FROM nucypher/rust-python:3.9.9 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ENV PYTHONPATH /code # Update RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install patch gcc libffi-dev wget git -y # make an install directory RUN mkdir /install WORKDIR /install # copy only the exact files needed for install into the container COPY ./nucypher/ /install/nucypher/ COPY /install COPY /install COPY ./nucypher/blockchain/eth/sol/ /install/nucypher/blockchain/eth/sol/ COPY scripts/installation/ /install/scripts/installation/ COPY dev-requirements.txt /install COPY requirements.txt /install COPY docs-requirements.txt /install COPY dev/docker/scripts/install/ /install # install reqs and solc RUN pip install --upgrade pip RUN pip3 install .[dev] --src /usr/local/src RUN pip3 install ipdb # puts the nucypher executable in bin path RUN python3 /install/ develop # now install solc RUN python3 /install/scripts/installation/ # this gets called after volumes are mounted and so can modify the local disk CMD ["/install/"]