from io import StringIO from json.encoder import py_encode_basestring_ascii import pytest from twisted.logger import Logger as TwistedLogger, formatEvent, jsonFileLogObserver from nucypher.utilities.logging import Logger def naive_print_observer(event): print(formatEvent(event), end="") def get_json_observer_for_file(logfile): def json_observer(event): observer = jsonFileLogObserver(outFile=logfile) return observer(event) return json_observer def expected_processing(string_with_curly_braces): ascii_string = py_encode_basestring_ascii(string_with_curly_braces)[1:-1] expected_output = Logger.escape_format_string(ascii_string) return expected_output # Any string without curly braces won't have any problem ordinary_strings = ( "Because there's nothing worse in life than being ordinary.", "🍌 🍌 🍌 terracotta 🍌 🍌 🍌 terracotta terracotta 🥧", '"You can quote me on this"', f"Some bytes: {b''.join(chr(i).encode() for i in range(1024) if chr(i) not in '{}')}" ) # Strings that have curly braces but that appear in groups of even length are considered safe too, # as curly braces are escaped this way, according to PEP 3101. Twisted will eat these just fine, # but since they have curly braces, we will have to process them in our Logger. quirky_strings = ( "{{}}", "{{hola}}", "{{{{}}}}", "foo{{}}", ) # These are strings that are definitely going to cause trouble for Twisted Logger freaky_format_strings = ( # Including the expected exception and error message ("{", ValueError, "Single '{' encountered in format string"), ("}", ValueError, "Single '}' encountered in format string"), ("foo}", ValueError, "Single '}' encountered in format string"), ("bar{", ValueError, "Single '{' encountered in format string"), ("}{", ValueError, "Single '}' encountered in format string"), ("{{}", ValueError, "Single '}' encountered in format string"), ("}}{", ValueError, "Single '{' encountered in format string"), (f"{b'{'}", ValueError, "expected '}' before end of string"), (f"{b'}'}", ValueError, "Single '}' encountered in format string"), ("{}", KeyError, ""), ("{}{", KeyError, ""), ("{}}", KeyError, ""), ("{{{}}}", KeyError, ""), ("{{{{{}}}}}", KeyError, ""), ("{bananas}", KeyError, "bananas"), (str({'bananas': '🍌🍌🍌'}), KeyError, "bananas"), (f"Some bytes: {b''.join(chr(i).encode() for i in range(1024))}", KeyError, "|") ) # Embrace the quirky! acceptable_strings = (*ordinary_strings, *quirky_strings) def test_twisted_logger_doesnt_like_curly_braces(capsys): twisted_logger = TwistedLogger('twisted', observer=naive_print_observer) # Normal strings are logged normally for string in acceptable_strings: captured = capsys.readouterr() assert string.format() == captured.out assert not captured.err # But curly braces are not for string, _exception, exception_message in freaky_format_strings: captured = capsys.readouterr() assert string != captured.out assert "Unable to format event" in captured.out assert exception_message in captured.out def test_twisted_json_logger_doesnt_like_curly_braces_either(): twisted_logger = TwistedLogger('twisted-json') # Normal strings are logged normally for string in acceptable_strings: file = StringIO() = get_json_observer_for_file(file) logged_event = file.getvalue() assert '"log_level": {"name": "info"' in logged_event assert f'"log_format": "{expected_processing(string.format())}"' in logged_event # But curly braces are not for string, exception, exception_message in freaky_format_strings: file = StringIO() = get_json_observer_for_file(file) with pytest.raises(exception, match=exception_message): def test_but_nucypher_logger_is_cool_with_that(capsys): nucypher_logger = Logger('nucypher-logger', observer=naive_print_observer) # Normal strings are logged normally for string in acceptable_strings: captured = capsys.readouterr() assert string == captured.out assert not captured.err # And curly braces too! for string, _exception, _exception_message in freaky_format_strings: captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Unable to format event" not in captured.out assert not captured.err assert string == captured.out def test_even_nucypher_json_logger_is_cool(): nucypher_logger = Logger('nucypher-logger-json') # Normal strings are logged normally for string in acceptable_strings: file = StringIO() = get_json_observer_for_file(file) logged_event = file.getvalue() assert '"log_level": {"name": "info"' in logged_event assert f'"log_format": "{expected_processing(string)}"' in logged_event # And curly braces too! for string, _exception, _exception_message in freaky_format_strings: file = StringIO() = get_json_observer_for_file(file) logged_event = file.getvalue() assert '"log_level": {"name": "info"' in logged_event assert f'"log_format": "{expected_processing(string)}"' in logged_event