import asyncio import binascii import random from apistar import http from apistar.http import Response from kademlia.crawling import NodeSpiderCrawl from import Server from kademlia.utils import digest from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from hendrix.experience import crosstown_traffic from nkms.crypto.kits import MessageKit from nkms.crypto.powers import EncryptingPower, SigningPower from nkms.crypto.utils import BytestringSplitter from import SeedOnly, ServerCapability from import NuCypherNode from import NuCypherSeedOnlyProtocol, NuCypherHashProtocol from import SeedOnlyStorage from umbral import pre from umbral.fragments import KFrag from twisted.python.threadpool import ThreadPool from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool from apistar.core import Route from apistar.frameworks.wsgi import WSGIApp as App from twisted.internet import reactor class NuCypherDHTServer(Server): protocol_class = NuCypherHashProtocol capabilities = () digests_set = 0 def __init__(self, ksize=20, alpha=3, id=None, storage=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(ksize=20, alpha=3, id=None, storage=None, *args, **kwargs) self.node = NuCypherNode(id or digest( random.getrandbits(255))) # TODO: Assume that this can be attacked to get closer to desired kFrags. def serialize_capabilities(self): return [ServerCapability.stringify(capability) for capability in self.capabilities] async def bootstrap_node(self, addr): """ Announce node including capabilities """ result = await,, self.serialize_capabilities()) return NuCypherNode(result[1], addr[0], addr[1]) if result[0] else None async def set_digest(self, dkey, value): """ Set the given SHA1 digest key (bytes) to the given value in the network. Returns True if a digest was in fact set. """ node = self.node_class(dkey) nearest = self.protocol.router.findNeighbors(node) if len(nearest) == 0: self.log.warning("There are no known neighbors to set key %s" % dkey.hex()) return False spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest, self.ksize, self.alpha) nodes = await spider.find()"setting '%s' on %s" % (dkey.hex(), list(map(str, nodes)))) # if this node is close too, then store here as well if self.node.distanceTo(node) < max([n.distanceTo(node) for n in nodes]):[dkey] = value ds = [] for n in nodes: _disposition, value_was_set = await self.protocol.callStore(n, dkey, value) if value_was_set: self.digests_set += 1 ds.append(value_was_set) # return true only if at least one store call succeeded return any(ds) def get_now(self, key): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete(self.get(bytes(key))) async def set(self, key, value): """ Set the given string key to the given value in the network. """ self.log.debug("setting '%s' = '%s' on network" % (key, value)) key = digest(bytes(key)) return await self.set_digest(key, value) class NuCypherSeedOnlyDHTServer(NuCypherDHTServer): protocol_class = NuCypherSeedOnlyProtocol capabilities = (SeedOnly(),) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = SeedOnlyStorage() class ProxyRESTServer(object): datastore_threadpool = None def __init__(self, rest_address, rest_port): self.rest_address = rest_address self.rest_port = rest_port self._rest_app = None def attach_rest_server(self): routes = [ Route('/kFrag/{hrac_as_hex}', 'POST', self.set_policy), Route('/kFrag/{hrac_as_hex}/reencrypt', 'POST', self.reencrypt_via_rest), Route('/public_keys', 'GET', self.get_signing_and_encrypting_public_keys), Route('/consider_contract', 'POST', self.consider_contract), Route('/treasure_map/{treasure_map_id_as_hex}', 'GET', self.provide_treasure_map), ] self._rest_app = App(routes=routes) def start_datastore_in_threadpool(self): # A threadpool with just 1 thread, to ensure serial operation for sqlite3. # TODO: Some facilities for concurrent operation. self.datastore_threadpool = ThreadPool(minthreads=1, maxthreads=1, name="Ursula's Datastore") self.datastore_threadpool.start() deferToThreadPool(reactor, self.datastore_threadpool, self.start_datastore) def start_datastore(self): from nkms.keystore import keystore from nkms.keystore.db import Base from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:') Base.metadata.create_all(engine) self.datastore = keystore.KeyStore(engine) def rest_url(self): return "{}:{}".format(self.rest_address, self.rest_port) # """ # Actual REST Endpoints and utilities # """ # def find_ursulas_by_ids(self, request: http.Request): # # def get_signing_and_encrypting_public_keys(self): """ REST endpoint for getting both signing and encrypting public keys. """ return Response( content=bytes(self.public_key(SigningPower)) + bytes(self.public_key(EncryptingPower)), content_type="application/octet-stream") def consider_contract(self, hrac_as_hex, request: http.Request): from nkms.policy.models import Contract contract, deposit_as_bytes = \ BytestringSplitter(Contract)(request.body, return_remainder=True) contract.deposit = deposit_as_bytes # contract_to_store = { # TODO: This needs to be a datastore - see #127. # "alice_pubkey_sig": # "deposit": contract.deposit, # # TODO: Whatever type "deposit" ends up being, we'll need to # # serialize it here. See #148. # "expiration": contract.expiration, # } self.datastore_threadpool.callInThread( self.datastore.add_policy_contract, contract.expiration.datetime(), contract.deposit, hrac=contract.hrac.hex().encode(), alice_pubkey_sig=contract.alice.stamp ) # TODO: Make the rest of this logic actually work - do something here # to decide if this Contract is worth accepting. return Response( b"This will eventually be an actual acceptance of the contract.", content_type="application/octet-stream") def set_policy(self, hrac_as_hex, request: http.Request): """ REST endpoint for setting a kFrag. TODO: Instead of taking a Request, use the apistar typing system to type a payload and validate / split it. TODO: Validate that the kfrag being saved is pursuant to an approved Policy (see #121). """ hrac = binascii.unhexlify(hrac_as_hex) policy_message_kit = MessageKit.from_bytes(request.body) # group_payload_splitter = BytestringSplitter(PublicKey) # policy_payload_splitter = BytestringSplitter((KFrag, KFRAG_LENGTH)) alice = self._alice_class.from_public_keys({SigningPower: policy_message_kit.alice_pubkey}) verified, cleartext = self.verify_from( alice, policy_message_kit, decrypt=True, signature_is_on_cleartext=True) if not verified: # TODO: What do we do if the Policy isn't signed properly? pass # # alices_signature, policy_payload =\ # BytestringSplitter(Signature)(cleartext, return_remainder=True) # TODO: If we're not adding anything else in the payload, stop using the # splitter here. # kfrag = policy_payload_splitter(policy_payload)[0] kfrag = KFrag.from_bytes(cleartext) self.datastore_threadpool.callInThread(self.attach_kfrag_to_saved_contract, alice, hrac_as_hex, kfrag) return # TODO: Return A 200, with whatever policy metadata. def attach_kfrag_to_saved_contract(self, alice, hrac_as_hex, kfrag): policy_contract = self.datastore.get_policy_contract(hrac_as_hex.encode()) # contract_details = self._contracts[hrac.hex()] if policy_contract.alice_pubkey_sig.key_data != alice.stamp: raise self._alice_class.SuspiciousActivity # contract = Contract(alice=alice, hrac=hrac, # kfrag=kfrag, expiration=policy_contract.expiration) try: # TODO: Obviously we do this lower-level. policy_contract.k_frag = bytes(kfrag) self.datastore.session.commit() except IntegrityError: raise # Do something appropriately RESTful (ie, 4xx). # TODO: Return something that is useful to the REST endpoint caller. def reencrypt_via_rest(self, hrac_as_hex, request: http.Request): from nkms.policy.models import WorkOrder # Avoid circular import hrac = binascii.unhexlify(hrac_as_hex) work_order = WorkOrder.from_rest_payload(hrac, request.body) kfrag_bytes = self.datastore.get_policy_contract(hrac.hex().encode()).k_frag # Careful! :-) # TODO: Push this to a lower level. kfrag = KFrag.from_bytes(kfrag_bytes) cfrag_byte_stream = b"" for capsule in work_order.capsules: # TODO: Sign the result of this. See #141. cfrag_byte_stream += bytes(pre.reencrypt(kfrag, capsule)) # TODO: Put this in Ursula's datastore self._work_orders.append(work_order) return Response(content=cfrag_byte_stream, content_type="application/octet-stream") def provide_treasure_map(self, treasure_map_id_as_hex): # For now, grab the TreasureMap for the DHT storage. Soon, no do that. #TODO! treasure_map_id = binascii.unhexlify(treasure_map_id_as_hex) treasure_map_bytes = return Response(content=treasure_map_bytes, content_type="application/octet-stream")