mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
Remove batch deposits
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ For a guide of how to deploy these contracts automatically, see the :doc:`Deploy
#. Approve tokens transfer to the ``StakingEscrow`` contract. These tokens are future staking rewards
#. Run the ``initialize(uint256)`` method to initialize the ``StakingEscrow`` contract
#. Approve tokens transfer for distribution to the ``WorkLock`` contract and call ``tokenDeposit(uint256)`` method
#. Pre-deposit tokens to the ``StakingEscrow`` using ``batchDeposit(address[], uint256[], uint256[], uint16[])``
Alice's Contract Interaction
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Deprecated StakingEscrow features to reduce code size: batch deposits, testContract flag, separate setters for related contracts.
@ -352,92 +352,6 @@ class ContractAdministrator(NucypherTokenActor):
receipts = deployer.rollback()
return receipts
def batch_deposits(self,
allocation_data_filepath: str,
interactive: bool = True,
emitter: StdoutEmitter = None,
gas_limit: int = None
) -> Dict[str, dict]:
The allocations file is a JSON or CSV file containing a list of substakes.
Each substake is comprised of a staker address, an amount of tokens locked (in NuNits),
and a lock duration (in periods).
It accepts both CSV and JSON formats. Example allocation file in CSV format:
Example allocation file in JSON format:
[ {"checksum_address": "0xFABADA", "amount": 123456, "lock_periods": 30},
{"checksum_address": "0xFABADA", "amount": 789, "lock_periods": 45}]
if interactive and not emitter:
raise ValueError("'emitter' is a required keyword argument when interactive is True.")
allocator = Allocator(allocation_data_filepath, self.registry, self.deployer_address)
# TODO: Check validity of input address (check TX)
if emitter:
blockchain = BlockchainInterfaceFactory.get_interface()
chain_name = blockchain.client.chain_name
paint_input_allocation_file(emitter, allocator.allocations)
if interactive:
click.confirm("Continue with the allocations process?", abort=True)
batch_deposit_receipts, failed = dict(), False
with click.progressbar(length=len(allocator.allocations),
label="Allocation progress",
show_eta=False) as bar:
while allocator.pending_deposits and not failed:
deposited_stakers, receipt = allocator.deposit_next_batch(sender_address=self.deployer_address,
except (TestTransactionFailed, ValidationError, ValueError): # TODO: 1950
if emitter:
emitter.echo(f"\nFailed to deploy next batch. These addresses weren't funded:", color="yellow")
for staker in allocator.pending_deposits:
emitter.echo(f"\t{staker}", color="yellow")
emitter.echo(f"\nThe failure is caused by the following exception:")
for line in traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()):
emitter.echo(line, color='red')
failed = True
number_of_deposits = len(deposited_stakers)
if emitter:
emitter.echo(f"\nDeployed allocations for {number_of_deposits} stakers:")
for staker in deposited_stakers:
bar._last_line = None
if emitter:
chain_name=chain_name, # TODO: this variable might be unused
batch_deposit_receipts.update({staker: {'batch_deposit': receipt} for staker in deposited_stakers})
if interactive:
click.pause(info=f"\nPress any key to continue with next batch of allocations")
return batch_deposit_receipts
def save_deployment_receipts(self, receipts: dict, filename_prefix: str = 'deployment') -> str:
config_root = DEFAULT_CONFIG_ROOT # We force the use of the default here.
