mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
removes unused constants
@ -1,40 +1,17 @@
"""Text blobs that are implemented as part of nucypher CLI emitter messages."""
# Common
FORCE_MODE_WARNING = "WARNING: Force is enabled"
DEVELOPMENT_MODE_WARNING = "WARNING: Running in Development mode"
CONFIRM_SELECTED_ACCOUNT = "Selected {address} - Continue?"
# Blockchain
CONNECTING_TO_BLOCKCHAIN = "Reading Latest Chaindata..."
PRODUCTION_REGISTRY_ADVISORY = "Using latest published registry from {source}"
LOCAL_REGISTRY_ADVISORY = "Configured to registry filepath {registry_filepath}"
# Events
CONFIRM_OVERWRITE_EVENTS_CSV_FILE = "Overwrite existing CSV events file - {csv_file}?"
# Configuration
No {name} configuration file found. To create a new {name} configuration run:
@ -44,19 +21,12 @@ nucypher {init_command}
SELECT_DOMAIN = "Select TACo Domain"
NO_CONFIGURATIONS_ON_DISK = "No {name} configurations found. Run 'nucypher {command} init' then try again."
SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE_CONFIGURATION_VALUES = "Updated configuration values: {fields}"
INVALID_JSON_IN_CONFIGURATION_WARNING = "Invalid JSON in Configuration File at {filepath}."
INVALID_CONFIGURATION_FILE_WARNING = "Invalid Configuration at {filepath}."
NO_ACCOUNTS = "No accounts were found."
GENERIC_SELECT_ACCOUNT = "Select index of account"
SELECTED_ACCOUNT = "Selected {choice}: {chosen_account}"
@ -68,140 +38,39 @@ Delete all {name} character files including:
Are you sure?"""
SUCCESSFUL_DESTRUCTION = "Successfully destroyed nucypher configuration"
CONFIRM_FORGET_NODES = "Permanently delete all known node data?"
SUCCESSFUL_FORGET_NODES = "Removed all stored known nodes metadata and certificates"
Ignoring configuration file '{config_file}' - version is too old,
Run `nucypher ursula config migrate --config-file '{config_file}'` to update it.
DEFAULT_TO_LONE_CONFIG_FILE = "Defaulting to {config_class} configuration file: '{config_file}'"
# Authentication
Please provide a password to lock Operator keys.
Do not forget this password, and ideally store it using a password manager.
COLLECT_ETH_PASSWORD = "Enter ethereum account password ({checksum_address})"
COLLECT_NUCYPHER_PASSWORD = 'Enter nucypher keystore password'
REPEAT_FOR_CONFIRMATION = "Repeat for confirmation:"
# Networking
CONFIRM_IPV4_ADDRESS_QUESTION = "Is this the public-facing address of Ursula?"
"Detected IPv4 address ({rest_host}) - " + CONFIRM_IPV4_ADDRESS_QUESTION
COLLECT_URSULA_IPV4_ADDRESS = "Enter Ursula's public-facing IPv4 address"
# Deployment
PROMPT_NEW_OWNER_ADDRESS = "Enter new owner's checksum address"
CONFIRM_MANUAL_REGISTRY_DOWNLOAD = "Fetch and download latest contract registry from {source}?"
The staker's fee rate was set to the default value {default} such that it falls within the range [{minimum}, {maximum}].
CONTRACT_IS_NOT_OWNABLE = "Contract {contract_name} is not ownable."
SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRY_CREATION = 'Wrote to registry {registry_outfile}'
CONFIRM_NETWORK_ACTIVATION = "Activate {staking_escrow_name} at {staking_escrow_address}?"
UNKNOWN_CONTRACT_NAME = "No such contract {contract_name}. Available contracts are {contracts}"
CONFIRM_RETARGET = "Confirm re-target {contract_name}'s proxy to {target_address}?"
SUCCESSFUL_UPGRADE = "Successfully deployed and upgraded {contract_name}"
CONFIRM_BEGIN_UPGRADE = "Confirm deploy new version of {contract_name} and retarget proxy?"
SUCCESSFUL_RETARGET = "Successfully re-targeted {contract_name} proxy to {target_address}"
SUCCESSFUL_RETARGET_TX_BUILT = "Successfully built transaction to retarget {contract_name} proxy to {target_address}:"
Confirm building a re-target transaction for {contract_name}'s proxy to {target_address}?
SUCCESSFUL_REGISTRY_DOWNLOAD = "Successfully downloaded latest registry to {output_filepath}"
CANNOT_OVERWRITE_REGISTRY = "Can't overwrite existing registry. Use '--force' to overwrite."
REGISTRY_NOT_AVAILABLE = "Registry not available."
DEPLOYER_BALANCE = "\n\nDeployer ETH balance: {eth_balance}"
SELECT_DEPLOYER_ACCOUNT = "Select deployer account"
DEPLOYER_ADDRESS_ZERO_ETH = "Deployer address has no ETH."
ABORT_DEPLOYMENT = "Aborting Deployment"
NO_HARDWARE_WALLET_WARNING = "WARNING: --no-hw-wallet is enabled."
WARNING: --etherscan is enabled. A browser tab will be opened with deployed contracts and TXs as provided by Etherscan.
WARNING: --etherscan is disabled. If you want to see deployed contracts and TXs in your browser, activate --etherscan.
# Ursula
SUCCESSFUL_MANUALLY_SAVE_METADATA = "Successfully saved node metadata to {metadata_path}."
# TACoApplication
STAKING_PROVIDER_UNAUTHORIZED = '{provider} is not authorized.'
SELECT_OPERATOR_ACCOUNT = "Select operator account"
CONFIRM_BONDING = 'Are you sure you want to bond staking provider {provider} to operator {operator}?'
BONDING_TIME = 'Bonding/Unbonding not permitted until {date}.'
ALREADY_BONDED = '{operator} is already bonded to {provider}'
BONDING = 'Bonding operator {operator}'
UNEXPECTED_HUMAN_OPERATOR = 'Operation not permitted'
UNBONDING = 'Unbonding operator {operator}'
CONFIRM_UNBONDING = 'Are you sure you want to unbond {operator} from {provider}?'
NOT_BONDED = '{provider} is not bonded to any operator'
Reference in New Issue