""" This file is part of nucypher. nucypher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. nucypher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with nucypher. If not, see . """ import string from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import tempfile from random import SystemRandom from web3 import Web3 from nucypher.blockchain.eth.token import NU from nucypher.config.constants import NUCYPHER_ENVVAR_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, NUCYPHER_ENVVAR_OPERATOR_ETH_PASSWORD # # Ursula # NUMBER_OF_URSULAS_IN_BLOCKCHAIN_TESTS = 10 NUMBER_OF_STAKING_PROVIDERS_IN_BLOCKCHAIN_TESTS = NUMBER_OF_URSULAS_IN_BLOCKCHAIN_TESTS # Ursulas (Operators) and Staking Providers have their own account NUMBER_OF_ETH_TEST_ACCOUNTS = NUMBER_OF_URSULAS_IN_BLOCKCHAIN_TESTS + NUMBER_OF_STAKING_PROVIDERS_IN_BLOCKCHAIN_TESTS + 10 NUMBER_OF_URSULAS_IN_DEVELOPMENT_NETWORK = NUMBER_OF_URSULAS_IN_BLOCKCHAIN_TESTS # # Local Signer Keystore # KEYFILE_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'UTC--2020-{month}-21T03-42-07.869432648Z--{address}' MOCK_KEYSTORE_PATH = '/home/fakeMcfakeson/.ethereum/llamanet/keystore/' MOCK_SIGNER_URI = f'keystore://{MOCK_KEYSTORE_PATH}' NUMBER_OF_MOCK_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNTS = NUMBER_OF_ETH_TEST_ACCOUNTS # # Testerchain # ONE_YEAR_IN_SECONDS = ((60 * 60) * 24) * 365 DEVELOPMENT_TOKEN_AIRDROP_AMOUNT = NU(1_000_000, 'NU') MIN_STAKE_FOR_TESTS = NU(750_000, 'NU').to_units() BONUS_TOKENS_FOR_TESTS = NU(150_000, 'NU').to_units() DEVELOPMENT_ETH_AIRDROP_AMOUNT = int(Web3().toWei(100, 'ether')) NUMBER_OF_ALLOCATIONS_IN_TESTS = 50 # TODO: Move to constants # # Insecure Secrets # __valid_password_chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD = ''.join(SystemRandom().choice(__valid_password_chars) for _ in range(32)) # # Temporary Directories and Files # BASE_TEMP_DIR = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) BASE_TEMP_PREFIX = 'nucypher-tmp-' DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.%f" MOCK_CUSTOM_INSTALLATION_PATH = BASE_TEMP_DIR / f'{BASE_TEMP_PREFIX}test-custom-{datetime.now().strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)}' MOCK_CUSTOM_INSTALLATION_PATH_2 = BASE_TEMP_DIR / f'{BASE_TEMP_PREFIX}test-custom-2-{datetime.now().strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)}' MOCK_REGISTRY_FILEPATH = BASE_TEMP_DIR / f'{BASE_TEMP_PREFIX}mock-registry-{datetime.now().strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)}.json' GETH_DEV_URI = f'ipc://{BASE_TEMP_DIR}/geth.ipc' # Standard IPC path for `geth --dev` PYEVM_DEV_URI = "tester://pyevm" TEST_ETH_PROVIDER_URI = PYEVM_DEV_URI # TODO: Pytest flag entry point? TEST_POLYGON_PROVIDER_URI = "tester://polygon" MOCK_ETH_PROVIDER_URI = 'tester://mock' # # Node Configuration # MOCK_POLICY_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 3 # These IP addresses are reserved for usage in documentation # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5737 MOCK_IP_ADDRESS = '' MOCK_IP_ADDRESS_2 = '' FEE_RATE_RANGE = (5, 10, 15) # # Gas # TEST_GAS_LIMIT = 8_000_000 # gas PYEVM_GAS_LIMIT = TEST_GAS_LIMIT # TODO: move elsewhere (used to set pyevm gas limit in tests)? # # CLI # YES = 'Y' YES_ENTER = YES + '\n' NO = 'N' NO_ENTER = NO + '\n' FAKE_PASSWORD_CONFIRMED = '{password}\n{password}\n'.format(password=INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD) CLI_TEST_ENV = {NUCYPHER_ENVVAR_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD} CLI_ENV = {NUCYPHER_ENVVAR_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD, NUCYPHER_ENVVAR_OPERATOR_ETH_PASSWORD: INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD}