from_config constructors for blockchain objects

Kieran Prasch 2018-08-09 17:10:02 -07:00 committed by Kieran R. Prasch
parent 3f4089b7ce
commit dc4ccdc3fa
2 changed files with 55 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from constant_sorrow import constants
from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.interfaces import ControlCircumflex, DeployerCircumflex
from nucypher.config.constants import DEFAULT_INI_FILEPATH
from nucypher.config.parsers import parse_blockchain_config
@ -14,8 +15,7 @@ class Blockchain:
_default_network = NotImplemented
__default_interface_class = ControlCircumflex
test_chains = ('tester', )
transient_chains = test_chains + ('testrpc', 'temp')
test_chains = ('tester', 'temp')
public_chains = ('mainnet', 'ropsten')
class ConnectionNotEstablished(RuntimeError):
@ -39,8 +39,25 @@ class Blockchain:
return r.format(class_name, self.__interface)
def from_config(cls) -> 'Blockchain':
return cls(**parse_blockchain_config())
def from_config(cls, filepath=None, registry_filepath: str=None) -> 'Blockchain':
filepath = filepath if filepath is not None else DEFAULT_INI_FILEPATH
payload = parse_blockchain_config(filepath=filepath)
interface = ControlCircumflex.from_config(filepath=filepath)
if cls._instance is not None:
return cls.connect()
if payload['tester']:
blockchain = TesterBlockchain(interface=interface,
blockchain = Blockchain(interface=interface)
return blockchain
def connect(cls):

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import os
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, List
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from constant_sorrow import constants
from eth_utils import to_canonical_address
@ -13,8 +14,8 @@ from web3 import Web3, WebsocketProvider, HTTPProvider, IPCProvider
from web3.contract import Contract
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.sol.compile import SolidityCompiler
_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_DIR = os.path.join(str(Path.home()), '.nucypher')
from nucypher.config.parsers import parse_blockchain_config
class EthereumContractRegistry:
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ class EthereumContractRegistry:
WARNING: Unless you are developing NuCypher, you most likely won't ever need
to use this.
__default_registry_path = os.path.join(_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_DIR, 'registry.json')
__default_registry_path = os.path.join(DEFAULT_CONFIG_ROOT, 'registry.json')
class RegistryError(Exception):
@ -39,6 +40,21 @@ class EthereumContractRegistry:
def __init__(self, registry_filepath: str=None):
self.__registry_filepath = registry_filepath or self.__default_registry_path
def from_config(cls, filepath=None, **overrides) -> 'EthereumContractRegistry':
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.utilities import TemporaryEthereumContractRegistry
filepath = filepath if filepath is None else DEFAULT_INI_FILEPATH
payload = parse_blockchain_config(filepath=filepath)
if payload['tmp_registry']:
# In memory only
registry = TemporaryEthereumContractRegistry()
registry = EthereumContractRegistry(**overrides)
return registry
def registry_filepath(self):
return self.__registry_filepath
@ -130,9 +146,14 @@ class ControlCircumflex:
class InterfaceError(Exception):
def __init__(self, network_name: str=None, endpoint_uri: str=None,
websocket=False, ipc_path=None, timeout=None, providers: list=None,
registry: EthereumContractRegistry=None, compiler: SolidityCompiler=None):
def __init__(self,
network_name: str = None,
provider_uri: str = None,
providers: list = None,
autoconnect: bool = True,
timeout: int = None,
registry: EthereumContractRegistry = None,
compiler: SolidityCompiler=None) -> None:
A blockchain "network inerface"; The circumflex wraps entirely around the bounds of
@ -194,16 +215,15 @@ class ControlCircumflex:
# Providers
if provider_uri and providers:
raise self.InterfaceError("Pass a provider URI string, or a list of provider instances.")
self.provider_uri = provider_uri
self._providers = list() if providers is None else providers
# If custom __providers are not injected...
self._providers = list() if providers is None else providers
if providers is None:
# Mutates self._providers
self.add_provider(endpoint_uri=endpoint_uri, websocket=websocket,
ipc_path=ipc_path, timeout=timeout)
web3_instance = Web3(providers=self._providers) # Instantiate Web3 object with provider
self.w3 = web3_instance # capture web3
self.w3 = constants.NO_BLOCKCHAIN_CONNECTION
if autoconnect is True:
# if a SolidityCompiler class instance was passed, compile from solidity source code
recompile = True if compiler is not None else False