
223 lines
9.7 KiB

import pytest
from nucypher.crypto.powers import EncryptingPower
from umbral import pre
from umbral.fragments import KFrag, CapsuleFrag
from nucypher.crypto.constants import CFRAG_LENGTH_WITHOUT_PROOF
def test_bob_cannot_follow_the_treasure_map_in_isolation(enacted_policy, bob):
# Assume for the moment that Bob has already received a TreasureMap, perhaps via a side channel.
hrac, treasure_map = enacted_policy.hrac(), enacted_policy.treasure_map
bob.treasure_maps[hrac] = treasure_map
# Bob knows of no Ursulas.
assert len(bob.known_nodes) == 0
# He can't successfully follow the TreasureMap until he learns of a node to ask.
with pytest.raises(bob.NotEnoughUrsulas):
def test_bob_can_follow_treasure_map(enacted_policy, ursulas, bob, alice):
Similar to above, but this time, we'll show that if Bob can connect to a single node, he can
learn enough to follow the TreasureMap.
Also, we'll get the TreasureMap from the hrac alone (ie, not via a side channel).
hrac = enacted_policy.hrac()
# Bob knows of no Ursulas.
assert len(bob.known_nodes) == 0
# Now Bob will ask just a single Ursula to tell him of the nodes about which she's aware.
bob.network_bootstrap([("", ursulas[0].rest_port)])
# Success! This Ursula knew about all the nodes on the network!
assert len(bob.known_nodes) == len(ursulas)
# Now, Bob can get the TreasureMap all by himself, and doesn't need a side channel.
bob.get_treasure_map(alice.stamp, hrac)
newly_discovered, total_known = bob.follow_treasure_map(hrac)
# He finds that he didn't need to discover any new nodes...
assert len(newly_discovered) == 0
# ...because he already knew of all the Ursulas on the map.
assert total_known == len(enacted_policy.treasure_map)
def test_bob_can_follow_treasure_map_even_if_he_only_knows_of_one_node(enacted_policy, bob):
# Again, let's assume that he received the TreasureMap via a side channel.
hrac, treasure_map = enacted_policy.hrac(), enacted_policy.treasure_map
bob.treasure_maps[hrac] = treasure_map
# Now, let's create a scenario in which Bob knows of only one node.
k, v = bob.known_nodes.popitem()
bob.known_nodes = {k: v}
assert len(bob.known_nodes) == 1
# This time, when he follows the TreasureMap...
newly_discovered, total_known = bob.follow_treasure_map(hrac)
# The newly discovered nodes are all those in the TreasureMap except the one about which he already knew.
assert len(newly_discovered) == len(treasure_map) - 1
# ...and his total known now matches the length of the TreasureMap.
assert total_known == len(treasure_map)
def test_bob_can_issue_a_work_order_to_a_specific_ursula(enacted_policy, bob,
alice, ursulas, capsule_side_channel):
Now that Bob has his list of Ursulas, he can issue a WorkOrder to one. Upon receiving the WorkOrder, Ursula
saves it and responds by re-encrypting and giving Bob a cFrag.
This is a multipart test; it shows proper relations between the Characters Ursula and Bob and also proper
interchange between a KFrag, Capsule, and CFrag object in the context of REST-driven proxy re-encryption.
# We pick up our story with Bob already having followed the treasure map above, ie:
hrac, treasure_map = enacted_policy.hrac(), enacted_policy.treasure_map
bob.treasure_maps[hrac] = treasure_map
assert len(bob.known_nodes) == len(ursulas)
the_hrac = enacted_policy.hrac()
# Bob has no saved work orders yet, ever.
assert len(bob._saved_work_orders) == 0
# We'll test against just a single Ursula - here, we make a WorkOrder for just one.
# We can pass any number of capsules as args; here we pass just one.
work_orders = bob.generate_work_orders(the_hrac, capsule_side_channel[0].capsule, num_ursulas=1)
# Again: one Ursula, one work_order.
assert len(work_orders) == 1
# Bob saved the WorkOrder.
assert len(bob._saved_work_orders) == 1
# And the Ursula.
assert len(bob._saved_work_orders.ursulas) == 1
ursula_dht_key, work_order = list(work_orders.items())[0]
cfrags = bob.get_reencrypted_c_frags(work_order)
# We only gave one Capsule, so we only got one cFrag.
assert len(cfrags) == 1
the_cfrag = cfrags[0]
# Attach the CFrag to the Capsule.
capsule = capsule_side_channel[0].capsule
# Having received the cFrag, Bob also saved the WorkOrder as complete.
assert len(bob._saved_work_orders) == 1
# OK, so cool - Bob has his cFrag! Let's make sure everything went properly. First, we'll show that it is in fact
# the correct cFrag (ie, that Ursula performed reencryption properly).
for u in ursulas: # ...and to do that, we need to address the right ursula.