filename = f'{filename_prefix}-receipts-{self.deployer_address[:6]}-{maya.now().epoch}.json'
@ -472,142 +386,6 @@ class ContractAdministrator(NucypherTokenActor):
return receipt
class Allocator:
class AllocationInputError(Exception):
"""Raised when the allocation data file doesn't have the correct format"""
OCCUPATION_RATIO = 0.9 # When there's no explicit gas limit, we'll try to use the block limit up to this ratio
def __init__(self, filepath: str, registry, deployer_address):
self.log = Logger("allocator")
self.staking_agent = ContractAgency.get_agent(StakingEscrowAgent,
registry=registry) # type: StakingEscrowAgent
self.max_substakes = self.staking_agent.contract.functions.MAX_SUB_STAKES().call()
self.allocations = dict()
self.deposited = set()
self.economics = EconomicsFactory.get_economics(registry)
self.__total_to_allocate = 0
self.__approve_token_transfer(registry, deployer_address)
def __process_allocation_data(self, filepath: str):
with open(filepath, 'r') as allocation_file:
if filepath.endswith(".csv"):
reader = csv.DictReader(allocation_file)
allocation_data = list(reader)
else: # Assume it's JSON by default
allocation_data = json.load(allocation_file)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise self.AllocationInputError(f"No allocation data file found at {filepath}")
# Pre-process allocations data
for entry in allocation_data:
staker = to_checksum_address(entry['checksum_address'])
amount = int(entry['amount'])
lock_periods = int(entry['lock_periods'])
except (KeyError, ValueError) as e:
raise self.AllocationInputError(f"Invalid allocation data: {str(e)}")
self._add_substake(staker, amount, lock_periods)
self.__total_to_allocate += amount
def __approve_token_transfer(self, registry, deployer_address):
token_agent = ContractAgency.get_agent(NucypherTokenAgent, registry=registry) # type: NucypherTokenAgent
balance = token_agent.get_balance(deployer_address)
if balance < self.__total_to_allocate:
raise ValueError(f"Not enough tokens to allocate."
f"We need at least {NU.from_nunits(self.__total_to_allocate)}.")
allowance = token_agent.get_allowance(owner=deployer_address, spender=self.staking_agent.contract_address)
if allowance < self.__total_to_allocate:
self.log.debug(f"Allocating a total of {NU.from_nunits(self.__total_to_allocate)}")
_allowance_receipt = token_agent.increase_allowance(sender_address=deployer_address,
increase=NuNits(self.__total_to_allocate - allowance))
def _add_substake(self, staker, amount, lock_periods):
substakes = self.allocations[staker]
if len(substakes) >= self.max_substakes:
raise ValueError(f"Number of sub-stakes, {len(substakes)}, must be ≤ {self.max_substakes}")
except KeyError:
if list(self.staking_agent.get_all_stakes(staker_address=staker)):
raise ValueError(f"{staker} is already a staker. It cannot be included in a batch deposit")
substakes = list()
self.allocations[staker] = substakes
message = f"Invalid substake for {staker}: "
if amount < self.economics.minimum_allowed_locked:
message += f"Amount ({amount}) is below the min allowed ({self.economics.minimum_allowed_locked})"
raise ValueError(message)
overall_amount = sum([amount for amount, periods in substakes])
if overall_amount + amount > self.economics.maximum_allowed_locked:
message += f"Total amount is above the max allowed ({self.economics.maximum_allowed_locked})"
raise ValueError(message)
if lock_periods < self.economics.minimum_locked_periods:
message += f"Lock periods ({lock_periods}) are below the min ({self.economics.minimum_locked_periods})"
raise ValueError(message)
substakes.append((amount, lock_periods))
def deposit_next_batch(self,
sender_address: str,
gas_limit: int = None) -> Tuple[List[str], dict]:
pending_stakers = self.pending_deposits
self.log.debug(f"Constructing next batch. "
f"Currently, {len(pending_stakers)} stakers pending, {len(self.deposited)} deposited.")
batch_size = 1
if not gas_limit:
block_limit = self.staking_agent.blockchain.client.w3.eth.getBlock('latest').gasLimit
gas_limit = int(self.OCCUPATION_RATIO * block_limit)
self.log.debug(f"Gas limit for this batch is {gas_limit}")
# Execute a dry-run of the batch deposit method, incrementing the batch size, until it's too big and fails.
last_good_batch = None
while batch_size <= len(pending_stakers):
test_batch = {staker: self.allocations[staker] for staker in pending_stakers[:batch_size]}
batch_parameters = self.staking_agent.construct_batch_deposit_parameters(deposits=test_batch)
estimated_gas = self.staking_agent.batch_deposit(*batch_parameters,
except (TestTransactionFailed, ValidationError, ValueError): # TODO: 1950
self.log.debug(f"Batch of {len(test_batch)} is too big. Let's stick to {len(test_batch) - 1} then")
self.log.debug(f"Batch of {len(test_batch)} stakers fits in single TX ({estimated_gas} gas). "
f"Trying to squeeze one more staker...")
last_good_batch = test_batch
batch_size += 1
if not last_good_batch:
message = "It was not possible to find a new batch of deposits. "
raise ValueError(message)
batch_parameters = self.staking_agent.construct_batch_deposit_parameters(deposits=last_good_batch)
receipt = self.staking_agent.batch_deposit(*batch_parameters,
deposited_stakers = list(last_good_batch.keys())
return deposited_stakers, receipt
def pending_deposits(self) -> List[str]:
pending_deposits = [staker for staker in self.allocations.keys() if staker not in self.deposited]
return pending_deposits
class MultiSigActor(BaseActor):
class UnknownExecutive(Exception):
@ -461,58 +461,6 @@ class StakingEscrowAgent(EthereumContractAgent):
return receipt
def construct_batch_deposit_parameters(self, deposits: Dict[ChecksumAddress, List[Tuple[int, int]]]) -> Tuple[list, list, list, list]:
max_substakes: int = self.contract.functions.MAX_SUB_STAKES().call()
stakers: List[ChecksumAddress] = list()
number_of_substakes: List[int] = list()
amounts: List[NuNits] = list()
lock_periods: List[int] = list()
for staker, substakes in deposits.items():
if not 0 < len(substakes) <= max_substakes:
raise self.RequirementError(f"Number of substakes for staker {staker} must be >0 and ≤{max_substakes}")
# require(value >= minAllowableLockedTokens & & periods >= minLockedPeriods);
# require(info.value <= maxAllowableLockedTokens);
# require(info.subStakes.length == 0);
staker_amounts, staker_periods = zip(*substakes)
return stakers, number_of_substakes, amounts, lock_periods
def batch_deposit(self,
stakers: List[ChecksumAddress],
number_of_substakes: List[int],
amounts: List[NuNits],
lock_periods: List[PeriodDelta],
sender_address: ChecksumAddress,
dry_run: bool = False,
gas_limit: Optional[Wei] = None
) -> Union[TxReceipt, Wei]:
min_gas_batch_deposit: Wei = Wei(250_000) # TODO: move elsewhere?
if gas_limit and gas_limit < min_gas_batch_deposit:
raise ValueError(f"{gas_limit} is not enough gas for any batch deposit")
contract_function: ContractFunction = self.contract.functions.batchDeposit(
stakers, number_of_substakes, amounts, lock_periods)
if dry_run:
payload: TxParams = {'from': sender_address}
if gas_limit:
payload['gas'] = gas_limit
estimated_gas: Wei = Wei(contract_function.estimateGas(payload)) # If TX is not correct, or there's not enough gas, this will fail.
if gas_limit and estimated_gas > gas_limit:
raise ValueError(f"Estimated gas for transaction exceeds gas limit {gas_limit}")
return estimated_gas
receipt = self.blockchain.send_transaction(contract_function=contract_function,
return receipt
def divide_stake(self,
staker_address: ChecksumAddress,
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ interface WorkLockInterface {
* @title StakingEscrow
* @notice Contract holds and locks stakers tokens.
* Each staker that locks their tokens will receive some compensation
* @dev |v5.5.1|
* @dev |v5.6.1|
contract StakingEscrow is Issuer, IERC900History {
@ -633,63 +633,6 @@ contract StakingEscrow is Issuer, IERC900History {
* @notice Batch deposit. Allowed only initial deposit for each staker
* @param _stakers Stakers
* @param _numberOfSubStakes Number of sub-stakes which belong to staker in _values and _periods arrays
* @param _values Amount of tokens to deposit for each staker
* @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked for each staker
function batchDeposit(
address[] calldata _stakers,
uint256[] calldata _numberOfSubStakes,
uint256[] calldata _values,
uint16[] calldata _periods
uint256 subStakesLength = _values.length;
require(_stakers.length != 0 &&
_stakers.length == _numberOfSubStakes.length &&
subStakesLength >= _stakers.length &&
_periods.length == subStakesLength);
uint16 previousPeriod = getCurrentPeriod() - 1;
uint16 nextPeriod = previousPeriod + 2;
uint256 sumValue = 0;
uint256 j = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _stakers.length; i++) {
address staker = _stakers[i];
uint256 numberOfSubStakes = _numberOfSubStakes[i];
uint256 endIndex = j + numberOfSubStakes;
require(numberOfSubStakes > 0 && subStakesLength >= endIndex);
StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[staker];
require(info.subStakes.length == 0 && !info.flags.bitSet(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX));
// A staker can't be a worker for another staker
require(stakerFromWorker[staker] == address(0));
policyManager.register(staker, previousPeriod);
for (; j < endIndex; j++) {
uint256 value = _values[j];
uint16 periods = _periods[j];
require(value >= minAllowableLockedTokens && periods >= minLockedPeriods);
info.value = info.value.add(value);
info.subStakes.push(SubStakeInfo(nextPeriod, 0, periods, uint128(value)));
sumValue = sumValue.add(value);
emit Deposited(staker, value, periods);
emit Locked(staker, value, nextPeriod, periods);
require(info.value <= maxAllowableLockedTokens);
require(j == subStakesLength);
uint256 lastGlobalBalance = uint256(balanceHistory.lastValue());
balanceHistory.addSnapshot(lastGlobalBalance + sumValue);
token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), sumValue);
* @notice Implementation of the receiveApproval(address,uint256,address,bytes) method
* (see NuCypherToken contract). Deposit all tokens that were approved to transfer
@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ from nucypher.cli.literature import (
@ -542,26 +540,6 @@ def contracts(general_config, actor_options, mode, activate, gas, ignore_deploye
# emitter.echo(SUCCESSFUL_SAVE_DEPLOY_RECEIPTS.format(receipts_filepath=receipts_filepath), color='blue', bold=True)
@click.option('--allocation-infile', help="Input path for token allocation JSON file", type=EXISTING_READABLE_FILE)
def allocations(general_config, actor_options, allocation_infile, gas):
"""Deposit stake allocations in batches"""
emitter = general_config.emitter
ADMINISTRATOR, _, deployer_interface, local_registry = actor_options.create_actor(emitter)
if not allocation_infile:
allocation_infile = click.prompt(PROMPT_FOR_ALLOCATION_DATA_FILEPATH)
receipts = ADMINISTRATOR.batch_deposits(allocation_data_filepath=allocation_infile,
interactive=not actor_options.force)
receipts_filepath = ADMINISTRATOR.save_deployment_receipts(receipts=receipts, filename_prefix='batch_deposits')
if emitter:
emitter.echo(SUCCESSFUL_SAVE_BATCH_DEPOSIT_RECEIPTS.format(receipts_filepath=receipts_filepath), color='blue', bold=True)
@ -425,8 +425,6 @@ DISPLAY_SENDER_TOKEN_BALANCE_BEFORE_TRANSFER = "Deployer NU balance: {token_bala
PROMPT_FOR_ALLOCATION_DATA_FILEPATH = "Enter allocations data filepath"
SUCCESSFUL_SAVE_BATCH_DEPOSIT_RECEIPTS = "Saved batch deposits receipts to {receipts_filepath}"
SUCCESSFUL_SAVE_DEPLOY_RECEIPTS = "Saved deployment receipts to {receipts_filepath}"
SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRY_CREATION = 'Wrote to registry {registry_outfile}'
@ -72,7 +72,5 @@ def test_rapid_deployment(token_economics, test_registry, tmpdir, get_random_che
with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
json.dump(allocation_data, f)
administrator.batch_deposits(allocation_data_filepath=str(filepath), interactive=False)
minimum, default, maximum = 10, 20, 30
administrator.set_fee_rate_range(minimum, default, maximum)
@ -452,59 +452,3 @@ def test_remove_unused_stake(agency, testerchain, test_registry):
assert stakes[3] == original_stakes[3]
assert staking_agent.get_locked_tokens(staker_account, 1) == next_locked_tokens
assert staking_agent.get_locked_tokens(staker_account, 0) == current_locked_tokens
def test_batch_deposit(testerchain,
token_agent, staking_agent, _policy_agent = agency
amount = token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked
lock_periods = token_economics.minimum_locked_periods
stakers = [get_random_checksum_address() for _ in range(4)]
N = 5
substakes = [(amount, lock_periods)] * N
deposits = {staker: substakes for staker in stakers}
batch_parameters = staking_agent.construct_batch_deposit_parameters(deposits=deposits)
assert batch_parameters[0] == stakers
assert batch_parameters[1] == [N] * len(stakers)
assert batch_parameters[2] == [amount] * (N * len(stakers))
assert batch_parameters[3] == [lock_periods] * (N * len(stakers))
mock_transacting_power_activation(account=testerchain.etherbase_account, password=INSECURE_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD)
tokens_in_batch = sum(batch_parameters[2])
_receipt = token_agent.approve_transfer(amount=tokens_in_batch,
not_enough_gas = 800_000
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
for staker in stakers:
assert staking_agent.owned_tokens(staker_address=staker) == amount * N
staker_substakes = list(staking_agent.get_all_stakes(staker_address=staker))
assert N == len(staker_substakes)
for substake in staker_substakes:
first_period, last_period, locked_value = substake
assert last_period == first_period + lock_periods - 1
assert locked_value == amount
@ -260,33 +260,6 @@ def test_manual_proxy_retargeting(monkeypatch, testerchain, click_runner, token_
assert proxy_deployer.target_contract.address == untargeted_deployment.address
def test_batch_deposits(click_runner,
# Main
deploy_command = ('allocations',
'--registry-infile', agency_local_registry.filepath,
'--allocation-infile', mock_allocation_infile,
'--network', TEMPORARY_DOMAIN,
'--provider', TEST_PROVIDER_URI)
account_index = '0\n'
user_input = account_index + YES_ENTER + YES_ENTER
result = click_runner.invoke(deploy,
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
for allocation_address in testerchain.unassigned_accounts:
assert allocation_address in result.output
def test_manual_deployment_of_idle_network(click_runner):
@ -294,56 +294,6 @@ def preallocation_escrow_2(testerchain, token, staking_interface, staking_interf
return contract
def test_batch_deposit(testerchain, token_economics, token, escrow, multisig):
creator, staker1, staker2, staker3, staker4, _alice1, _alice2, *contracts_owners =\
contracts_owners = sorted(contracts_owners)
# Travel to the start of the next period to prevent problems with unexpected overflow first period
# Staker gives Escrow rights to transfer
tx = token.functions.approve(escrow.address, 10000).transact({'from': staker1})
# Check that nothing is locked
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, 0).call()
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker2, 0).call()
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker3, 0).call()
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker4, 0).call()
# Deposit tokens for 1 staker
pytest.staker1_tokens = token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked
staker1_tokens = pytest.staker1_tokens
duration = token_economics.minimum_locked_periods
current_period = escrow.functions.getCurrentPeriod().call()
tx = token.functions.transfer(multisig.address, staker1_tokens).transact({'from': creator})
tx = token.functions.approve(escrow.address, staker1_tokens) \
.buildTransaction({'from': multisig.address, 'gasPrice': 0})
execute_multisig_transaction(testerchain, multisig, [contracts_owners[0], contracts_owners[1]], tx)
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker1], [1], [staker1_tokens], [duration])\
.buildTransaction({'from': multisig.address, 'gasPrice': 0})
execute_multisig_transaction(testerchain, multisig, [contracts_owners[0], contracts_owners[1]], tx)
pytest.escrow_supply = token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked
assert token.functions.balanceOf(escrow.address).call() == pytest.escrow_supply
assert escrow.functions.getAllTokens(staker1).call() == staker1_tokens
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, 0).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, 1).call() == staker1_tokens
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, duration).call() == staker1_tokens
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, duration + 1).call() == 0
# Can't deposit tokens again for the same staker
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
execute_multisig_transaction(testerchain, multisig, [contracts_owners[0], contracts_owners[1]], tx)
tx = token.functions.approve(escrow.address, 0).transact({'from': creator})
def test_staking_before_initialization(testerchain,
@ -356,11 +306,40 @@ def test_staking_before_initialization(testerchain,
contracts_owners = sorted(contracts_owners)
# Travel to the start of the next period to prevent problems with unexpected overflow first period
# Give staker some coins
tx = token.functions.transfer(staker1, 10000).transact({'from': creator})
assert 10000 == token.functions.balanceOf(staker1).call()
# Check that nothing is locked
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, 0).call()
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker2, 0).call()
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker3, 0).call()
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker4, 0).call()
# Deposit tokens for 1 staker
tx = token.functions.approve(escrow.address, 10000).transact({'from': creator})
pytest.staker1_tokens = token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked
staker1_tokens = pytest.staker1_tokens
duration = token_economics.minimum_locked_periods
tx = escrow.functions.deposit(staker1, staker1_tokens, duration).transact({'from': creator})
pytest.escrow_supply = token_economics.minimum_allowed_locked
assert token.functions.balanceOf(escrow.address).call() == pytest.escrow_supply
assert escrow.functions.getAllTokens(staker1).call() == staker1_tokens
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, 0).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, 1).call() == staker1_tokens
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, duration).call() == staker1_tokens
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker1, duration + 1).call() == 0
tx = token.functions.approve(escrow.address, 0).transact({'from': creator})
# Set and lock re-stake parameter in first preallocation escrow
_wind_down, re_stake, _measure_work, _snapshots = escrow.functions.getFlags(preallocation_escrow_1.address).call()
assert re_stake
@ -652,6 +631,8 @@ def test_staking_after_worklock(testerchain,
# Staker transfers some tokens to the escrow and lock them
tx = token.functions.approve(escrow.address, 1000).transact({'from': staker1})
tx = escrow.functions.deposit(staker1, 1000, 10).transact({'from': staker1})
tx = escrow.functions.bondWorker(staker1).transact({'from': staker1})
@ -1256,302 +1256,6 @@ def test_allowable_locked_tokens(testerchain, token_economics, token, escrow_con
def test_batch_deposit(testerchain, token, escrow_contract, deploy_contract):
escrow = escrow_contract(1500, disable_reward=True)
policy_manager_interface = testerchain.get_contract_factory('PolicyManagerForStakingEscrowMock')
policy_manager = testerchain.client.get_contract(
creator = testerchain.client.accounts[0]
deposit_log = escrow.events.Deposited.createFilter(fromBlock='latest')
lock_log = escrow.events.Locked.createFilter(fromBlock='latest')
# Grant access to transfer tokens
tx = token.functions.approve(escrow.address, 10000).transact({'from': creator})
# Can't deposit tokens if taking snapshots was disabled
staker = testerchain.client.accounts[1]
tx = escrow.functions.setSnapshots(False).transact({'from': staker})
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [1], [1000], [10]).transact({'from': creator})
# Deposit tokens for 1 staker
tx = escrow.functions.setSnapshots(True).transact({'from': staker})
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [1], [1000], [10]).transact({'from': creator})
escrow_balance = 1000
assert token.functions.balanceOf(escrow.address).call() == escrow_balance
assert escrow.functions.getAllTokens(staker).call() == 1000
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 0).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 1).call() == 1000
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 10).call() == 1000
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 11).call() == 0
current_period = escrow.functions.getCurrentPeriod().call()
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriodsLength(staker).call() == 1
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriod(staker, 0).call() == current_period - 1
assert escrow.functions.getPastDowntimeLength(staker).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLastCommittedPeriod(staker).call() == 0
deposit_events = deposit_log.get_all_entries()
assert len(deposit_events) == 1
event_args = deposit_events[-1]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == 1000
assert event_args['periods'] == 10
lock_events = lock_log.get_all_entries()
assert len(lock_events) == 1
event_args = lock_events[-1]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == 1000
assert event_args['firstPeriod'] == current_period + 1
assert event_args['periods'] == 10
# Can't deposit tokens again for the same staker twice
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [1], [1000], [10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
# Can't deposit tokens with too low or too high value
staker = testerchain.client.accounts[2]
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [1], [1], [10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [1], [1501], [10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [1], [500], [1])\
.transact({'from': creator})
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [2], [1000, 501], [10, 10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
# Inconsistent input
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [0], [500], [10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [2], [500], [10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [1, 1], [500], [10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [1, 1], [500, 500], [10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit([staker], [1, 1], [500, 500], [10, 10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
stakers = testerchain.client.accounts[2:4]
with pytest.raises((TransactionFailed, ValueError)):
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit(stakers, [1, 1], [500, 500, 500], [10, 10, 10])\
.transact({'from': creator})
# Initialize Escrow contract
tx = escrow.functions.initialize(0, creator).transact({'from': creator})
# Deposit tokens for multiple stakers
tx = token.functions.transfer(staker, 1500).transact({'from': creator})
tx = token.functions.approve(escrow.address, 1500).transact({'from': staker})
stakers = testerchain.client.accounts[2:7]
tx = escrow.functions.setWindDown(True).transact({'from': stakers[0]})
