version: 2.1 orbs: codecov: codecov/codecov@1.0.4 workflows: version: 2 test_build_deploy: jobs: - pipenv_install_36: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - pip_install_36: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - pipenv_install_37: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - pip_install_37: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - contracts: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - pipenv_install_36 - basics: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - pipenv_install_36 - network: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - pipenv_install_36 - character: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - pipenv_install_36 - agents: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - pipenv_install_36 - actors: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - pipenv_install_36 - deployers: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - pipenv_install_36 - cli: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - pipenv_install_36 - tests_ok: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - basics - network - character - cli - deployers # - agents # These jobs are left out to not block execution of workflow # - actors # - contracts - finnegans_wake_demo: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - tests_ok - heartbeat_demo: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - tests_ok # - mypy: # Disable mypy for the moment as it was wasting a CircleCI container for nothing # context: "NuCypher Tests" # filters: # tags: # only: /.*/ # requires: # - tests_ok - estimate_gas: context: "NuCypher Tests" filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - tests_ok - build_docs: filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - tests_ok - test_build: filters: tags: only: /.*/ requires: - build_docs - heartbeat_demo - finnegans_wake_demo - build_docker: filters: tags: only: /v[0-9]+.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ requires: - test_build - test_deploy: context: "NuCypher PyPI" requires: - test_build filters: tags: only: /v[0-9]+.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ - request_publication_approval: type: approval requires: - test_deploy - build_docker filters: tags: only: /v[0-9]+.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ - publish_pypi: context: "NuCypher PyPI" requires: - request_publication_approval filters: tags: only: /v[0-9]+.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ - publish_docker: context: "NuCypher Docker" requires: - request_publication_approval filters: tags: only: /v[0-9]+.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ python_36_base: &python_36_base parallelism: 1 working_directory: ~/nucypher docker: - image: circleci/python:3.6 python_37_base: &python_37_base parallelism: 1 working_directory: ~/nucypher docker: - image: circleci/python:3.7 commands: pipenv_install: description: "Install Python dependencies with Pipenv" steps: - checkout - run: name: Install Python Dependencies with Pipenv command: | pipenv sync --dev pipenv uninstall --skip-lock ethpm - run: name: Install Solidity Compiler (Pipenv Entrypoint) command: pipenv run install-solc - run: name: Check NuCypher Python API Entrypoint command: pipenv run python3 -c "import nucypher; print(nucypher.__version__)" - run: name: Check NuCypher CLI Entrypoint command: pipenv run nucypher --help check_nucypher_entrypoints: description: "Ensure both the python API and CLI entrypoints are usable" steps: - run: name: Check NuCypher Python API Entrypoint command: python3 -c "import nucypher; print(nucypher.__version__)" - run: name: Check NuCypher CLI Entrypoint command: | export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH source ~/.bashrc nucypher --help pip_install: description: "Install NuCypher with Pip" steps: - checkout - run: name: Install Python Dependencies with Pip command: pip3 install --user . - check_nucypher_entrypoints # Ensure Standard Installation Entry-points Work - run: name: Install Python Development Dependencies with Pip command: pip3 install -r dev-requirements.txt --user . - run: name: Install Solidity Compiler command: ./scripts/installation/ - check_nucypher_entrypoints prepare_environment: description: "Checkout application code and Attach the Workspace" steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/ - run: name: "Create directory for test reports" command: mkdir reports codecov: description: "Upload Coverage Report To" steps: - codecov/upload: file: reports/coverage.xml capture_test_results: description: "Store and Upload test results; Follow-up step for tests" steps: - codecov - store_test_results: path: reports jobs: # Python 3.6 pip_install_36: <<: *python_36_base steps: - pip_install pipenv_install_36: <<: *python_36_base steps: - pipenv_install - persist_to_workspace: root: ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/ paths: - nucypher-* # Python 3.7 pip_install_37: <<: *python_37_base steps: - pip_install pipenv_install_37: <<: *python_37_base steps: - pipenv_install agents: <<: *python_36_base parallelism: 4 steps: - prepare_environment - run: name: Blockchain Agent Tests command: | pipenv run pytest --cov=nucypher --cov-report xml:reports/coverage.xml $(circleci tests glob "tests/blockchain/eth/entities/agents/**/test_*.py" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) - capture_test_results actors: <<: *python_36_base parallelism: 2 steps: - prepare_environment - run: name: Blockchain Actor Tests command: | pipenv run pytest --cov=nucypher --cov-report xml:reports/coverage.xml $(circleci tests glob "tests/blockchain/eth/entities/actors/**/test_*.py" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) - capture_test_results deployers: <<: *python_36_base parallelism: 4 steps: - prepare_environment - run: name: Contract Deployer Tests command: | pipenv run pytest --cov=nucypher --cov-report xml:reports/coverage.xml $(circleci tests glob "tests/blockchain/eth/entities/deployers/test_*.py" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) - capture_test_results contracts: <<: *python_36_base parallelism: 5 steps: - prepare_environment - run: name: Ethereum Contract Unit Tests command: | pipenv run pytest --cov=nucypher --cov-report xml:reports/coverage.xml $(circleci tests glob "tests/blockchain/eth/contracts/**/test_*.py" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) - capture_test_results basics: <<: *python_36_base parallelism: 1 steps: - prepare_environment - run: name: Tests for Blockhain interfaces, Crypto functions, Node Configuration and Keystore command: | pipenv run pytest --cov=nucypher --cov-report xml:reports/coverage.xml $(circleci tests glob "tests/config/**/test_*.py" "tests/crypto/**/test_*.py" "tests/keystore/**/test_*.py" "tests/blockchain/eth/interfaces/**/test_*.py" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) - capture_test_results network: <<: *python_36_base steps: - prepare_environment - run: name: Network Tests command: | pipenv run pytest --cov=nucypher --cov-report xml:reports/coverage.xml $(circleci tests glob "tests/network/**/test_*.py" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) - capture_test_results character: <<: *python_36_base parallelism: 4 steps: - prepare_environment - run: name: Character Tests command: | pipenv run pytest --cov=nucypher --cov-report xml:reports/coverage.xml $(circleci tests glob "tests/characters/**/test_*.py" "tests/learning/**/test_*.py" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) - capture_test_results cli: <<: *python_36_base parallelism: 6 steps: - prepare_environment - run: name: Nucypher CLI Tests command: | pipenv run pytest --cov=nucypher --cov-report xml:reports/coverage.xml $(circleci tests glob "tests/cli/**/test_*.py" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) - capture_test_results tests_ok: <<: *python_36_base steps: - run: name: Nucypher CLI Tests command: echo "Test modules succeeded" heartbeat_demo: <<: *python_36_base steps: - checkout - pip_install - run: name: Run demo Ursula fleet, Alicia and the Doctor command: ./scripts/demos/ - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/ursulas-logs finnegans_wake_demo: <<: *python_36_base steps: - checkout - pip_install - run: name: Run demo Ursula fleet, Finnegans wake Demo code command: ./scripts/demos/ - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/ursulas-logs mypy: <<: *python_36_base steps: - prepare_environment - run: name: Install mypy command: | pipenv run pip install lxml pipenv run pip install mypy - run: name: Run Mypy Static Type Checks (Always Succeed) command: | mkdir ./mypy_reports ./mypy_results export MYPYPATH=./nucypher pipenv run mypy ./nucypher --config-file=mypy.ini --xslt-html-report ./mypy_reports/html/ --linecount-report ./mypy_reports/linecount || true - store_artifacts: path: ./mypy_reports estimate_gas: <<: *python_36_base steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/ - run: name: Estimate Gas command: | pipenv run python tests/metrics/ - store_artifacts: path: tests/metrics/results/ build_docs: <<: *python_36_base steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/ - run: name: Install Documentation Build Dependencies command: pip3 install --user sphinx recommonmark sphinx-rtd-theme aafigure - run: name: Build Sphinx Documentation command: | cd docs make html - store_artifacts: path: docs/build test_build: <<: *python_36_base steps: - checkout - pip_install - run: name: Install Twine command: pip install --user twine - run: name: Build Python Distribution Wheel command: | pipenv run python sdist pipenv run python bdist_wheel build_docker: working_directory: ~/nucypher docker: - image: docker:18.06.1-ce-git steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker - restore_cache: keys: - v1-{{ .Branch }} paths: - ~/docker/nucypher.tar - run: name: Load Docker Image Layer Cache command: | set +o pipefail docker load -i ~/docker/nucypher.tar | true - run: name: Build Docker Image command: | docker build -f deploy/docker/Dockerfile --cache-from=nucypher -t nucypher/nucypher:$CIRCLE_TAG . - run: name: Save Docker Image Layer Cache command: | mkdir -p ~/docker docker save -o ~/docker/nucypher.tar nucypher/nucypher:$CIRCLE_TAG - save_cache: key: v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ epoch }} paths: - ~/docker/nucypher.tar test_deploy: <<: *python_36_base steps: - checkout - pip_install - run: name: Install Twine command: pip3 install --user twine - run: name: Verify git tag == __version__ (Test Deploy) command: python verify - run: name: Initialize .pypirc (Test Deploy) command: | echo -e "[distutils]" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "index-servers = " >> ~/.pypirc echo -e " pypi" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e " testpypi" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "[testpypi]" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "repository:" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "username: $TEST_PYPI_USERNAME" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "password: $TEST_PYPI_PASSWORD" >> ~/.pypirc - run: name: Build Python Wheel (Test Deploy) command: | python3 sdist python3 bdist_wheel - run: name: upload to TestPyPI command: python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* --verbose - run: name: pip install from TestPyPI command: | pip3 install --user --index-url --extra-index-url nucypher --verbose python3 -c "import nucypher; print(nucypher.__version__)" publish_pypi: <<: *python_36_base steps: - checkout - pip_install - run: name: Install Twine command: pip3 install --user twine - run: name: Verify git tag == __version__ command: python3 verify - run: name: Initialize .pypirc command: | echo -e "[distutils]" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "index-servers = " >> ~/.pypirc echo -e " pypi" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "[pypi]" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "username = $PYPI_USERNAME" >> ~/.pypirc echo -e "password = $PYPI_PASSWORD" >> ~/.pypirc - run: name: Build Python Wheel command: | python3 sdist python3 bdist_wheel - deploy: name: Upload to PyPI command: python3 -m twine upload dist/* --verbose publish_docker: working_directory: ~/nucypher docker: - image: docker:18.06.1-ce-git steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker - restore_cache: keys: - v1-{{ .Branch }} paths: - ~/docker/nucypher.tar - run: name: Load Docker Image Layer Cache command: | set +o pipefail docker load -i ~/docker/nucypher.tar | true - deploy: name: Push NuCypher Docker Image command: | echo $DOCKER_PASSWORD | docker login -u $DOCKER_USERNAME --password-stdin docker push nucypher/nucypher:$CIRCLE_TAG