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Initial musings about a write-up for WorkLock v4 including hypothetical scenarios.
@ -13,23 +13,143 @@ WorkLock offers specific advantages over ICO or airdrop as a distribution mechan
The WorkLock begins with an open bidding period, during which anyone seeking to participate can send ETH to the WorkLock contract to be escrowed on-chain.
At any time, WorkLock participants can cancel their bid to forgo NU and recoup their escrowed ETH immediately.
Once the bidding period closes, the WorkLock contract doesn't accept more bids, although it still accepts cancellations during an additional time window.
Once the bidding period closes, the WorkLock contract does not accept more bids, but it will still accept cancellations during an additional time window.
At the end of this cancellation period, stake-locked NU will be distributed according to the following principles:
- Each bidder receives, at least, the minimum amount of NU needed to stake.
- All bids will be greater or equal to the minimum allowed bid.
- In addition to the minimum amount of NU, each bidder receives a portion of the remaining NU, distributed pro rata across all participants, taking into consideration their bid surplus with respect to the minimum bid.
- If the resulting NU amount is above the maximum allowed NU to stake, then such a bidder has their bid partially refunded until the corresponding amount of NU is within the allowed limits.
- All of the tokens held by WorkLock will be distributed.
- All bids must be greater than or equal to the minimum allowed bid.
- For each bid, the surplus above the minimum allowed bid is called the `bonus`; all bids are composed of a minimum bid (fixed amount) and a `bonus` (variable amount).
- Each bidder will receive at least the minimum amount of NU needed to stake.
- Once all bidders have been assigned the minimum amount of NU, each bidder with a `bonus` will receive a portion of the remaining NU, distributed pro rata across all participants, taking into consideration only their bonus amounts.
- If the resulting NU amount distributed to a bidder is above the maximum allowed NU to stake, then such a bidder has their bid partially refunded until the corresponding amount of NU is within the allowed limits.
Finally, if WorkLock participants use that stake-locked NU to run a node, the NU will eventually unlock and their escrowed ETH will be returned in full.
Hypothetical Bidding Scenarios
For each scenario, assume that:
#. WorkLock holds 280,000,000 NU tokens and the minimum bid is 15 ETH.
#. The minimum amount of NU required to stake is 15,000 NU and the maximum stake size is 4,000,000 NU.
#. The total number of bidders is 1000 bidders (including you) with a total of 50,000 ETH committed (including your bid).
#. For our purposes, a `whale` bid is a bid that causes the calculated stake size to be larger than the maximum stake size (4,000,000 NU).
Scenario 1: Resulting stake size does not exceed maximum stake size
**You submit a bid of 22 ETH i.e. 15 ETH minimum bid + 7 ETH bonus.**
*How many NU tokens would you receive?*
- Each of the 1000 bidders (including you) would receive at least the minimum NU to stake (15,000 NU)
- Remaining NU in WorkLock after minimum distribution = ``280,000,000 NU - (15,000 NU * 1000 bidders)`` = 265,000,000 NU
- Bonus ETH pool (i.e. total ETH not including minimum amounts) = ``50,000 ETH - (15 ETH * 1000 bidders)`` = 35,000 ETH
- Your bonus portion of the ETH bonus pool = ``7 ETH / 35,000 ETH`` = 0.02%
- Your portion of remaining NU = ``0.02% * 265,000,000 NU`` = 53,000 NU
**Total NU tokens received = 15,000 NU + 53,000 NU = 68,000 NU**
Scenario 2: Resulting stake size exceeds maximum stake size (1 whale bid)
**You submit a bid of 715 ETH i.e. 15 ETH minimum bid + 700 ETH bonus.**
*How many NU tokens would you receive?*
- Each of the 1000 bidders (including you) would receive at least the minimum NU to stake (15,000 NU)
- Remaining NU in WorkLock after minimum distribution = ``280,000,000 NU - (15,000 NU * 1000 bidders)`` = 265,000,000 NU
- Bonus ETH pool (i.e. total ETH not including minimum amounts) = ``50,000 ETH - (15 ETH * 1000 bidders)`` = 35,000 ETH
- Your bonus portion of the ETH bonus pool = ``700 ETH / 35,000 ETH`` = 2%
- Your portion of remaining NU = ``2% * 265,000,000 NU`` = 5,300,000 NU
However, the total amount of NU tokens to receive ``15,000 NU + 5,300,000 NU`` = 5,315,000 NU is greater than
the maximum stake amount (4,000,000 NU). Therefore, the amount of NU tokens distributed to you needs to be reduced,
and some of your ETH refunded.
- Typically the calculation for the NU received from the bonus portion is ``(your bonus ETH / ETH bonus pool) * remaining NU tokens``.
- The additional complication here is that refunding ETH reduces your bonus ETH **AND** the bonus ETH pool (35,000 ETH in this example) since the bonus ETH pool includes the bonus ETH portion of your bid.
- A more complicated equation arises for the bonus part of the calculation
``stake size = ( (your bonus ETH - x) / (ETH bonus pool - x) ) * (remaining NU tokens)``, where ``x`` is the refunded ETH
- Since you will receive a 15,000 NU minimum, and the maximum stake size is 4,000,000 NU, the most you can receive from the remaining NU is ``4,000,000 NU - 15,000 NU`` = 3,985,000 NU
- Therefore, ``3,985,000 NU = ( (700 ETH - x ETH) / (35,000 ETH - x ETH) ) * 265,000,000 NU``.
