mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
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400 lines
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import json
import os
from random import SystemRandom
from string import ascii_uppercase, digits
import pytest
from eth_utils import to_checksum_address
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.agents import (
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.interfaces import BlockchainInterface, BlockchainDeployerInterface
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.registry import AllocationRegistry
from nucypher.cli.deploy import deploy
from nucypher.utilities.sandbox.constants import (
def generate_insecure_secret() -> str:
insecure_secret = ''.join(SystemRandom().choice(ascii_uppercase + digits) for _ in range(16))
formatted_secret = insecure_secret + '\n'
return formatted_secret
INSECURE_SECRETS = {v: generate_insecure_secret() for v in range(1, PLANNED_UPGRADES+1)}
def test_nucypher_deploy_contracts(click_runner,
# Setup
# We start with a blockchain node, and nothing else...
if os.path.isfile(mock_primary_registry_filepath):
assert not os.path.isfile(mock_primary_registry_filepath)
# Main
command = ['contracts',
'--registry-outfile', mock_primary_registry_filepath,
'--provider', TEST_PROVIDER_URI,
user_input = '0\n' + 'Y\n' + (f'{INSECURE_SECRETS[1]}\n' * 8) + 'DEPLOY'
result = click_runner.invoke(deploy, command, input=user_input, catch_exceptions=False)
assert result.exit_code == 0
# Ensure there is a report on each contract
contract_names = tuple(a.registry_contract_name for a in EthereumContractAgent.__subclasses__())
for registry_name in contract_names:
assert registry_name in result.output
# Check that the primary contract registry was written
# and peek at some of the registered entries
assert os.path.isfile(mock_primary_registry_filepath)
with open(mock_primary_registry_filepath, 'r') as file:
# Ensure every contract's name was written to the file, somehow
raw_registry_data = file.read()
for registry_name in contract_names:
assert registry_name in raw_registry_data
# Ensure the Registry is JSON deserializable
registry_data = json.loads(raw_registry_data)
# and that is has the correct number of entries
assert len(registry_data) == 9
# Read several records
token_record, escrow_record, dispatcher_record, *other_records = registry_data
registered_name, registered_address, registered_abi = token_record
# Agency
token_agent = NucypherTokenAgent()
assert token_agent.contract_name == registered_name
assert token_agent.registry_contract_name == registered_name
assert token_agent.contract_address == registered_address
# Now show that we can use contract Agency and read from the blockchain
assert token_agent.get_balance() == 0
staking_agent = StakingEscrowAgent()
assert staking_agent.get_current_period()
# and at least the others can be instantiated
assert PolicyManagerAgent()
# This agent wasn't instantiated before, so we have to supply the blockchain
blockchain = staking_agent.blockchain
assert AdjudicatorAgent(blockchain=blockchain)
def test_transfer_tokens(click_runner, mock_primary_registry_filepath):
# Setup
# Simulate "Reconnection"
real_attach_provider = BlockchainDeployerInterface._attach_provider
cached_blockchain = BlockchainDeployerInterface.reconnect()
registry = cached_blockchain.registry
assert registry.filepath == mock_primary_registry_filepath
def attach_cached_provider(interface, *args, **kwargs):
cached_provider = cached_blockchain.provider
real_attach_provider(interface, provider=cached_provider)
BlockchainDeployerInterface._attach_provider = attach_cached_provider
# Let's transfer some NU to a random stranger
recipient_address = to_checksum_address(os.urandom(20))
token_agent = NucypherTokenAgent()
assert token_agent.get_balance(address=recipient_address) == 0
command = ['transfer',
'--recipient-address', recipient_address,
'--amount', 42,
'--registry-infile', mock_primary_registry_filepath,
'--provider', TEST_PROVIDER_URI,
user_input = '0\n' + 'Y\n' + 'Y\n'