if u.rest_port == work_order.ursula.rest_port:
ursula = u
raise RuntimeError("Somehow we don't know about this Ursula. Major malfunction.")
kfrag_bytes = ursula.datastore.get_policy_arrangement(
the_kfrag = KFrag.from_bytes(kfrag_bytes)
the_correct_cfrag = pre.reencrypt(the_kfrag, capsule)
# The first CFRAG_LENGTH_WITHOUT_PROOF bytes (ie, the cfrag proper, not the proof material), are the same:
assert bytes(the_cfrag)[:CapsuleFrag.expected_bytes_length()] == bytes(the_correct_cfrag)[
:CapsuleFrag.expected_bytes_length()] # It's the correct cfrag!
assert the_correct_cfrag.verify_correctness(capsule)
# Now we'll show that Ursula saved the correct WorkOrder.
work_orders_from_bob = ursula.work_orders(bob=bob)
assert len(work_orders_from_bob) == 1
assert work_orders_from_bob[0] == work_order
def test_bob_remembers_that_he_has_cfrags_for_a_particular_capsule(enacted_policy, bob,
ursulas, capsule_side_channel):
# In our last episode, Bob made a WorkOrder for the capsule...
assert len(bob._saved_work_orders.by_capsule(capsule_side_channel[0].capsule)) == 1
# ...and he used it to obtain a CFrag from Ursula.
assert len(capsule_side_channel[0].capsule._attached_cfrags) == 1
# He can also get a dict of {Ursula:WorkOrder} by looking them up from the capsule.
workorders_by_capsule = bob._saved_work_orders.by_capsule(capsule_side_channel[0].capsule)
# Bob has just one WorkOrder from that one Ursula.
assert len(workorders_by_capsule) == 1
saved_work_order = list(workorders_by_capsule.values())[0]
# The rest of this test will show that if Bob generates another WorkOrder, it's for a *different* Ursula.
generated_work_orders = bob.generate_work_orders(enacted_policy.hrac(),
id_of_this_new_ursula, new_work_order = list(generated_work_orders.items())[0]
# This new Ursula isn't the same one to whom we've already issued a WorkOrder.
id_of_ursula_from_whom_we_already_have_a_cfrag = list(workorders_by_capsule.keys())[0]
assert id_of_ursula_from_whom_we_already_have_a_cfrag != id_of_this_new_ursula
# ...and, although this WorkOrder has the same capsules as the saved one...
assert new_work_order.capsules == saved_work_order.capsules
#'s not the same WorkOrder.
assert new_work_order != saved_work_order
# We can get a new CFrag, just like last time.
cfrags = bob.get_reencrypted_c_frags(new_work_order)
# Again: one Capsule, one cFrag.
assert len(cfrags) == 1
new_cfrag = cfrags[0]
# Attach the CFrag to the Capsule.
def test_bob_gathers_and_combines(enacted_policy, bob, alice, capsule_side_channel):
# The side channel is represented as a single MessageKit, which is all that Bob really needs.
the_message_kit, the_data_source = capsule_side_channel
# Bob has saved two WorkOrders so far.
assert len(bob._saved_work_orders) == 2
# ...but the policy requires us to collect more cfrags.
assert len(bob._saved_work_orders) < enacted_policy.treasure_map.m
# Bob can't decrypt yet with just two CFrags. He needs to gather at least m.
with pytest.raises(pre.GenericUmbralError):
bob.decrypt(the_message_kit, verifying_key=alice.stamp.as_umbral_pubkey())
number_left_to_collect = enacted_policy.treasure_map.m - len(bob._saved_work_orders)
new_work_orders = bob.generate_work_orders(enacted_policy.hrac(),
_id_of_yet_another_ursula, new_work_order = list(new_work_orders.items())[0]
cfrags = bob.get_reencrypted_c_frags(new_work_order)
# Now.
# At long last.
is_valid, cleartext = bob.verify_from(the_data_source, the_message_kit,
assert cleartext == b'Welcome to the flippering.'
assert is_valid