
340 lines
13 KiB

import datetime
import json
import os
import shutil
from base64 import b64decode
from collections import namedtuple
import maya
import pytest
import pytest_twisted as pt
from twisted.internet import threads
from web3 import Web3
from nucypher.cli.main import nucypher_cli
from nucypher.config.characters import AliceConfiguration, BobConfiguration
from nucypher.crypto.kits import UmbralMessageKit
from nucypher.utilities.sandbox.constants import INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD, TEMPORARY_DOMAIN, TEST_PROVIDER_URI
from nucypher.utilities.sandbox.ursula import start_pytest_ursula_services
PLAINTEXT = "I'm bereaved, not a sap!"
class MockSideChannel:
PolicyAndLabel = namedtuple('PolicyAndLabel', ['encrypting_key', 'label'])
BobPublicKeys = namedtuple('BobPublicKeys', ['bob_encrypting_key', 'bob_verifying_key'])
class NoMessageKits(Exception):
class NoPolicies(Exception):
def __init__(self):
self.__message_kits = []
self.__policies = []
self.__alice_public_keys = []
self.__bob_public_keys = []
def save_message_kit(self, message_kit: str) -> None:
def fetch_message_kit(self) -> UmbralMessageKit:
if self.__message_kits:
message_kit = self.__message_kits.pop()
return message_kit
raise self.NoMessageKits
def save_policy(self, policy: PolicyAndLabel):
def fetch_policy(self) -> PolicyAndLabel:
if self.__policies:
policy = self.__policies[0]
return policy
raise self.NoPolicies
def save_alice_pubkey(self, public_key):
def fetch_alice_pubkey(self):
policy = self.__alice_public_keys.pop()
return policy
def save_bob_public_keys(self, public_keys: BobPublicKeys):
def fetch_bob_public_keys(self) -> BobPublicKeys:
policy = self.__bob_public_keys.pop()
return policy
@pytest.mark.parametrize('federated', (True, False))
def test_cli_lifecycle(click_runner,
This is an end to end integration test that runs each cli call
in it's own process using only CLI character control entry points,
and a mock side channel that runs in the control process
# Boring Setup Stuff
alice_config_root = custom_filepath
bob_config_root = custom_filepath_2
# A side channel exists - Perhaps a dApp
side_channel = MockSideChannel()
shutil.rmtree(custom_filepath, ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree(custom_filepath_2, ignore_errors=True)
Scene 1: Alice Installs nucypher to a custom filepath and examines her configuration
# Alice performs an installation for the first time
alice_init_args = ('alice', 'init',
'--network', TEMPORARY_DOMAIN,
'--config-root', alice_config_root)
if federated:
alice_init_args += ('--federated-only', )
alice_init_args += ('--provider-uri', TEST_PROVIDER_URI,
'--pay-with', testerchain.alice_account)
alice_init_response = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, alice_init_args, catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
assert alice_init_response.exit_code == 0
# Alice uses her configuration file to run the character "view" command
alice_configuration_file_location = os.path.join(alice_config_root, AliceConfiguration.generate_filename())
alice_view_args = ('--json-ipc',
'alice', 'public-keys',
'--config-file', alice_configuration_file_location)
alice_view_result = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, alice_view_args, catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
assert alice_view_result.exit_code == 0
alice_view_response = json.loads(alice_view_result.output)
# Alice expresses her desire to participate in data sharing with nucypher
# by saving her public key somewhere Bob and Enrico can find it.
Scene 2: Bob installs nucypher, examines his configuration and expresses his
interest to participate in data retrieval by posting his public keys somewhere public (side-channel).
bob_init_args = ('bob', 'init',
'--network', TEMPORARY_DOMAIN,
'--config-root', bob_config_root)
if federated:
bob_init_args += ('--federated-only', )
bob_init_args += ('--provider-uri', TEST_PROVIDER_URI,
'--pay-with', testerchain.bob_account)
bob_init_response = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, bob_init_args, catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
assert bob_init_response.exit_code == 0
# Alice uses her configuration file to run the character "view" command
bob_configuration_file_location = os.path.join(bob_config_root, BobConfiguration.generate_filename())
bob_view_args = ('--json-ipc',
'bob', 'public-keys',
'--config-file', bob_configuration_file_location)
bob_view_result = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, bob_view_args, catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
assert bob_view_result.exit_code == 0
bob_view_response = json.loads(bob_view_result.output)
# Bob interacts with the sidechannel
bob_public_keys = MockSideChannel.BobPublicKeys(bob_view_response['result']['bob_encrypting_key'],
Scene 3: Alice derives a policy keypair, and saves it's public key to a sidechannel.
