Remove Crypto class, use singleton pattern

tuxxy 2017-10-10 11:16:23 -06:00
parent bd3636faad
commit bcca3f8c36
2 changed files with 175 additions and 176 deletions

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@ -4,216 +4,215 @@ from nacl.secret import SecretBox
from typing import Tuple, Union, List
class Crypto(object):
PRE = umbral.PRE()
PRE = umbral.PRE()
def priv_bytes2ec(
privkey: bytes
) -> elliptic_curve.ec_element:
Turns a private key, in bytes, into an elliptic_curve.ec_element.
:param privkey: Private key to turn into an elliptic_curve.ec_element.
def priv_bytes2ec(
privkey: bytes
) -> elliptic_curve.ec_element:
Turns a private key, in bytes, into an elliptic_curve.ec_element.
:return: elliptic_curve.ec_element
return elliptic_curve.deserialize(Crypto.PRE.ecgroup, b'\x00' + privkey)
:param privkey: Private key to turn into an elliptic_curve.ec_element.
def pub_bytes2ec(
pubkey: bytes,
) -> elliptic_curve.ec_element:
Turns a public key, in bytes, into an elliptic_curve.ec_element.
:return: elliptic_curve.ec_element
return elliptic_curve.deserialize(PRE.ecgroup, b'\x00' + privkey)
:param pubkey: Public key to turn into an elliptic_curve.ec_element.
:return: elliptic_curve.ec_element
return elliptic_curve.deserialize(Crypto.PRE.ecgroup, b'\x01' + pubkey)
def pub_bytes2ec(
pubkey: bytes,
) -> elliptic_curve.ec_element:
Turns a public key, in bytes, into an elliptic_curve.ec_element.
def symm_encrypt(
key: bytes,
plaintext: bytes
) -> bytes:
Performs symmetric encryption using nacl.SecretBox.
:param pubkey: Public key to turn into an elliptic_curve.ec_element.
:param key: Key to encrypt with
:param plaintext: Plaintext to encrypt
:return: elliptic_curve.ec_element
return elliptic_curve.deserialize(PRE.ecgroup, b'\x01' + pubkey)
:return: Encrypted ciphertext
cipher = SecretBox(key)
return cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
def symm_decrypt(
key: bytes,
ciphertext: bytes
) -> bytes:
Decrypts ciphertext performed with nacl.SecretBox.
def symm_encrypt(
key: bytes,
plaintext: bytes
) -> bytes:
Performs symmetric encryption using nacl.SecretBox.
:param key: Key to decrypt with
:param ciphertext: Nacl.SecretBox ciphertext to decrypt
:param key: Key to encrypt with
:param plaintext: Plaintext to encrypt
:return: Decrypted Plaintext
cipher = SecretBox(key)
return cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)
:return: Encrypted ciphertext
cipher = SecretBox(key)
return cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
def ecies_gen_priv(
to_bytes: bool = True
) -> Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element]:
Generates an ECIES private key.
:param to_bytes: Return the byte serialization of the privkey?
def symm_decrypt(
key: bytes,
ciphertext: bytes
) -> bytes:
Decrypts ciphertext performed with nacl.SecretBox.
:return: An ECIES private key
privkey = Crypto.PRE.gen_priv()
if to_bytes:
return elliptic_curve.serialize(privkey)[1:]
return privkey
:param key: Key to decrypt with
:param ciphertext: Nacl.SecretBox ciphertext to decrypt
def ecies_priv2pub(
privkey: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
to_bytes: bool = True
) -> Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element]:
Takes a private key (secret bytes or an elliptic_curve.ec_element) and
derives the Public key from it.
:return: Decrypted Plaintext
cipher = SecretBox(key)
return cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)
:param privkey: The Private key to derive the public key from
:param to_bytes: Return the byte serialization of the pubkey?
:return: The Public component of the Private key provided
if type(privkey) == bytes:
privkey = Crypto.priv_bytes2ec(privkey)
def ecies_gen_priv(
to_bytes: bool = True
) -> Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element]:
Generates an ECIES private key.
pubkey = Crypto.PRE.priv2pub(privkey)
if to_bytes:
return elliptic_curve.serialize(pubkey)[1:]
return pubkey
:param to_bytes: Return the byte serialization of the privkey?
def ecies_encapsulate(
pubkey: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
) -> Tuple[bytes, umbral.EncryptedKey]:
Encapsulates an ECIES generated symmetric key for a public key.
:return: An ECIES private key
privkey = PRE.gen_priv()
if to_bytes:
return elliptic_curve.serialize(privkey)[1:]
return privkey
:param pubkey: Pubkey to generate a key for
:return: Generated key in bytes, and EncryptedKey
if type(pubkey) == bytes:
pubkey = Crypto.pub_bytes2ec(pubkey)
return Crypto.PRE.encapsulate(pubkey)
def ecies_priv2pub(
privkey: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
to_bytes: bool = True
) -> Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element]:
Takes a private key (secret bytes or an elliptic_curve.ec_element) and
derives the Public key from it.
def ecies_decapsulate(
privkey: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
enc_key: umbral.EncryptedKey
) -> bytes:
Decapsulates an ECIES generated encrypted key with a private key.
:param privkey: The Private key to derive the public key from
:param to_bytes: Return the byte serialization of the pubkey?
:param privkey: Private key to decrypt the key with
:param enc_key: Encrypted Key to decrypt
:return: The Public component of the Private key provided
if type(privkey) == bytes:
privkey = priv_bytes2ec(privkey)
:return: Decrypted symmetric key
if type(privkey) == bytes:
privkey = Crypto.priv_bytes2ec(privkey)
return Crypto.PRE.decapsulate(privkey, enc_key)
pubkey = PRE.priv2pub(privkey)
if to_bytes:
return elliptic_curve.serialize(pubkey)[1:]
return pubkey
def ecies_rekey(
privkey_a: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
privkey_b: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
to_bytes: bool = True
) -> Union[bytes, umbral.RekeyFrag]:
Generates a re-encryption key from privkey_a to privkey_b.
:param privkey_a: Private key to re-encrypt from
:param privkey_b: Private key to re-encrypt to
:param to_bytes: Format result as bytes?
def ecies_encapsulate(
pubkey: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
) -> Tuple[bytes, umbral.EncryptedKey]:
Encapsulates an ECIES generated symmetric key for a public key.
:return: Re-encryption key
if type(privkey_a) == bytes:
privkey_a = Crypto.priv_bytes2ec(privkey_a)
if type(privkey_b) == bytes:
privkey_b = Crypto.priv_bytes2ec(privkey_b)
:param pubkey: Pubkey to generate a key for
rk = Crypto.PRE.rekey(privkey_a, privkey_b)
if to_bytes:
return elliptic_curve.serialize(rk.key)[1:]
return rk
:return: Generated key in bytes, and EncryptedKey
if type(pubkey) == bytes:
pubkey = pub_bytes2ec(pubkey)
return PRE.encapsulate(pubkey)
def ecies_split_rekey(
privkey_a: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
privkey_b: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
min_shares: int,
total_shares: int
) -> List[umbral.RekeyFrag]:
Performs a split-key re-encryption key generation where a minimum
number of shares `min_shares` are required to reproduce a rekey.
Will split a rekey into `total_shares`.
:param privkey_a: Privkey to re-encrypt from
:param privkey_b: Privkey to re-encrypt to
:param min_shares: Minimum shares needed to reproduce rekey
:param total_shares: Total shares to generate from split-rekey gen
def ecies_decapsulate(
privkey: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
enc_key: umbral.EncryptedKey
) -> bytes:
Decapsulates an ECIES generated encrypted key with a private key.
:return: A list of RekeyFrags to distribute
if type(privkey_a) == bytes:
privkey_a = Crypto.priv_bytes2ec(privkey_a)
if type(privkey_b) == bytes:
privkey_b = Crypto.priv_bytes2ec(privkey_b)
return Crypto.PRE.split_rekey(privkey_a, privkey_b,
min_shares, total_shares)
:param privkey: Private key to decrypt the key with
:param enc_key: Encrypted Key to decrypt
def ecies_combine(
encrypted_keys: List[umbral.EncryptedKey]
) -> umbral.EncryptedKey:
Combines the encrypted keys together to form a rekey from split_rekey.
