Remove test for sampling in contract

David Núñez 2019-10-20 18:15:32 +02:00
parent 49932b4c14
commit 9d88930e3c
1 changed files with 0 additions and 143 deletions

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@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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import pytest
from eth_tester.exceptions import TransactionFailed
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.interfaces import BlockchainInterface
def test_sampling(testerchain, token, escrow_contract):
escrow = escrow_contract(5 * 10 ** 8)
creator = testerchain.etherbase_account
# Give Escrow tokens for reward and initialize contract
tx = token.functions.transfer(escrow.address, 10 ** 9).transact({'from': creator})
tx = escrow.functions.initialize().transact({'from': creator})
stakers = testerchain.stakers_accounts
amount = token.functions.balanceOf(creator).call() // 2
largest_locked = amount
# Airdrop
for staker in stakers:
tx = token.functions.transfer(staker, amount).transact({'from': creator})
amount = amount // 2
# Can't use sample without points, with zero periods value, or not sorted in ascending order.
with pytest.raises(TransactionFailed):
escrow.functions.sample([], 1).call()
with pytest.raises(TransactionFailed):
escrow.functions.sample([1], 0).call()
with pytest.raises(TransactionFailed):
escrow.functions.sample([3, 2, 1], 0).call()
# No stakers yet
addresses = escrow.functions.sample([1], 1).call()
assert 1 == len(addresses)
assert BlockchainInterface.NULL_ADDRESS == addresses[0]
all_locked_tokens = 0
# All stakers lock tokens for different lock periods
for index, staker in enumerate(stakers):
balance = token.functions.balanceOf(staker).call()
tx = token.functions.approve(escrow.address, balance).transact({'from': staker})
tx = escrow.functions.deposit(balance, index + 2).transact({'from': staker})
tx = escrow.functions.setWorker(staker).transact({'from': staker})
tx = escrow.functions.confirmActivity().transact({'from': staker})
all_locked_tokens += balance
# Stakers are active starting from the next period
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getAllLockedTokens(1).call()
# So sampling in current period is useless
addresses = escrow.functions.sample([1], 1).call()
assert 1 == len(addresses)
assert BlockchainInterface.NULL_ADDRESS == addresses[0]
# Wait next period and check all locked tokens
assert all_locked_tokens == escrow.functions.getAllLockedTokens(1).call()
assert all_locked_tokens > escrow.functions.getAllLockedTokens(2).call()
assert 0 < escrow.functions.getAllLockedTokens(len(stakers)).call()
assert 0 == escrow.functions.getAllLockedTokens(len(stakers) + 1).call()
# All stakers confirm activity
for staker in stakers:
tx = escrow.functions.confirmActivity().transact({'from': staker})
# Sample one staker by value less than first staker's stake
addresses = escrow.functions.sample([largest_locked - 1], 1).call()
assert 1 == len(addresses)
assert stakers[0] == addresses[0]
# Sample two stakers by values that are equal to first and second stakes
# In the result must be second and third stakers because of strict condition in the sampling
addresses = escrow.functions.sample([largest_locked, largest_locked + largest_locked // 2], 1).call()
assert 2 == len(addresses)
assert stakers[1] == addresses[0]
assert stakers[2] == addresses[1]
# Sample two stakers by values that within first and second stakes
# In the result must be second and third stakers because of strict condition in the sampling
# sumOfLockedTokens > point
addresses = escrow.functions.sample([largest_locked - 1, largest_locked + 1], 1).call()
assert 2 == len(addresses)
assert stakers[0] == addresses[0]
assert stakers[1] == addresses[1]
# Sample staker by the max duration of the longest stake
# The result is the staker who has the longest stake
addresses = escrow.functions.sample([1], len(stakers)).call()
assert 1 == len(addresses)
assert stakers[-1] == addresses[0]
# Sample staker using the duration more than the longest stake
# The result is empty
addresses = escrow.functions.sample([1], len(stakers) + 1).call()
assert 1 == len(addresses)
assert BlockchainInterface.NULL_ADDRESS == addresses[0]
# Sample stakers by different durations and minimum value
# Each result is the first appropriate stake by length
for index, _ in enumerate(stakers[:-1], start=1):
addresses = escrow.functions.sample([1], index + 1).call()
assert 1 == len(addresses)
assert stakers[index] == addresses[0]
# Sample all stakers by values as stake minus one
# The result must contain all stakers
points = [escrow.functions.getLockedTokens(staker).call() for staker in stakers]
points[0] = points[0] - 1
for i in range(1, len(points)):
points[i] += points[i-1]
addresses = escrow.functions.sample(points, 1).call()
assert stakers == addresses
# Test stakers iteration
assert len(stakers) == escrow.functions.getStakersLength().call()
for index, staker in enumerate(stakers):
assert stakers[index] == escrow.functions.stakers(index).call()