current_period = escrow.functions.getCurrentPeriod().call()
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit(
stakers, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [100, 200, 300, 400, 500], [50, 100, 150, 200, 250]
).transact({'from': staker})
escrow_balance += 1500
assert token.functions.balanceOf(escrow.address).call() == escrow_balance
deposit_events = deposit_log.get_all_entries()
lock_events = lock_log.get_all_entries()
assert len(deposit_events) == 6
assert len(lock_events) == 6
for index, staker in enumerate(stakers):
value = 100 * (index + 1)
duration = 50 * (index + 1)
assert escrow.functions.getAllTokens(staker).call() == value
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 0).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 1).call() == value
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration).call() == value
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration + 1).call() == 0
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriodsLength(staker).call() == 1
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriod(staker, 0).call() == current_period - 1
assert escrow.functions.getPastDowntimeLength(staker).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLastCommittedPeriod(staker).call() == 0
event_args = deposit_events[index + 1]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value
assert event_args['periods'] == duration
event_args = lock_events[index + 1]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value
assert event_args['firstPeriod'] == current_period + 1
assert event_args['periods'] == duration
# Deposit tokens for multiple stakers with multiple sub-stakes
stakers = testerchain.client.accounts[7:10]
current_period = escrow.functions.getCurrentPeriod().call()
tx = escrow.functions.batchDeposit(
stakers, [1, 2, 3], [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600], [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300])\
.transact({'from': creator})
escrow_balance += 2100
assert token.functions.balanceOf(escrow.address).call() == escrow_balance
deposit_events = deposit_log.get_all_entries()
lock_events = lock_log.get_all_entries()
assert len(deposit_events) == 12
assert len(lock_events) == 12
staker = stakers[0]
duration = 50
value = 100
assert escrow.functions.getAllTokens(staker).call() == value
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 1).call() == value
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration).call() == value
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration + 1).call() == 0
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriodsLength(staker).call() == 1
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriod(staker, 0).call() == current_period - 1
assert escrow.functions.getPastDowntimeLength(staker).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLastCommittedPeriod(staker).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getSubStakesLength(staker).call() == 1
event_args = deposit_events[6]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value
assert event_args['periods'] == duration
event_args = lock_events[6]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value
assert event_args['firstPeriod'] == current_period + 1
assert event_args['periods'] == duration
staker = stakers[1]
duration1 = 100
duration2 = 150
value1 = 200
value2 = 300
assert escrow.functions.getAllTokens(staker).call() == value1 + value2
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 0).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 1).call() == value1 + value2
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration1).call() == value1 + value2
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration1 + 1).call() == value2
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration2).call() == value2
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration2 + 1).call() == 0
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriodsLength(staker).call() == 1
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriod(staker, 0).call() == current_period - 1
assert escrow.functions.getPastDowntimeLength(staker).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLastCommittedPeriod(staker).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getSubStakesLength(staker).call() == 2
event_args = deposit_events[7]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value1
assert event_args['periods'] == duration1
event_args = lock_events[7]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value1
assert event_args['firstPeriod'] == current_period + 1
assert event_args['periods'] == duration1
event_args = deposit_events[8]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value2
assert event_args['periods'] == duration2
event_args = lock_events[8]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value2
assert event_args['firstPeriod'] == current_period + 1
assert event_args['periods'] == duration2
staker = stakers[2]
duration1 = 200
duration2 = 250
duration3 = 300
value1 = 400
value2 = 500
value3 = 600
assert escrow.functions.getAllTokens(staker).call() == value1 + value2 + value3
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 0).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, 1).call() == value1 + value2 + value3