result = click_runner.invoke(deploy, command, input=user_input, catch_exceptions=False)
assert result.exit_code == 0
# Check that the NU has arrived to the recipient
assert token_agent.get_balance(address=recipient_address) == 42
def test_upgrade_contracts(click_runner, mock_primary_registry_filepath):
# Setup
# Simulate "Reconnection"
real_attach_provider = BlockchainDeployerInterface._attach_provider
cached_blockchain = BlockchainDeployerInterface.reconnect()
registry = cached_blockchain.registry
assert registry.filepath == mock_primary_registry_filepath
def attach_cached_provider(interface, *args, **kwargs):
cached_provider = cached_blockchain.provider
real_attach_provider(interface, provider=cached_provider)
BlockchainDeployerInterface._attach_provider = attach_cached_provider
# Check the existing state of the registry before the meat and potatoes
expected_enrollments = 9
with open(mock_primary_registry_filepath, 'r') as file:
raw_registry_data = file.read()
registry_data = json.loads(raw_registry_data)
assert len(registry_data) == expected_enrollments
# Input Components
cli_action = 'upgrade'
base_command = ('--registry-infile', mock_primary_registry_filepath, '--provider', TEST_PROVIDER_URI, '--poa')
# Generate user inputs
yes = 'Y\n' # :-)
upgrade_inputs = dict()
for version, insecure_secret in INSECURE_SECRETS.items():
next_version = version + 1
old_secret = INSECURE_SECRETS[version]
new_secret = INSECURE_SECRETS[next_version]
except KeyError:
# addr-----secret----new deploy secret (2x for confirmation)
user_input = '0\n' + yes + old_secret + (new_secret * 2)
upgrade_inputs[next_version] = user_input
# Stage Upgrades
contracts_to_upgrade = ('StakingEscrow', # v1 -> v2
'PolicyManager', # v1 -> v2
'Adjudicator', # v1 -> v2
'UserEscrowProxy', # v1 -> v2
'StakingEscrow', # v2 -> v3
'StakingEscrow', # v3 -> v4
'Adjudicator', # v2 -> v3
'PolicyManager', # v2 -> v3
'UserEscrowProxy', # v2 -> v3
'UserEscrowProxy', # v3 -> v4
'PolicyManager', # v3 -> v4
'Adjudicator', # v3 -> v4
) # NOTE: Keep all versions the same in this test (all version 4, for example)
# Each contract starts at version 1
version_tracker = {name: 1 for name in contracts_to_upgrade}
# Upgrade Contracts
for contract_name in contracts_to_upgrade:
# Assemble CLI command
command = (cli_action, '--contract-name', contract_name, *base_command)
# Select upgrade interactive input scenario
current_version = version_tracker[contract_name]
new_version = current_version + 1
user_input = upgrade_inputs[new_version]
# Execute upgrade (Meat)
result = click_runner.invoke(deploy, command, input=user_input, catch_exceptions=False)
assert result.exit_code == 0 # TODO: Console painting
# Mutate the version tracking
version_tracker[contract_name] += 1
expected_enrollments += 1
# Verify the registry is updated (Potatoes)
with open(mock_primary_registry_filepath, 'r') as file:
# Read the registry file directly, bypassing its interfaces
raw_registry_data = file.read()
registry_data = json.loads(raw_registry_data)
assert len(registry_data) == expected_enrollments, f'Unexpected number of enrollments for {contract_name}'
# Check that there is more than one entry, since we've deployed a "version 2"
expected_contract_enrollments = current_version + 1
registered_names = [r[0] for r in registry_data]
contract_enrollments = registered_names.count(contract_name)
assert contract_enrollments > 1, f"New contract is not enrolled in {MOCK_REGISTRY_FILEPATH}"
error = f"Incorrect number of records enrolled for {contract_name}. " \
f"Expected {expected_contract_enrollments} got {contract_enrollments}."
assert contract_enrollments == expected_contract_enrollments, error
# Ensure deployments are different addresses
cached_blockchain = BlockchainDeployerInterface.reconnect()
records = cached_blockchain.registry.search(contract_name=contract_name)
assert len(records) == contract_enrollments, error
old, new = records[-2:] # Get the last two entries
old_name, old_address, *abi = old # Previous version
new_name, new_address, *abi = new # New version
assert old_name == new_name # TODO: Inspect ABI / Move to different test.