random_label = random_policy_label.decode() # Unicode string
derive_args = ('--mock-networking',
'alice', 'derive-policy-pubkey',
'--config-file', alice_configuration_file_location,
'--label', random_label)
derive_response = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, derive_args, catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
assert derive_response.exit_code == 0
derive_response = json.loads(derive_response.output)
assert derive_response['result']['label'] == random_label
# Alice and the sidechannel: at Tinagre
policy = MockSideChannel.PolicyAndLabel(encrypting_key=derive_response['result']['policy_encrypting_key'],
Scene 4: Enrico encrypts some data for some policy public key and saves it to a side channel.
def enrico_encrypts():
# Fetch!
policy = side_channel.fetch_policy()
enrico_args = ('--json-ipc',
'--policy-encrypting-key', policy.encrypting_key,
'--message', PLAINTEXT)
encrypt_result = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, enrico_args, catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
assert encrypt_result.exit_code == 0
encrypt_result = json.loads(encrypt_result.output)
encrypted_message = encrypt_result['result']['message_kit'] # type: str
return encrypt_result
def _alice_decrypts(encrypt_result):
alice forgot what exactly she encrypted for bob.
she decrypts it just to make sure.
policy = side_channel.fetch_policy()
alice_signing_key = side_channel.fetch_alice_pubkey()
message_kit = encrypt_result['result']['message_kit']
decrypt_args = (
'alice', 'decrypt',
'--config-file', alice_configuration_file_location,
'--message-kit', message_kit,
'--label', policy.label,
if federated:
decrypt_args += ('--federated-only',)
decrypt_response_fail = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, decrypt_args[0:7], catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
assert decrypt_response_fail.exit_code == 2
decrypt_response = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, decrypt_args, catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
decrypt_result = json.loads(decrypt_response.output)
for cleartext in decrypt_result['result']['cleartexts']:
assert b64decode(cleartext.encode()).decode() == PLAINTEXT
# replenish the side channel
return encrypt_result
Scene 5: Alice grants access to Bob:
We catch up with Alice later on, but before she has learned about existing Ursulas...
if federated:
teacher = list(federated_ursulas)[0]
teacher = list(blockchain_ursulas)[1]
teacher_uri = teacher.seed_node_metadata(as_teacher_uri=True)
# Some Ursula is running somewhere
def _run_teacher(_encrypt_result):
return teacher_uri
def _grant(teacher_uri):
# Alice fetched Bob's public keys from the side channel
bob_keys = side_channel.fetch_bob_public_keys()
bob_encrypting_key = bob_keys.bob_encrypting_key
bob_verifying_key = bob_keys.bob_verifying_key
grant_args = ('--mock-networking',
'alice', 'grant',
'--network', TEMPORARY_DOMAIN,
'--teacher-uri', teacher_uri,
'--config-file', alice_configuration_file_location,
'--m', 2,
'--n', 3,
'--value', Web3.toWei(1, 'ether'),
'--expiration', ( + datetime.timedelta(days=3)).iso8601(),
'--label', random_label,
'--bob-encrypting-key', bob_encrypting_key,
'--bob-verifying-key', bob_verifying_key)
if federated:
grant_args += ('--federated-only',)
grant_args += ('--provider-uri', TEST_PROVIDER_URI)
grant_result = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, grant_args, catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
assert grant_result.exit_code == 0
grant_result = json.loads(grant_result.output)
# TODO: Expand test to consider manual treasure map handing
# # Alice puts the Treasure Map somewhere Bob can get it.
# side_channel.save_treasure_map(treasure_map=grant_result['result']['treasure_map'])
return grant_result
def _bob_retrieves(_grant_result):
Scene 6: Bob retrieves encrypted data from the side channel and uses nucypher to re-encrypt it
# Bob interacts with a sidechannel
ciphertext_message_kit = side_channel.fetch_message_kit()
policy = side_channel.fetch_policy()
policy_encrypting_key, label = policy
alice_signing_key = side_channel.fetch_alice_pubkey()
retrieve_args = ('--mock-networking',
'bob', 'retrieve',
'--teacher-uri', teacher_uri,
'--config-file', bob_configuration_file_location,
'--message-kit', ciphertext_message_kit,
'--label', label,
'--policy-encrypting-key', policy_encrypting_key,
'--alice-verifying-key', alice_signing_key)
if federated:
retrieve_args += ('--federated-only',)
retrieve_response = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, retrieve_args, catch_exceptions=False, env=envvars)
assert retrieve_response.exit_code == 0
retrieve_response = json.loads(retrieve_response.output)
for cleartext in retrieve_response['result']['cleartexts']:
assert b64decode(cleartext.encode()).decode() == PLAINTEXT
# Run the Callbacks
d = threads.deferToThread(enrico_encrypts) # scene 4
d.addCallback(_alice_decrypts) # scene 5 (uncertainty)
d.addCallback(_run_teacher) # scene 6 (preamble)
d.addCallback(_grant) # scene 7
d.addCallback(_bob_retrieves) # scene 8
yield d