""" This file is part of nucypher. nucypher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. nucypher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with nucypher. If not, see . """ import time import pytest import pytest_twisted as pt from twisted.internet import threads from nucypher.characters.base import Learner from nucypher.cli import actions from nucypher.cli.actions import UnknownIPAddress from nucypher.cli.main import nucypher_cli from nucypher.config.node import NodeConfiguration from nucypher.utilities.sandbox.constants import ( INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD, MOCK_URSULA_STARTING_PORT, TEMPORARY_DOMAIN ) from nucypher.utilities.sandbox.ursula import start_pytest_ursula_services @pt.inlineCallbacks def test_run_lone_federated_default_development_ursula(click_runner): args = ('--debug', # Display log output; Do not attach console 'ursula', 'run', # Stat Ursula Command '--federated-only', # Operating Mode '--rest-port', MOCK_URSULA_STARTING_PORT, # Network Port '--dev', # Run in development mode (ephemeral node) '--dry-run', # Disable twisted reactor in subprocess '--lonely' # Do not load seednodes ) result = yield threads.deferToThread(click_runner.invoke, nucypher_cli, args, catch_exceptions=False, input=INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD + '\n') time.sleep(Learner._SHORT_LEARNING_DELAY) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert "Running" in result.output assert "{}".format(MOCK_URSULA_STARTING_PORT) in result.output reserved_ports = (NodeConfiguration.DEFAULT_REST_PORT, NodeConfiguration.DEFAULT_DEVELOPMENT_REST_PORT) assert MOCK_URSULA_STARTING_PORT not in reserved_ports @pt.inlineCallbacks def test_federated_ursula_learns_via_cli(click_runner, federated_ursulas): # Establish a running Teacher Ursula teacher = list(federated_ursulas)[0] teacher_uri = teacher.seed_node_metadata(as_teacher_uri=True) # Some Ursula is running somewhere def run_teacher(): start_pytest_ursula_services(ursula=teacher) return teacher_uri def run_ursula(teacher_uri): args = ('--debug', # Display log output; Do not attach console 'ursula', 'run', '--federated-only', # Operating Mode '--rest-port', MOCK_URSULA_STARTING_PORT, # Network Port '--teacher-uri', teacher_uri, '--dev', # Run in development mode (ephemeral node) '--dry-run' # Disable twisted reactor ) result = yield threads.deferToThread(click_runner.invoke, nucypher_cli, args, catch_exceptions=False, input=INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD + '\n') assert result.exit_code == 0 assert "Running Ursula" in result.output assert "{}".format(MOCK_URSULA_STARTING_PORT+101) in result.output reserved_ports = (NodeConfiguration.DEFAULT_REST_PORT, NodeConfiguration.DEFAULT_DEVELOPMENT_REST_PORT) assert MOCK_URSULA_STARTING_PORT not in reserved_ports # Check that CLI Ursula reports that it remembers the teacher and saves the TLS certificate assert teacher.checksum_address in result.output assert f"Saved TLS certificate for {teacher.nickname}" in result.output assert f"Remembering {teacher.nickname}" in result.output # Run the Callbacks d = threads.deferToThread(run_teacher) d.addCallback(run_ursula) yield d def test_ursula_cannot_init_with_dev_flag(click_runner): init_args = ('ursula', 'init', '--network', TEMPORARY_DOMAIN, '--federated-only', '--dev') result = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, init_args, catch_exceptions=False) assert result.exit_code == 2 assert 'Cannot create a persistent development character' in result.output, 'Missing or invalid error message was produced.' def test_ursula_rest_host_determination(click_runner): # Patch the get_external_ip call original_call = actions.get_external_ip_from_centralized_source try: actions.get_external_ip_from_centralized_source = lambda: '' args = ('ursula', 'init', '--federated-only', '--network', TEMPORARY_DOMAIN ) user_input = f'Y\n{INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD}\n{INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD}' result = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, args, catch_exceptions=False, input=user_input) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert '(' in result.output args = ('ursula', 'init', '--federated-only', '--network', TEMPORARY_DOMAIN, '--force' ) user_input = f'{INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD}\n{INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD}\n' result = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, args, catch_exceptions=False, input=user_input) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert '' in result.output # Patch get_external_ip call to error output def amazing_ip_oracle(): raise UnknownIPAddress actions.get_external_ip_from_centralized_source = amazing_ip_oracle args = ('ursula', 'init', '--federated-only', '--network', TEMPORARY_DOMAIN, '--force' ) user_input = f'{INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD}\n{INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD}\n' result = click_runner.invoke(nucypher_cli, args, catch_exceptions=True, input=user_input) assert result.exit_code == 1 assert isinstance(result.exception, UnknownIPAddress) finally: # Unpatch call actions.get_external_ip_from_centralized_source = original_call