sign=False)
# The message is not signed...
assert not_signature == constants.NOT_SIGNED
# ...and thus, the message is not verified.
with pytest.raises(Character.InvalidSignature):
bob.verify_from(alice, message_kit, decrypt=True)