:return: Decrypted symmetric key
if type(privkey) == bytes:
privkey = priv_bytes2ec(privkey)
return PRE.decapsulate(privkey, enc_key)
:param encrypted_keys: Encrypted keys to combine
:return: The combined EncryptedKey of the rekey
return Crypto.PRE.combine(encrypted_keys)
def ecies_rekey(
privkey_a: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
privkey_b: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
to_bytes: bool = True
) -> Union[bytes, umbral.RekeyFrag]:
Generates a re-encryption key from privkey_a to privkey_b.
def ecies_reencrypt(
rekey: Union[bytes, umbral.RekeyFrag],
enc_key: Union[bytes, umbral.EncryptedKey],
) -> umbral.EncryptedKey:
Re-encrypts the key provided.
:param privkey_a: Private key to re-encrypt from
:param privkey_b: Private key to re-encrypt to
:param to_bytes: Format result as bytes?
:param rekey: Re-encryption key to use
:param enc_key: Encrypted key to re-encrypt
:return: Re-encryption key
if type(privkey_a) == bytes:
privkey_a = priv_bytes2ec(privkey_a)
if type(privkey_b) == bytes:
privkey_b = priv_bytes2ec(privkey_b)
:return: The re-encrypted key
if type(rekey) == bytes:
rekey = umbral.RekeyFrag(None, Crypto.priv_bytes2ec(rekey))
if type(enc_key) == bytes:
enc_key = umbral.EncryptedKey(Crypto.priv_bytes2ec(enc_key), None)
return Crypto.PRE.reencrypt(rekey, enc_key)
rk = PRE.rekey(privkey_a, privkey_b)
if to_bytes:
return elliptic_curve.serialize(rk.key)[1:]
return rk
def ecies_split_rekey(
privkey_a: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
privkey_b: Union[bytes, elliptic_curve.ec_element],
min_shares: int,
total_shares: int
) -> List[umbral.RekeyFrag]:
Performs a split-key re-encryption key generation where a minimum
number of shares `min_shares` are required to reproduce a rekey.
Will split a rekey into `total_shares`.
:param privkey_a: Privkey to re-encrypt from
:param privkey_b: Privkey to re-encrypt to
:param min_shares: Minimum shares needed to reproduce rekey
:param total_shares: Total shares to generate from split-rekey gen
:return: A list of RekeyFrags to distribute
if type(privkey_a) == bytes:
privkey_a = priv_bytes2ec(privkey_a)
if type(privkey_b) == bytes:
privkey_b = priv_bytes2ec(privkey_b)
return PRE.split_rekey(privkey_a, privkey_b,
min_shares, total_shares)
def ecies_combine(
encrypted_keys: List[umbral.EncryptedKey]
) -> umbral.EncryptedKey:
Combines the encrypted keys together to form a rekey from split_rekey.
:param encrypted_keys: Encrypted keys to combine
:return: The combined EncryptedKey of the rekey
return PRE.combine(encrypted_keys)
def ecies_reencrypt(
rekey: Union[bytes, umbral.RekeyFrag],
enc_key: Union[bytes, umbral.EncryptedKey],
) -> umbral.EncryptedKey:
Re-encrypts the key provided.
:param rekey: Re-encryption key to use
:param enc_key: Encrypted key to re-encrypt
:return: The re-encrypted key
if type(rekey) == bytes:
rekey = umbral.RekeyFrag(None, priv_bytes2ec(rekey))
if type(enc_key) == bytes:
enc_key = umbral.EncryptedKey(priv_bytes2ec(enc_key), None)
return PRE.reencrypt(rekey, enc_key)

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import random
from nacl.utils import EncryptedMessage
from npre import umbral
from npre import elliptic_curve as ec
from nkms.crypto.crypto import Crypto
from nkms.crypto import crypto as Crypto
class TestCrypto(unittest.TestCase):