Adjudicator checks signed stamp by Worker

David Núñez 2019-06-19 10:26:41 +02:00
parent 1fbd679ff7
commit dc8f772822
2 changed files with 24 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ contract Adjudicator is Upgradeable {
event IncorrectCFragVerdict(
bytes32 indexed evaluationHash,
address indexed violator,
address indexed worker,
address indexed staker
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ contract Adjudicator is Upgradeable {
* @param _cFragSignature Signature of CFrag by staker
* @param _taskSignature Signature of task specification by Bob
* @param _requesterPublicKey Requester's public key that was used to sign Capsule
* @param _stakerPublicKey Staker's public key that was used to sign Capsule and CFrag
* @param _stakerPublicKeySignature Signature of public key by staker's eth-key
* @param _workerPublicKey Staker's public key that was used to sign Capsule and CFrag
* @param _workerIdentityEvidence Signature of worker's public key by worker's eth-key
* @param _preComputedData Pre computed data for CFrag correctness verification
function evaluateCFrag(
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ contract Adjudicator is Upgradeable {
bytes memory _cFragSignature,
bytes memory _taskSignature,
bytes memory _requesterPublicKey,
bytes memory _stakerPublicKey,
bytes memory _stakerPublicKeySignature,
bytes memory _workerPublicKey,
bytes memory _workerIdentityEvidence, // TODO: Better name (#1085)
bytes memory _preComputedData
@ -107,42 +107,44 @@ contract Adjudicator is Upgradeable {
"Staker's public key is invalid");
"Requester's public key is invalid");
UmbralDeserializer.PreComputedData memory precomp = _preComputedData.toPreComputedData();
// Verify staker's signature of CFrag
// Verify worker's signature of CFrag
abi.encodePacked(_cFragSignature, precomp.lostBytes[1]),
"CFrag signature is invalid"
// Verify staker's signature of taskSignature and that it corresponds to cfrag.proof.metadata
// Verify worker's signature of taskSignature and that it corresponds to cfrag.proof.metadata
UmbralDeserializer.CapsuleFrag memory cFrag = _cFragBytes.toCapsuleFrag();
abi.encodePacked(cFrag.proof.metadata, precomp.lostBytes[2]),
"Task signature is invalid"
// Verify that _taskSignature is bob's signature of the task specification.
// A task specification is: capsule + ursula pubkey + alice address + blockhash
bytes32 stakerXCoord;
bytes32 stampXCoord;
assembly {
stakerXCoord := mload(add(_stakerPublicKey, 32))
stampXCoord := mload(add(_workerPublicKey, 32))
bytes memory stamp = abi.encodePacked(precomp.lostBytes[4], stampXCoord);
abi.encodePacked(_taskSignature, precomp.lostBytes[3]),
@ -151,19 +153,19 @@ contract Adjudicator is Upgradeable {
"Specification signature is invalid"
// Extract violator's address
// TODO: This will depend on the outcome of #962
address violator = SignatureVerifier.recover(
SignatureVerifier.hash(_stakerPublicKey, hashAlgorithm), _stakerPublicKeySignature);
address staker = escrow.getStakerFromWorker(violator);
require(staker != address(0), "Violator must be related to a staker");
// Extract worker address from stamp signature.
address worker = SignatureVerifier.recover(
SignatureVerifier.hashEIP191(stamp, byte(0x45)), // Currently, we use version E (0x45) of EIP191 signatures
address staker = escrow.getStakerFromWorker(worker);
require(staker != address(0), "Worker must be related to a staker");
// Check that staker can be slashed
uint256 stakerValue = escrow.getAllTokens(staker);
require(stakerValue > 0, "Staker has no tokens");
(uint256 penalty, uint256 reward) = calculatePenaltyAndReward(staker, stakerValue);
escrow.slashStaker(staker, penalty, msg.sender, reward);
emit IncorrectCFragVerdict(evaluationHash, violator, staker);
emit IncorrectCFragVerdict(evaluationHash, worker, staker);

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@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ library UmbralDeserializer {
// 1: cfrag signature recovery value v
// 2: metadata signature recovery value v
// 3: specification signature recovery value v
// 5: ursula pubkey sign byte
// 4: ursula pubkey sign byte
data.lostBytes = bytes5(getBytes32(pointer));
pointer += 5;