mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
First take of NodeStorages with ABC
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
from nucypher.config.parsers import parse_blockchain_config
class BlockchainConfiguration:
def __init__(self):
def from_config_file(cls, filepath: str):
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
import os
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from logging import getLogger
import boto3 as boto3
from typing import Set, Callable
from nucypher.config.constants import DEFAULT_CONFIG_ROOT
class NodeStorage(ABC):
_name = NotImplemented
_TYPE_LABEL = 'storage_type'
class NodeStorageError(Exception):
class NoNodeMetadataFound(NodeStorageError):
def __init__(self,
serializer: Callable,
deserializer: Callable,
federated_only: bool, # TODO
) -> None:
self.log = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
self.serializer = serializer
self.deserializer = deserializer
self.federated_only = federated_only
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.get(checksum_address=item, federated_only=self.federated_only)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
return self.save(node=value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
def __iter__(self):
return self.all(federated_only=self.federated_only)
def all(self, federated_only: bool) -> set:
raise NotImplementedError
def get(self, checksum_address: str, federated_only: bool):
raise NotImplementedError
def save(self, node):
raise NotImplementedError
def remove(self, checksum_address: str) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
def payload(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
def from_payload(self, data: str, *args, **kwargs) -> 'NodeStorage':
raise NotImplementedError
def initialize(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class InMemoryNodeStorage(NodeStorage):
_name = 'memory'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__known_nodes = dict()
def all(self, federated_only: bool) -> set:
return set(self.__known_nodes.values())
def get(self, checksum_address: str, federated_only: bool):
return self.__known_nodes[checksum_address]
def save(self, node):
self.__known_nodes[node.checksum_public_address] = node
return True
def remove(self, checksum_address: str) -> bool:
del self.__known_nodes[checksum_address]
return True
def payload(self) -> dict:
payload = {self._TYPE_LABEL: self._name}
return payload
def from_payload(cls, payload: str, *args, **kwargs) -> 'InMemoryNodeStorage':
if payload[cls._TYPE_LABEL] != cls._name:
raise cls.NodeStorageError
return cls(*args, **kwargs)
def initialize(self) -> None:
self.__known_nodes = dict()
class FileBasedNodeStorage(NodeStorage):
_name = 'local'
__DEFAULT_DIR = os.path.join(DEFAULT_CONFIG_ROOT, 'known_nodes', 'metadata')
class NoNodeMetadataFound(FileNotFoundError, NodeStorage.NoNodeMetadataFound):
def __init__(self,
known_metadata_dir: str = __DEFAULT_DIR,
*args, **kwargs
) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.log = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
self.known_metadata_dir = known_metadata_dir
def __generate_filepath(self, checksum_address: str) -> str:
metadata_path = os.path.join(self.known_metadata_dir, self.__FILENAME_TEMPLATE.format(checksum_address))
return metadata_path
def __read(self, filepath: str, federated_only: bool):
from nucypher.characters.lawful import Ursula
with open(filepath, "r") as seed_file:
node_bytes = self.deserializer(seed_file.read())
node = Ursula.from_bytes(node_bytes, federated_only=federated_only)
return node
def __write(self, filepath: str, node):
with open(filepath, "w") as f:
self.log.info("Wrote new node metadata to filesystem {}".format(filepath))
return filepath
def all(self, federated_only: bool) -> set:
metadata_paths = sorted(os.listdir(self.known_metadata_dir), key=os.path.getctime)
self.log.info("Found {} known node metadata files at {}".format(len(metadata_paths), self.known_metadata_dir))
known_nodes = set()
for metadata_path in metadata_paths:
node = self.__read(filepath=metadata_path, federated_only=federated_only) # TODO: 466
return known_nodes
def get(self, checksum_address: str, federated_only: bool):
metadata_path = self.__generate_filepath(checksum_address=checksum_address)
node = self.__read(filepath=metadata_path, federated_only=federated_only) # TODO: 466
return node
def save(self, node):
filepath = self.__generate_filepath(checksum_address=node.checksum_public_address)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("{} does not have a rest_interface attached".format(self)) # TODO.. eh?