- Reorganizing the equation, ``x = ( 700 ETH * 265,000,000 NU - 35,000 ETH * 3,985,000 NU ) / ( 265,000,000 NU - 3,985,000 NU )`` ~ 176.33 ETH
- Therefore, your final bonus bid = ``700 ETH - 176.33 ETH`` = 523.67 ETH
- Your bonus portion of the ETH bonus pool = ``523.67 / (35,000 ETH - 176.33 ETH)`` ~ 1.504%
- Your portion of remaining NU ~ ``1.504% * 265,000,000 NU`` ~ 3,985,006.46 NU
**Total NU tokens received ~ 3,985,006.46 NU (rounding) + 15,000 NU ~ 4,000,000 NU, and refunded ETH ~ 176.33 ETH (rounding)**
Scenario 3: Resulting stake size exceeds maximum stake size (2 whale bids)
**Someone else submitted a bid of 715 ETH (15 ETH + 700 ETH bonus); we'll call them `whale_1`.**
**You submit a bid of 785 ETH i.e. 15 ETH minimum bid + 770 ETH bonus; you are `whale_2`.**
*How many NU tokens would you receive?*
- Each of the 1000 bidders (including you) would receive at least the minimum NU to stake (15,000 NU)
- Remaining NU in WorkLock after minimum distribution = ``280,000,000 NU - (15,000 NU * 1000 bidders)`` = 265,000,000 NU
- Bonus ETH pool (i.e. total ETH not including minimum amounts) = ``50,000 ETH - (15 ETH * 1000 bidders)`` = 35,000 ETH
- Your bonus portion of the ETH bonus pool = ``770 ETH / 35,000 ETH`` = 2.2%
- Your portion of remaining NU = ``2.2% * 265,000,000 NU`` = 5,830,000 NU
However, the total amount of NU tokens to receive 15,000 NU + 5,830,000 NU = 5,845,000 NU which is greater than
the maximum stake amount (4,000,000 NU).
From the previous scenario, the equation arises for the bonus part of the calculation
- ``stake size = ( (your bonus ETH - x) / (ETH bonus pool - x) ) * (remaining NU tokens)``, where ``x`` is the refunded ETH
- However, now there is more than one whale bid, which would also cause the ETH bonus pool to reduce as well
- Instead the following `whale resolution` algorithm is followed:
#. Select the smallest whale bonus ETH bid - in this case 700 ETH from `whale_1` < 770 ETH from `whale_2`
#. Equalize the bonus ETH whale bids for all other whales (in this case, just `whale_2` i.e. just you) to all be the smallest whale bonus bid i.e. 700 ETH in this case
#. Since your bid (whale_2) is > 700 ETH, you will be refunded 770 ETH - 700 ETH = 70 ETH
#. This reduces the resulting bonus ETH pool which will now be 35,000 ETH - 70 ETH = 34,930 ETH
#. We now need to calculate the refunds based on the updated ETH bonus pool, and the maximum stake size.
#. Remember that everyone receives a 15,000 NU minimum, and the maximum stake size is 4,000,000 NU, so the most you can receive from the remaining NU is ``4,000,000 NU - 15,000 NU`` = 3,985,000 NU
#. Since we have multiple bidders, our equation is ``x = (min whale bid * token supply - eth_supply * max stake) / (token supply - n * max stake)``, where ``n`` is the number of whale bidders
#. Using values ``x = (700 ETH * 265,000,000 NU - 34,930 ETH * 3,985,000 NU) / (265,000,000 NU - 2 * 3,985,000 NU)`` ~ 180.15 ETH i.e. each whale gets refunded 180.15 ETH
#. Therefore `whale_1` is refunded 180.15 ETH and `whale_2` (i.e. you) refunded 180.15 ETH + 70 ETH = 250.15 ETH
#. Based on the refunds:
- The bonus bids for the whales will now be equalized:
- `whale_1` bonus bid = 700 ETH - 180.15 ETH = 519.85 ETH
- `whale_2` bonus bid = 770 ETH - 250.15 ETH = 519.85 ETH
- The updated ETH Bonus Pool will be ``35,000 ETH - (180.15 ETH + 250.15 ETH)`` = 34,569.70 ETH
#. Each whale's portion of the ETH bonus pool = ``519.85 ETH / 34,569.70 ETH`` ~ 1.504%
#. Each whale's portion of the remaining NU = ``1.504% * 265,000,000 NU`` ~ 3,984,999.86 NU
**Total NU tokens received ~ 3,984,999.86 NU + 15,000 NU ~ 4,000,000 NU, and refunded ETH ~ 176.33 ETH (rounding)**
.. note::
In Scenario 1 and 2, you will notice that the ETH bonus pool has been reduced. This produces a subtle situation -
for previous non-whale bids (bids that in the original ETH bonus pool did not produce a stake larger than the
maximum stake) their bids remained unchanged, but the ETH bonus pool was reduced. This means that some bids that
were not whales, may become whales once the ETH bonus pool is reduced since their proportion of the bonus pool
increased. Therefore, the `whale resolution` algorithm described in Scenario 2 is repeated for multiple rounds
until there are no longer any whales. To keep the explanation simple, both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 ignore this
situation since the calculations become even more complex.
WorkLock CLI
The ``nucypher worklock`` CLI command provides the ability to participate in WorkLock. To better understand the
commands and their options, use the ``--help`` option.
Common CLI flags
All ``nucypher worklock`` commands share a similar structure:
.. code::
Reference in New Issue