Updates finnegans wake demo for mainnet/polygon (config and commentary).

Kieran Prasch 2022-03-31 22:16:00 -07:00
parent 8cd43e6b4a
commit a060af6f93
1 changed files with 8 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ try:
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError('Missing environment variables to run demo.')
print("\n************** Setup **************\n")
# NuCypher Network #
L1_NETWORK = 'mainnet' # 'ibex'
L2_NETWORK = 'polygon' # 'mumbai'
L1_NETWORK = 'ibex' # 'mainnet'
L2_NETWORK = 'mumbai' # 'polygon'
# Bob the BUIDLer ##
@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ connect_web3_provider(eth_provider_uri=L2_PROVIDER)
# WARNING: Never give your mainnet password or mnemonic phrase to anyone.
# Do not use mainnet keys, create a dedicated software wallet to use for this demo.
wallet = Signer.from_signer_uri(SIGNER_URI)
password = os.environ.get('DEMO_ALICE_PASSWORD') or getpass(f"Enter password to unlock {ALICE_ADDRESS[:8]}: ")
password = os.environ.get('DEMO_ALICE_PASSWORD') or getpass(f"Enter password to unlock Alice's wallet ({ALICE_ADDRESS[:8]}): ")
wallet.unlock_account(account=ALICE_ADDRESS, password=password)
# This is Alice's payment method.
payment_method = SubscriptionManagerPayment(
@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ alice = Alice(
# Alice puts her public key somewhere for Bob to find later...
alice_verifying_key = alice.stamp.as_umbral_pubkey()
print("\n************** Grant **************\n")
# Alice can get the policy's public key even before creating the policy.
label = b"secret/files/42"
policy_public_key = alice.get_policy_encrypting_key_from_label(label)
@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ del alice
with open(BOOK_PATH, 'rb') as file:
finnegans_wake = file.readlines()
print("\n**************Encrypt and Retrieve**************\n")
print("\n************** Encrypt and Retrieve **************\n")
for counter, plaintext in enumerate(finnegans_wake):