import json import os import shutil import msgpack import maya import traceback from timeit import default_timer as timer from twisted.logger import globalLogPublisher from nucypher.characters.lawful import Bob, Ursula, Enrico from nucypher.crypto.kits import UmbralMessageKit from nucypher.crypto.powers import DecryptingPower, SigningPower from nucypher.keystore.keypairs import DecryptingKeypair, SigningKeypair from import RestMiddleware from umbral.keys import UmbralPublicKey from nucypher.utilities.logging import SimpleObserver globalLogPublisher.addObserver(SimpleObserver()) ###################### # Boring setup stuff # ###################### SEEDNODE_URL = 'localhost:11501' # TODO: path joins? TEMP_DOCTOR_DIR = "{}/doctor-files".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Remove previous demo files and create new ones shutil.rmtree(TEMP_DOCTOR_DIR, ignore_errors=True) ursula = Ursula.from_seed_and_stake_info(seed_uri=SEEDNODE_URL, federated_only=True, minimum_stake=0) # To create a Bob, we need the doctor's private keys previously generated. from doctor_keys import get_doctor_privkeys doctor_keys = get_doctor_privkeys() bob_enc_keypair = DecryptingKeypair(private_key=doctor_keys["enc"]) bob_sig_keypair = SigningKeypair(private_key=doctor_keys["sig"]) enc_power = DecryptingPower(keypair=bob_enc_keypair) sig_power = SigningPower(keypair=bob_sig_keypair) power_ups = [enc_power, sig_power] print("Creating the Doctor ...") doctor = Bob( is_me=True, federated_only=True, crypto_power_ups=power_ups, start_learning_now=True, abort_on_learning_error=True, known_nodes=[ursula], save_metadata=False, network_middleware=RestMiddleware(), ) print("Doctor = ", doctor) # Let's join the policy generated by Alicia. We just need some info about it. with open("policy-metadata.json", 'r') as f: policy_data = json.load(f) policy_pubkey = UmbralPublicKey.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(policy_data["policy_pubkey"])) alices_sig_pubkey = UmbralPublicKey.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(policy_data["alice_sig_pubkey"])) label = policy_data["label"].encode() print("The Doctor joins policy for label '{}'".format(label.decode("utf-8"))) doctor.join_policy(label, alices_sig_pubkey) # Now that the Doctor joined the policy in the NuCypher network, # he can retrieve encrypted data which he can decrypt with his private key. # But first we need some encrypted data! # Let's read the file produced by the heart monitor and unpack the MessageKits, # which are the individual ciphertexts. data = msgpack.load(open("heart_data.msgpack", "rb"), raw=False) message_kits = (UmbralMessageKit.from_bytes(k) for k in data['kits']) # The doctor also needs to create a view of the Data Source from its public keys data_source = Enrico.from_public_keys( {SigningPower: data['data_source']}, policy_encrypting_key=policy_pubkey ) # Now he can ask the NuCypher network to get a re-encrypted version of each MessageKit. for message_kit in message_kits: try: start = timer() retrieved_plaintexts = doctor.retrieve( label=label, message_kit=message_kit, data_source=data_source, alice_verifying_key=alices_sig_pubkey ) end = timer() plaintext = msgpack.loads(retrieved_plaintexts[0], raw=False) # Now we can get the heart rate and the associated timestamp, # generated by the heart rate monitor. heart_rate = plaintext['heart_rate'] timestamp = maya.MayaDT(plaintext['timestamp']) # This code block simply pretty prints the heart rate info terminal_size = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns max_width = min(terminal_size, 120) columns = max_width - 12 - 27 scale = columns / 40 scaled_heart_rate = int(scale * (heart_rate - 60)) retrieval_time = "Retrieval time: {:8.2f} ms".format(1000 * (end - start)) line = ("-" * scaled_heart_rate) + "❤︎ ({} BPM)".format(heart_rate) line = line.ljust(max_width - 27, " ") + retrieval_time print(line) except Exception as e: # We just want to know what went wrong and continue the demo traceback.print_exc()