cloudworkers: improved docs

damon 2020-12-20 16:57:14 -08:00
parent 479b9793b9
commit cda93e72aa
1 changed files with 5 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -60,10 +60,11 @@ Some examples:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# NOTE: if no --remote-provider is specified, geth will be run on the host and a larger instance with more RAM will be used.
# this will probably cost more and require some time to sync.
# this will probably cost more and require some time to sync. * A remote provider such as Alchemy or Infura is highly recommended *
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# on AWS
# configure your local aws cli with named profiles
$ nucypher cloudworkers up --cloudprovider aws --aws-profile my-aws-profile --remote-provider http://mainnet.infura..3epifj3rfioj
# add your ubuntu machine at the office to an existing locally managed stake
@ -86,6 +87,9 @@ Some examples:
# deploy nucypher on all your managed hosts
$ nucypher cloudworkers deploy --remote-provider http://mainnet.infura..3epifj3rfioj
# set some environment variables to configure Ursula workers on all your hosts
$ nucypher cloudworkers deploy -e NUCYPHER_MAX_GAS_PRICE_GWEI=35 -e DONT_PERFORM_WORK_ON_SUNDAY=true
# print the current status of all workers across all namespaces (in bash)
$ for ns in $(nucypher cloudworkers list-namespaces); do nucypher cloudworkers status --namespace $ns; done
> local nickname: Project11-mainnet-2