mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
Separate validation of condition method name from abi method name.
@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ class RPCCondition(AccessControlCondition):
def _validate_method(self, method):
if not method:
raise InvalidCondition("Undefined method name")
if method not in self.ALLOWED_METHODS:
raise InvalidCondition(
f"'{method}' is not a permitted RPC endpoint for condition evaluation."
@ -334,6 +337,8 @@ class ContractCondition(RPCCondition):
if not method:
raise InvalidCondition("Undefined method name")
standard_contract_type, function_abi, method_name=method
@ -159,16 +159,16 @@ def _validate_condition_function_abi(function_abi: Dict, method_name: str) -> No
"""validates a dictionary as valid for use as a condition function ABI"""
abi = ABIFunction(function_abi)
if not method_name:
raise ValueError("Missing method name")
if not abi.get("name"):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid ABI, no function name found {abi}")
if abi.get("name") != method_name:
raise ValueError(f"Mismatched ABI for contract function {method_name} - {abi}")
if abi.get("type") != "function":
raise ValueError(f"Invalid ABI type {abi}")
if not abi.get("outputs"):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid ABI, no outputs found {abi}")
if abi.get("stateMutability") not in ["pure", "view"]:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid ABI stateMutability {abi}")
if abi.get("name") != method_name:
raise ValueError(f"Missing ABI for method {method_name}")
def _validate_condition_abi(
Reference in New Issue