- name: "Launch ETH Netstats" hosts: "{{ 'tag_Role_' + lookup('env', 'NUCYPHER_NETWORK_NAME') + '_eth_netstats' }}" user: ubuntu gather_facts: false pre_tasks: - name: "Install Python2.7 for Ansible Control" raw: sudo apt -y update && sudo apt install -y python2.7-minimal python2.7-setuptools tasks: - name: "Install System Dependencies" become: yes become_flags: "-H -S" apt: name: "{{ packages }}" update_cache: yes vars: packages: - python-pip - python3 - python3-pip - python3-dev - python3-setuptools - libffi-dev - nodejs - npm - grunt - name: Install "grunt-cli" node.js package globally become: yes become_flags: "-H -S" npm: name: grunt-cli global: yes - git: repo: "https://github.com/cubedro/eth-netstats" dest: /home/ubuntu/code version: "master" - name: "Install JS Dependencies with NPM" become: yes become_flags: "-H -S" shell: npm install args: chdir: /home/ubuntu/code - name: "Build Application with Grunt" become: yes become_flags: "-H -S" shell: grunt all args: chdir: ./code - name: "Render ETH Netstats Service" become: yes become_flags: "-H -S" template: src: ../../services/eth_netstats.j2 dest: /etc/systemd/system/eth_netstats.service mode: 0755 vars: port: "3000" secret: "{{ lookup('env', 'ETH_NETSTATS_SECRET') }}" prefix: "/home/ubuntu/code" - name: "Enable and Start ETH Netstats Service" become: yes become_flags: "-H -S" systemd: daemon_reload: yes no_block: yes enabled: yes state: restarted name: "eth_netstats"