Add tests for Registrar and the utility functions

tuxxy 2018-04-12 19:09:24 -06:00
parent a60032a097
commit c490445f8b
1 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

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import json
import pytest
from nkms.blockchain.eth.interfaces import (
Registrar, _write_registrar_file, _read_registrar_file
def test_registrar_read_write(tempfile_path):
# Test that the file is initally empty and returns an empty dict.
should_be_empty = _read_registrar_data(tempfile_path)
assert should_be_empty == {}
# Test that data can be written and read
test_data = {'test': 'foobar'}
_write_registrar_file(test_data, tempfile_path)
out_data = _read_registrar_file(tempfile_path)
assert test_data == out_data
# Test overwrite
new_test_data = {'new_test': 'foobar'}
_write_registrar_file(new_test_data, tempfile_path)
out_data = _read_registrar_file(tempfile_path)
assert out_data != test_data and new_test_data == out_data
def test_registrar_object(tempfile_path):
# Tests everything is as it should be when initially created
test_registrar = Registrar(registrar_filepath=tempfile_path)
assert test_registrar._chain_name == 'tester'
should_be_empty = _read_registrar_file(tempfile_path)
assert should_be_empty == {}
should_also_be_empty = Registrar.get_chains(tempfile_path)
assert should_also_be_empty = {}
# Test contract enrollment and get_chain_data
test_name = 'test_contract'
test_addr = '0xDEADBEEF'
test_abi = ['fake', 'data']
test_registrar.enroll(test_name, test_addr, test_abi)
chain_data = test_registrar.get_chain_data()
assert test_name in chain_data
assert chain_data[test_name]['addr'] == test_addr
assert chain_data[test_name]['abi'] == test_abi
# Test get_contract_data via identifier
contract_by_name = test_registrar.get_contract_data(test_name)
assert contract_by_name['addr'] == test_addr
assert contract_by_name['abi'] == test_abi
contract_by_addr = test_registrar.get_contract_data(test_addr)
assert contract_by_addr['addr'] == test_addr
assert contract_by_addr['abi'] == test_abi
assert contract_by_name == contract_by_addr
# Test enroll with same contract name updates contract data
new_test_addr = '0xBEEFDEAD'
test_registrar.enroll(test_name, new_test_addr, test_abi)
test_contract = test_registrar.get_contract_data(test_name)
assert test_contract['addr'] == new_test_addr
assert test_contract['abi'] == test_abi
# Test new chain via new registrar object
new_chain_name = 'not_tester'
new_chain_registrar = Registrar(chain_name=new_chain_name, registrar_filepath=tempfile_path)
chains = Registrar.get_chains(tempfile_path)
assert new_chain_name not in chains # Not written yet, shouldn't be there
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
new_chain_registrar.enroll(test_name, test_addr, test_abi)
updated_chains = Registrar.get_chains(tempfile_path)
assert new_chain_name in chains and 'tester' in chains
# Test NoKnownContract error
with pytest.raises(Registrar.NoKnownContract):
test_registrar.get_contract_data('This should not exist')