[[source]] url = "https://pypi.python.org/simple" verify_ssl = true name = "pypi" [requires] python_version = "3" [packages] # NuCypher constant-sorrow = ">=0.1.0a9" bytestring-splitter = ">=2.4.0" hendrix = ">=3.4" lmdb = "*" nucypher-core = ">=0.0.4" # Cryptography pyopenssl = "*" cryptography = ">=3.2" pysha3="*" pynacl= ">=1.4.0" # Utilities maya = "*" tzlocal = "==2.1" marshmallow = "*" msgpack = "*" mako = "*" qrcode = {extras = ["pil"], version = "*"} trezor = "*" # Web requests = "*" flask = "*" # 2.1.0 removed `JSONWebSignatureSerializer`, which `flask_httpasswd` depends on # (and it does not cap the version of `itsdangerous` itself) itsdangerous = "<2.1.0" # Third-Party Ethereum py-evm = "<0.5" eth-tester = "<0.6" web3 = "<=5.12.3" eth-utils = "<1.10" py-geth = "*" # CLI / Configuration appdirs = "*" click = ">=7.0" colorama = "*" tabulate = "*" [dev-packages] # Pytest # pytest==7 causes problems with autouse mocks and config in `.circleci` folder. # See https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/9703 # Namely, the issue above was leading to an interference between `mock_transacting_power()` fixture # and `test_ursula_init_with_local_keystore_signer()` - the mock was still present # when that test was run, causing a failure. pytest = "<7" pytest-xdist = "*" pytest-twisted = "*" pytest-cov = "*" pytest-mock = "*" pytest-timeout = "*" # Tools hypothesis = "*" pre-commit = "2.12.1" pyflakes = "*" bandit = "*" mypy = "*" coverage = "*" # Develop & Deploy py-solc-x = "==0.10.1" [scripts] install-solc = "python3 scripts/installation/install_solc.py" estimate-gas = "python3 tests/metrics/estimate_gas.py" nucypher-deploy = "python3 nucypher/cli/deploy.py" nucypher = "python3 nucypher/cli/main.py" [pipenv] allow_prereleases = true