mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
137 lines
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137 lines
4.7 KiB
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import pytest
from marshmallow import validates_schema
import maya
import datetime
from nucypher.characters.control.specifications.alice import CreatePolicy, GrantPolicy
from nucypher.characters.control.specifications.exceptions import (
InvalidInputData, InvalidArgumentCombo, SpecificationError)
from nucypher.characters.control.specifications import fields
from nucypher.characters.control.specifications.base import BaseSchema
from nucypher.crypto.powers import DecryptingPower
def test_various_field_validations_by_way_of_alice_grant(federated_bob):
""" test some semi-complex validation situations """
with pytest.raises(InvalidInputData):
bob_encrypting_key = federated_bob.public_keys(DecryptingPower)
data = {
'bob_encrypting_key': bytes(bob_encrypting_key).hex(),
'bob_verifying_key': bytes(federated_bob.stamp).hex(),
'm': 5,
'n': 6,
'expiration': (maya.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=3)).iso8601(),
'label': 'cats the animal',
'rate': 1000,
'value': 3000,
# validate data with both rate and value fails validation
with pytest.raises(InvalidArgumentCombo) as e:
# remove value and now it works
del data['value']
result = GrantPolicy().load(data)
assert result['label'] == b'cats the animal'
# validate that negative "m" value fails
data['m'] = -5
with pytest.raises(SpecificationError) as e:
# validate that m > n fails validation
data['m'] = data['n'] + 19
with pytest.raises(SpecificationError) as e:
def test_treasuremap_validation(enacted_federated_policy):
"""Tell people exactly what's wrong with their treasuremaps"""
class TreasureMapsOnly(BaseSchema):
tmap = fields.TreasureMap()
# this will raise a base64 error
with pytest.raises(SpecificationError) as e:
TreasureMapsOnly().load({'tmap': "your face looks like a treasure map"})
# assert that field name is in the error message
assert "Could not parse tmap" in str(e)
assert "Invalid base64-encoded string" in str(e)
# valid base64 but invalid treasuremap
with pytest.raises(SpecificationError) as e:
TreasureMapsOnly().load({'tmap': "VGhpcyBpcyB0b3RhbGx5IG5vdCBhIHRyZWFzdXJlbWFwLg=="})
assert "Could not parse tmap" in str(e)
assert "Can't split a message with more bytes than the original splittable" in str(e)
# a valid treasuremap for once...
tmap_bytes = bytes(enacted_federated_policy.treasure_map)
tmap_b64 = b64encode(tmap_bytes)
result = TreasureMapsOnly().load({'tmap': tmap_b64.decode()})
assert isinstance(result['tmap'], bytes)
def test_messagekit_validation(capsule_side_channel):
"""Ensure that our users know exactly what's wrong with their message kit input"""
class MessageKitsOnly(BaseSchema):
mkit = fields.UmbralMessageKit()
# this will raise a base64 error
with pytest.raises(SpecificationError) as e:
MessageKitsOnly().load({'mkit': "I got a message for you"})
# assert that field name is in the error message
assert "Could not parse mkit" in str(e)
assert "Incorrect padding" in str(e)
# valid base64 but invalid treasuremap
with pytest.raises(SpecificationError) as e:
MessageKitsOnly().load({'mkit': "V3da"})
assert "Could not parse mkit" in str(e)
assert "Can't split a message with more bytes than the original splittable." in str(e)
# test a valid messagekit
valid_kit = capsule_side_channel.messages[0][0]
kit_bytes = bytes(valid_kit)
kit_b64 = b64encode(kit_bytes)
result = MessageKitsOnly().load({'mkit': kit_b64.decode()})
assert isinstance(result['mkit'], bytes)
def test_key_validation(federated_bob):
class BobKeyInputRequirer(BaseSchema):
bobkey = fields.Key()
with pytest.raises(SpecificationError) as e:
BobKeyInputRequirer().load({'bobkey': "I am the key to nothing"})
assert "non-hexadecimal number found in fromhex()" in str(e)
assert "bobkey" in str(e)
with pytest.raises(SpecificationError) as e:
BobKeyInputRequirer().load({'bobkey': "I am the key to nothing"})
assert "non-hexadecimal number found in fromhex()" in str(e)
assert "bobkey" in str(e)
with pytest.raises(SpecificationError) as e:
# lets just take a couple bytes off
BobKeyInputRequirer().load({'bobkey': "02f0cb3f3a33f16255d9b2586e6c56570aa07bbeb1157e169f1fb114ffb40037"})
assert "Unknown OpenSSL error." in str(e)
result = BobKeyInputRequirer().load(dict(bobkey=bytes(federated_bob.public_keys(DecryptingPower)).hex()))
assert isinstance(result['bobkey'], bytes)