Glossary ======== .. _Umbral: .. glossary:: Alice *"The Data Owner"* :term:`Character` - retains full control over the data encrypted for her and determines whom to share the data with. Bob *"The Data Recipient"* :term:`Character` - the data recipient that :term:`Alice` intends to share data with. Capsule Encrypted symmetric key (:term:`KEM`) that is eventually re-encrypted. cFrag A fragment of ciphertext that is a partial re-encryption produced by a :term:`kFrag` operation on a :term:`Capsule`. Character A common term for any entity fulfilling a particular role in our cryptographic narrative. DEM Data encapsulation mechanism - data encrypted with a symmetric key. Enrico *"The Encryptor"* :term:`Character` - a data source that encrypts data on behalf of :term:`Alice` and produces a :term:`MessageKit`. KEM Key encapsulation mechanism - a symmetric key encrypted with an asymmetric key kFrag A fragment of a :term:`Re-encryption Key`. Label A title for a classification/categorization of data according to how it is intended to be shared. MessageKit The ciphertext (data encrypted with a symmetric key) and the :term:`Capsule` (encrypted symmetric key) that are stored together. NU The Legacy NuCypher token used by nodes for staking. NuNit 1 NU = 10\ :sup:`18` NuNits. PKE Public-key encryption. Porter A web service that is the conduit between applications (platform-agnostic) and the PRE nodes on the Threshold network, that performs ``nucypher`` protocol operations on behalf of Alice and Bob. PRE Proxy re-encryption. Re-encryption Key A key that facilitates the transformation of ciphertext from one encryption key to another. Stamp The public key for a :term:`Character`'s signing key pair. Treasure Map The locations of :term:`Ursulas` and associated encrypted :term:`kFrags` for a policy. :term:`Bob` will use the treasure map to determine which :term:`Ursulas` to contact to re-encrypt the data :term:`Alice` has shared with him. Umbral NuCypher's threshold proxy re-encryption scheme - it takes standard :term:`PRE` and increases security and performance. See Umbral_. Ursula *"The Proxy in PRE"* :term:`Character` - the PRE node on the Threshold Network that stands ready to re-encrypt data in exchange for payment in fees and token rewards; they enforce the access policy created by :term:`Alice`. Operator An account that is actively doing work in the network as an :term:`Ursula` node. An Operator is bonded to, and performs work on behalf of, a Staking Provider.