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration1).call() == value1 + value2 + value3
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration1 + 1).call() == value2 + value3
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration2).call() == value2 + value3
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration2 + 1).call() == value3
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration3).call() == value3
assert escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker, duration3 + 1).call() == 0
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriodsLength(staker).call() == 1
assert policy_manager.functions.getPeriod(staker, 0).call() == current_period - 1
assert escrow.functions.getPastDowntimeLength(staker).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getLastCommittedPeriod(staker).call() == 0
assert escrow.functions.getSubStakesLength(staker).call() == 3
event_args = deposit_events[9]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value1
assert event_args['periods'] == duration1
event_args = lock_events[9]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value1
assert event_args['firstPeriod'] == current_period + 1
assert event_args['periods'] == duration1
event_args = deposit_events[10]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value2
assert event_args['periods'] == duration2
event_args = lock_events[10]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value2
assert event_args['firstPeriod'] == current_period + 1
assert event_args['periods'] == duration2
event_args = deposit_events[11]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value3
assert event_args['periods'] == duration3
event_args = lock_events[11]['args']
assert event_args['staker'] == staker
assert event_args['value'] == value3
assert event_args['firstPeriod'] == current_period + 1
assert event_args['periods'] == duration3
def test_staking_from_worklock(testerchain, token, escrow_contract, token_economics, deploy_contract):
Tests for staking method: depositFromWorkLock
@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ def estimate_gas(analyzer: AnalyzeGas = None) -> None:
compiled_contract = testerchain._raw_contract_cache[contract_name]
version = list(compiled_contract).pop()
# FIXME this value includes constructor code size but should not
bin_runtime = compiled_contract[version]['evm']['bytecode']['object']
bin_length_in_bytes = len(bin_runtime) // 2
percentage = int(100 * bin_length_in_bytes / MAX_SIZE)
@ -224,6 +225,11 @@ def estimate_gas(analyzer: AnalyzeGas = None) -> None:
tx = function.transact(transaction)
# First deposit ever is the most expensive, make it to remove unusual gas spending
transact(token_functions.approve(staking_agent.contract_address, MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED * 10), {'from': origin})
transact(staker_functions.deposit(everyone_else[0], MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED, MIN_LOCKED_PERIODS), {'from': origin})
# Give Ursula and Alice some coins
@ -240,34 +246,6 @@ def estimate_gas(analyzer: AnalyzeGas = None) -> None:
transact(token_functions.approve(staking_agent.contract_address, MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED * 6), {'from': staker2})
transact(token_functions.approve(staking_agent.contract_address, MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED * 6), {'from': staker3})
# Batch deposit tokens
current_period = staking_agent.get_current_period()
transact(token_functions.approve(staking_agent.contract_address, MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED * 10), {'from': origin})
transact_and_log("Batch deposit tokens for 5 owners x 2 sub-stakes",
[2] * 5,
{'from': origin})
transact(token_functions.approve(staking_agent.contract_address, MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED * 24), {'from': origin})
transact_and_log("Batch deposit tokens for 1 owners x 24 sub-stakes",
{'from': origin})
transact(token_functions.approve(staking_agent.contract_address, MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED * 24 * 5), {'from': origin})
transact_and_log("Batch deposit tokens for 5 owners x 24 sub-stakes",
[MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED] * (24 * 5),
[MIN_LOCKED_PERIODS] * (24 * 5)),
{'from': origin})
# Ursula and Alice transfer some tokens to the escrow and lock them
@ -587,13 +565,12 @@ def estimate_gas(analyzer: AnalyzeGas = None) -> None:
# Large number of sub-stakes
number_of_sub_stakes = 24
transact(token_functions.approve(staking_agent.contract_address, 0), {'from': origin})
transact(token_functions.approve(staking_agent.contract_address, MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED * number_of_sub_stakes),
{'from': origin})
[MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED] * number_of_sub_stakes,
[MIN_LOCKED_PERIODS] * number_of_sub_stakes),
{'from': origin})
for i in range(number_of_sub_stakes):
transact(staker_functions.deposit(staker4, MIN_ALLOWED_LOCKED, MIN_LOCKED_PERIODS),
{'from': origin})
transact(staker_functions.bondWorker(staker4), {'from': staker4})
transact(staker_functions.setWindDown(True), {'from': staker4})
Reference in New Issue