.. _running-a-node: Stakers and Workers =================== NuCypher staking operations are divided into two roles - “Staker” and “Worker”. The Staker can be thought of as a fiduciary administrator that holds NU and collects rewards. The Worker is bonded to a Staker and performs work on behalf of the Staker. Staker Overview ---------------- A nucypher staker is a holder of NU and manager of one or more stakes. Stakes are initiated by locking NU into the *"Staking Escrow "* contract for a fixed duration of time. Staked NU earns two income streams: inflation rewards (NU) and policy fees (ETH). Staked NU gradually unlocks with each period of completed, depending on *re-stake* and *wind-down* options. Active network participation (work) is delegated to a *Worker* node through *bonding*. There is a 1:1 relationship between the roles; One Staker to one Worker. A Staker controls a single Ethereum account and may have multiple substakes, but only ever has one Worker bonded at a time. Worker Overview ---------------- *Worker* - (aka "Ursula") Active network participant who carries out threshold cryptography operations. The Worker is the bonded delegate of a Staker and an active network node, performing work on behalf of a staker. Workers must remain online to provide uninterrupted services on-demand, signalling their availability with commitment transactions. Staker and Worker Delegation ----------------------------- There are several strategies for running and maintaining a stake: * Delegate custody of NU and work to a third-party custodian (Staker Delegation). * Delegate work via a staking pool or `Node-as-a-Service provider `_ (Worker Delegation). * Control the staker yourself and run your own worker (Self Directed). Here is a simple heuristic to help decide on a course of action: .. image:: ../.static/img/running_a_node_decision.svg :target: ../.static/img/running_a_node_decision.svg