PFrag class.

jMyles 2017-12-04 16:26:52 -08:00
parent 4fab47cac3
commit ceb39d4ab7
1 changed files with 32 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,40 @@
from nkms.crypto.utils import BytestringSplitter
from npre.constants import UNKNOWN_KFRAG
from npre.umbral import RekeyFrag
class PFrag(object):
_key_length = 34
_message_length = 72
_EXPECTED_LENGTH = _key_length + _message_length
splitter = BytestringSplitter((bytes, _key_length), (bytes, _message_length))
def __init__(self, ephemeral_data_as_bytes=None, encrypted_key=None, encrypted_message=None):
from nkms.crypto.api import PRE # Avoid circular import
if ephemeral_data_as_bytes and encrypted_key:
raise ValueError("Pass either the ephemeral data as bytes or the encrypted key and message. Not both.")
elif ephemeral_data_as_bytes:
encrypted_key, self.encrypted_message = self.splitter(ephemeral_data_as_bytes)
self.encrypted_key = PRE.load_key(encrypted_key)
elif encrypted_key and encrypted_message:
self.encrypted_key = encrypted_key
self.encrypted_message = encrypted_message
assert False # What do we do if all the values were None? Perhaps have an "UNKNOWN_PFRAG" concept?
def __bytes__(self):
from nkms.crypto.api import PRE # Avoid circular import
encrypted_key_bytes = PRE.save_key(self.encrypted_key.ekey)
return encrypted_key_bytes + self.encrypted_message
def __len__(self):
return len(bytes(self))
def deserialized(self):
return self.encrypted_key, self.encrypted_message
class KFrag(object):