assert old_address != new_address
# Select proxy (Dispatcher vs Linker)
if contract_name == "UserEscrowProxy":
proxy_name = "UserEscrowLibraryLinker"
proxy_name = 'Dispatcher'
# Ensure the proxy targets the new deployment
proxy = cached_blockchain.get_proxy(target_address=new_address, proxy_name=proxy_name)
targeted_address = proxy.functions.target().call()
assert targeted_address != old_address
assert targeted_address == new_address
def test_rollback(click_runner, mock_primary_registry_filepath):
"""Roll 'em back!"""
# Simulate "Reconnection"
real_attach_provider = BlockchainDeployerInterface._attach_provider
cached_blockchain = BlockchainDeployerInterface.reconnect()
registry = cached_blockchain.registry
assert registry.filepath == mock_primary_registry_filepath
def attach_cached_provider(interface, *args, **kwargs):
cached_provider = cached_blockchain.provider
real_attach_provider(interface, provider=cached_provider)
BlockchainDeployerInterface._attach_provider = attach_cached_provider
# Input Components
yes = 'Y\n'
# Stage Rollbacks
rollback_secret = generate_insecure_secret()
user_input = '0\n' + yes + old_secret + rollback_secret + rollback_secret
contracts_to_rollback = ('StakingEscrow', # v4 -> v3
'PolicyManager', # v4 -> v3
'Adjudicator', # v4 -> v3
# Execute Rollbacks
for contract_name in contracts_to_rollback:
command = ('rollback',
'--contract-name', contract_name,
'--registry-infile', MOCK_REGISTRY_FILEPATH,
'--provider', TEST_PROVIDER_URI,
result = click_runner.invoke(deploy, command, input=user_input, catch_exceptions=False)
assert result.exit_code == 0
blockchain = BlockchainDeployerInterface.reconnect()
records = blockchain.registry.search(contract_name=contract_name)
assert len(records) == 4
*old_records, v3, v4 = records
current_target, rollback_target = v4, v3
_name, current_target_address, *abi = current_target
_name, rollback_target_address, *abi = rollback_target
assert current_target_address != rollback_target_address
# Ensure the proxy targets the rollback target (previous version)
with pytest.raises(BlockchainInterface.UnknownContract):
blockchain.get_proxy(target_address=current_target_address, proxy_name='Dispatcher')
proxy = blockchain.get_proxy(target_address=rollback_target_address, proxy_name='Dispatcher')
# Deeper - Ensure the proxy targets the old deployment on-chain
targeted_address = proxy.functions.target().call()
assert targeted_address != current_target
assert targeted_address == rollback_target_address
def test_nucypher_deploy_allocation_contracts(click_runner,
# Simulate "Reconnection"
real_attach_provider = BlockchainDeployerInterface._attach_provider
cached_blockchain = BlockchainDeployerInterface.reconnect()
registry = cached_blockchain.registry
assert registry.filepath == mock_primary_registry_filepath
def attach_cached_provider(interface, *args, **kwargs):
cached_provider = cached_blockchain.provider
real_attach_provider(interface, provider=cached_provider)
BlockchainDeployerInterface._attach_provider = attach_cached_provider
# Main
deploy_command = ('allocations',
'--registry-infile', MOCK_REGISTRY_FILEPATH,
'--allocation-infile', mock_allocation_infile.filepath,
'--provider', TEST_PROVIDER_URI,
account_index = '0\n'
yes = 'Y\n'
user_input = account_index + yes + yes
result = click_runner.invoke(deploy,
assert result.exit_code == 0
# ensure that a pre-allocation recipient has the allocated token quantity.
beneficiary = testerchain.client.accounts[-1]
allocation_registry = AllocationRegistry(registry_filepath=MOCK_ALLOCATION_REGISTRY_FILEPATH)
user_escrow_agent = UserEscrowAgent(blockchain=cached_blockchain,
assert user_escrow_agent.unvested_tokens == token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked
# Tear Down
# Destroy existing blockchain