
139 lines
4.5 KiB

from decimal import InvalidOperation, Decimal
import pytest
from web3 import Web3
from nucypher.blockchain.economics import TokenEconomics
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.token import NU, Stake
from nucypher.utilities.sandbox.constants import INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD
def test_NU(token_economics):
# Starting Small
min_allowed_locked = NU(token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked, 'NuNit')
assert token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked == int(min_allowed_locked.to_nunits())
min_NU_locked = int(str(token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked)[0:-18])
expected = NU(min_NU_locked, 'NU')
assert min_allowed_locked == expected
# Starting Big
min_allowed_locked = NU(min_NU_locked, 'NU')
assert token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked == int(min_allowed_locked)
assert token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked == int(min_allowed_locked.to_nunits())
assert str(min_allowed_locked) == '15000 NU'
# Alternate construction
assert NU(1, 'NU') == NU('1.0', 'NU') == NU(1.0, 'NU')
# Arithmetic
# NUs
one_nu = NU(1, 'NU')
zero_nu = NU(0, 'NU')
one_hundred_nu = NU(100, 'NU')
two_hundred_nu = NU(200, 'NU')
three_hundred_nu = NU(300, 'NU')
# Nits
one_nu_wei = NU(1, 'NuNit')
three_nu_wei = NU(3, 'NuNit')
assert three_nu_wei.to_tokens() == Decimal('3E-18')
assert one_nu_wei.to_tokens() == Decimal('1E-18')
# Base Operations
assert one_hundred_nu < two_hundred_nu < three_hundred_nu
assert one_hundred_nu <= two_hundred_nu <= three_hundred_nu
assert three_hundred_nu > two_hundred_nu > one_hundred_nu
assert three_hundred_nu >= two_hundred_nu >= one_hundred_nu
assert (one_hundred_nu + two_hundred_nu) == three_hundred_nu
assert (three_hundred_nu - two_hundred_nu) == one_hundred_nu
difference = one_nu - one_nu_wei
assert not difference == zero_nu
actual = float(difference.to_tokens())
expected = 0.999999999999999999
assert actual == expected
# 3.14 NU is 3_140_000_000_000_000_000 NuNit
pi_nuweis = NU(3.14, 'NU')
assert NU('3.14', 'NU') == pi_nuweis.to_nunits() == NU(3_140_000_000_000_000_000, 'NuNit')
# Mixed type operations
difference = NU('3.14159265', 'NU') - NU(1.1, 'NU')
assert difference == NU('2.04159265', 'NU')
result = difference + one_nu_wei
assert result == NU(2041592650000000001, 'NuNit')
# Similar to stake read + metadata operations in Miner
collection = [one_hundred_nu, two_hundred_nu, three_hundred_nu]
assert sum(collection) == NU('600', 'NU') == NU(600, 'NU') == NU(600.0, 'NU') == NU(600e+18, 'NuNit')
# Fractional Inputs
# A decimal amount of NuNit (i.e., a fraction of a NuNit)
pi_nuweis = NU('3.14', 'NuNit')
assert pi_nuweis == three_nu_wei # Floor
# A decimal amount of NU, which amounts to NuNit with decimals
pi_nus = NU('3.14159265358979323846', 'NU')
assert pi_nus == NU(3141592653589793238, 'NuNit') # Floor
# Positive Infinity
with pytest.raises(NU.InvalidAmount):
_inf = NU(float('infinity'), 'NU')
# Negative Infinity
with pytest.raises(NU.InvalidAmount):
_neg_inf = NU(float('-infinity'), 'NU')
# Not a Number
with pytest.raises(InvalidOperation):
_nan = NU(float('NaN'), 'NU')
def test_stake(testerchain, three_agents):
class FakeUrsula:
token_agent, miner_agent, _policy_agent = three_agents
burner_wallet = Web3().eth.account.create(INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD)
checksum_public_address = burner_wallet.address
miner_agent = miner_agent
token_agent = token_agent
blockchain = testerchain
economics = TokenEconomics()
ursula = FakeUrsula()
stake = Stake(miner=ursula,
value=NU(100, 'NU'),
assert stake.value, 'NU' == NU(100, 'NU')
assert isinstance(stake.time_remaining(), int) # seconds
slang_remaining = stake.time_remaining(slang=True) # words
assert isinstance(slang_remaining, str)
def test_stake_integration(blockchain_ursulas):
staking_ursula = list(blockchain_ursulas)[1]
stakes = staking_ursula.stakes
assert stakes
stake = stakes[0]
blockchain_stakes = staking_ursula.miner_agent.get_all_stakes(miner_address=staking_ursula.checksum_public_address)
stake_info = (stake.start_period, stake.end_period, int(stake.value))
published_stake_info = list(blockchain_stakes)[0]
assert stake_info == published_stake_info == stake.to_stake_info()