import json import os import sys import shutil import pickle import maya import traceback from timeit import default_timer as timer from nucypher.characters.lawful import Bob, Ursula from nucypher.crypto.kits import UmbralMessageKit from nucypher.crypto.powers import EncryptingPower, SigningPower from nucypher.data_sources import DataSource from nucypher.keystore.keypairs import EncryptingKeypair, SigningKeypair from import RestMiddleware from umbral.keys import UmbralPublicKey ###################### # Boring setup stuff # ###################### SEEDNODE_URL = sys.argv[1] # TODO: path joins? TEMP_DOCTOR_DIR = "{}/doctor-files".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) TEMP_URSULA_CERTIFICATE_DIR = "{}/ursula-certs".format(TEMP_DOCTOR_DIR) TEMP_DOCTOR_CERTIFICATE_DIR = "{}/doctor-certs".format(TEMP_DOCTOR_DIR) # Remove previous demo files and create new ones shutil.rmtree(TEMP_DOCTOR_DIR, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(TEMP_DOCTOR_DIR) os.mkdir(TEMP_URSULA_CERTIFICATE_DIR) os.mkdir(TEMP_DOCTOR_CERTIFICATE_DIR) ursula = Ursula.from_seed_and_stake_info(host=SEEDNODE_URL, certificates_directory=TEMP_URSULA_CERTIFICATE_DIR, federated_only=True, minimum_stake=0) # To create a Bob, we need the doctor's private keys previously generated. from doctor_keys import get_doctor_privkeys doctor_keys = get_doctor_privkeys() bob_enc_keypair = EncryptingKeypair(private_key=doctor_keys["enc"]) bob_sig_keypair = SigningKeypair(private_key=doctor_keys["sig"]) enc_power = EncryptingPower(keypair=bob_enc_keypair) sig_power = SigningPower(keypair=bob_sig_keypair) power_ups = [enc_power, sig_power] print("Creating the Doctor ...") doctor = Bob( is_me=True, federated_only=True, crypto_power_ups=power_ups, start_learning_now=True, known_certificates_dir=TEMP_DOCTOR_CERTIFICATE_DIR, abort_on_learning_error=True, known_nodes=[ursula], save_metadata=False, network_middleware=RestMiddleware(), ) print("Doctor = ", doctor) # Let's join the policy generated by Alicia. We just need some info about it. with open("policy-metadata.json", 'r') as f: policy_data = json.load(f) policy_pubkey = UmbralPublicKey.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(policy_data["policy_pubkey"])) alices_sig_pubkey = UmbralPublicKey.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(policy_data["alice_sig_pubkey"])) label = policy_data["label"].encode() print("The Doctor joins policy for label '{}'".format(label.decode("utf-8"))) doctor.join_policy(label, alices_sig_pubkey) # Now that the Doctor joined the policy in the NuCypher network, # he can retrieve encrypted data which he can decrypt with his private key. # But first we need some encrypted data! # Let's read the file produced by the heart monitor and unpack the MessageKits, # which are the individual ciphertexts. data = pickle.load(open("heart_data.pickle", "rb")) message_kits = (UmbralMessageKit.from_bytes(k) for k in data['kits']) # The doctor also needs to create a view of the Data Source from its public keys data_source = DataSource.from_public_keys( policy_public_key=policy_pubkey, datasource_public_key=data['data_source'], label=label ) # Now he can ask the NuCypher network to get a re-encrypted version of each MessageKit. for message_kit in message_kits: try: start = timer() retrieved_plaintexts = doctor.retrieve( message_kit=message_kit, data_source=data_source, alice_verifying_key=alices_sig_pubkey ) end = timer() plaintext = pickle.loads(retrieved_plaintexts[0]) # Now we can get the heart rate and the associated timestamp, # generated by the heart rate monitor. heart_rate = plaintext['heart_rate'] timestamp = maya.MayaDT(plaintext['timestamp']) # This code block simply pretty prints the heart rate info terminal_size = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns max_width = min(terminal_size, 120) columns = max_width - 12 - 27 scale = columns/40 scaled_heart_rate = int(scale * (heart_rate - 60)) retrieval_time = "Retrieval time: {:8.2f} ms".format(1000*(end - start)) line = ("-" * scaled_heart_rate) + "❤︎ ({} BPM)".format(heart_rate) line = line.ljust(max_width - 27, " ") + retrieval_time print(line) except Exception as e: # We just want to know what went wrong and continue the demo traceback.print_exc()