self.__write(filepath=filepath, node=node)
def remove(self, checksum_address: str):
filepath = self.__generate_filepath(checksum_address=checksum_address)
self.log.debug("Delted {} from the filesystem".format(checksum_address))
return os.remove(filepath)
def payload(self) -> str:
payload = {
'storage_type': self._name,
'known_metadata_dir': self.known_metadata_dir
return payload
def from_payload(cls, payload: str, *args, **kwargs) -> 'FileBasedNodeStorage':
storage_type = payload[cls._TYPE_LABEL]
if not storage_type == cls._name:
raise cls.NodeStorageError("Wrong storage type. got {}".format(storage_type))
return cls(known_metadata_dir=payload['known_metadata_dir'], *args, **kwargs)
def initialize(self):
os.mkdir(self.known_metadata_dir, mode=0o755) # known_metadata
except FileExistsError:
message = "There are pre-existing metadata files at {}".format(self.known_metadata_dir)
raise self.NodeStorageError(message)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise self.NodeStorageError("There is no existing configuration at {}".format(self.known_metadata_dir))
class S3NodeStorage(NodeStorage):
def __init__(self,
bucket_name: str,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__bucket_name = bucket_name
self.__s3client = boto3.client('s3')
self.__s3resource = boto3.resource('s3')
self.bucket = self.__s3resource.Bucket(bucket_name)
def generate_presigned_url(self, checksum_address: str) -> str:
payload = {'Bucket': self.__bucket_name, 'Key': checksum_address}
url = self.__s3client.generate_presigned_url('get_object', payload)
return url
def all(self, federated_only: bool) -> set:
raise NotImplementedError # TODO
def get(self, checksum_address: str, federated_only: bool):
node_obj = self.bucket.Object(checksum_address)
node = self.deserializer(node_obj)
return node
def save(self, node):
def remove(self, checksum_address: str) -> bool:
_node_obj = self.get(checksum_address=checksum_address, federated_only=self.federated_only)
return _node_obj()
def payload(self) -> str:
payload = {
self._TYPE_LABEL: self._name,
'bucket_name': self.__bucket_name
return payload
def from_payload(cls, payload: str, *args, **kwargs):
return cls(bucket_name=payload['bucket_name'], *args, **kwargs)
def initialize(self):
return self.__s3client.create_bucket(Bucket=self.__bucket_name)
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
import configparser
import os
from typing import Union, Tuple
from nucypher.config.keyring import NucypherKeyring
from nucypher.config.node import NodeConfiguration
def generate_local_wallet(keyring_root:str, passphrase: str) -> NucypherKeyring:
keyring = NucypherKeyring.generate(passphrase=passphrase,
return keyring
def generate_account(w3, passphrase: str) -> NucypherKeyring:
address = w3.personal.newAccount(passphrase)
return address
def check_config_permissions() -> bool:
rules = (
(os.name == 'nt' or os.getuid() != 0, 'Cannot run as root user.'),
for rule, failure_reason in rules:
if rule is not True:
raise Exception(failure_reason)
return True
def validate_configuration_file(config=None,
filepath: str = NodeConfiguration.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION,
raise_on_failure: bool=False) -> Union[bool, Tuple[bool, tuple]]:
if config is None:
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
if not config.sections():
raise NodeConfiguration.InvalidConfiguration("Empty configuration file")
required_sections = ("nucypher", "blockchain")
missing_sections = list()
operating_mode = config["nucypher"]["mode"]
except KeyError:
raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError("No operating mode configured")
modes = ('federated', 'tester', 'decentralized', 'centralized')
if operating_mode not in modes:
if raise_on_failure is True:
raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError("Invalid nucypher operating mode '{}'. Specify {}".format(operating_mode, modes))
for section in required_sections:
if section not in config.sections():
if raise_on_failure is True:
raise NodeConfiguration.ConfigurationError("Invalid config file: missing section '{}'".format(section))
if len(missing_sections) > 0:
result = False, tuple(missing_sections)
result = True, tuple()
return result
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class ProxyRESTRoutes:
self._suspicious_activity_tracker['vladimirs'].append(node) # TODO: Maybe also record the bytes representation separately to disk?
except Exception as e:
raise # TODO
self.log.info("Previously unknown node: {}".format(node.checksum_public_address))
Reference in New Issue