mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
174 lines
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174 lines
6.1 KiB
import random
from abc import ABC
from functools import partial
from typing import Set, Generator, List
from nkms_eth.deployers import MinerEscrowDeployer, NuCypherKMSTokenDeployer, PolicyManagerDeployer, ContractDeployer
class EthereumContractAgent(ABC):
_principal_contract_name = NotImplemented
class ContractNotDeployed(ContractDeployer.ContractDeploymentError):
def __init__(self, blockchain, *args, **kwargs):
self.blockchain = blockchain
self._contract = self.blockchain._chain.provider.get_contract(self._principal_contract_name)
def __repr__(self):
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
r = "{}(blockchain={}, contract={})"
return r.format(class_name, self.blockchain, self._contract)
def __eq__(self, other):
return bool(self.contract_address == other.contract_address)
def contract_address(self):
return self._contract.address
def contract_name(self) -> str:
return self._principal_contract_name
def origin(self) -> str:
return self.blockchain._chain.web3.eth.accounts[0] # TODO: make swappable
def read(self):
return self._contract.call()
def transact(self, payload: dict):
"""Packs kwargs into payload dictionary and transmits an eth contract transaction"""
return self._contract.transact(payload)
def get_balance(self, address: str=None) -> int:
"""Get the balance of a token address, or of this contract address"""
if address is None:
address = self.contract_address
return self.read().balanceOf(address)
class NuCypherKMSTokenAgent(EthereumContractAgent):
_deployer = NuCypherKMSTokenDeployer
_principal_contract_name = NuCypherKMSTokenDeployer._contract_name
def registrar(self):
"""Retrieve all known addresses for this contract"""
all_known_address = self.blockchain._chain.registrar.get_contract_address(self._principal_contract_name)
return all_known_address
class MinerAgent(EthereumContractAgent):
Wraps NuCypher's Escrow solidity smart contract, and manages a... PopulusContract?
In order to become a participant of the network,
a miner locks tokens by depositing to the Escrow contract address
for a duration measured in periods.
_deployer = MinerEscrowDeployer
_principal_contract_name = MinerEscrowDeployer._contract_name
class NotEnoughUrsulas(Exception):
def __init__(self, token_agent: NuCypherKMSTokenAgent):
super().__init__(blockchain=token_agent.blockchain) # TODO: public
self.token_agent = token_agent
self.miners = list() # Tracks per client
def get_miner_ids(self) -> Set[str]:
Fetch all miner IDs from the local cache and return them in a set
return {miner.get_id() for miner in self.miners}
def swarm(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
Returns an iterator of all miner addresses via cumulative sum, on-network.
Miner addresses will be returned in the order in which they were added to the MinersEscrow's ledger
# TODO - Partial;
info_reader = partial(self.read().getMinerInfo, self._deployer.MinerInfoField.MINERS_LENGTH.value, self._deployer._null_addr)
count = info_reader(0).encode('latin-1')
count = self.blockchain._chain.web3.toInt(count)
for index in range(count):
addr = info_reader(index).encode('latin-1')
yield self.blockchain._chain.web3.toChecksumAddress(addr)
def sample(self, quantity: int=10, additional_ursulas: float=1.7, attempts: int=5, duration: int=10) -> List[str]:
Select n random staking Ursulas, according to their stake distribution.
The returned addresses are shuffled, so one can request more than needed and
throw away those which do not respond.
| ^
| stopIndex
| _delta
| shift
| |----->|
See full diagram here: https://github.com/nucypher/kms-whitepaper/blob/master/pdf/miners-ruler.pdf
system_random = random.SystemRandom()
n_select = round(quantity*additional_ursulas) # Select more Ursulas
n_tokens = self.read().getAllLockedTokens()
if not n_tokens > 0:
raise self.NotEnoughUrsulas('There are no locked tokens.')
for _ in range(attempts):
points = [0] + sorted(system_random.randrange(n_tokens) for _ in range(n_select))
deltas = [i-j for i, j in zip(points[1:], points[:-1])]
addrs, addr, index, shift = set(), self._deployer._null_addr, 0, 0
for delta in deltas:
addr, index, shift = self.read().findCumSum(index, delta + shift, duration)
if len(addrs) >= quantity:
return system_random.sample(addrs, quantity)
raise self.NotEnoughUrsulas('Selection failed after {} attempts'.format(attempts))
class PolicyAgent(EthereumContractAgent):
_deployer = PolicyManagerDeployer
_principal_contract_name = PolicyManagerDeployer._contract_name
def __init__(self, miner_agent):
self.miner_agent = miner_agent
def fetch_arrangement_data(self, arrangement_id: bytes) -> list:
blockchain_record = self.read().policies(arrangement_id)
return blockchain_record
def revoke_arrangement(self, arrangement_id: bytes, author, gas_price: int):
Revoke by arrangement ID; Only the policy author can revoke the policy
txhash = self.transact({'from': author.address, 'gas_price': gas_price}).revokePolicy(arrangement_id)
return txhash