diff --git a/nucypher/cli/painting.py b/nucypher/cli/painting.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e6003621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nucypher/cli/painting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+This file is part of nucypher.
+nucypher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+nucypher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with nucypher.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import click
+import maya
+from constant_sorrow.constants import NO_KNOWN_NODES
+from nucypher.config.characters import UrsulaConfiguration
+from nucypher.config.constants import SEEDNODES
+def paint_configuration(config_filepath: str) -> None:
+    json_config = UrsulaConfiguration._read_configuration_file(filepath=config_filepath)
+    click.secho("\n======== Ursula Configuration ======== \n", bold=True)
+    for key, value in json_config.items():
+        click.secho("{} = {}".format(key, value))
+def paint_node_status(ursula, start_time):
+    learning_status = "Unknown"
+    if ursula._learning_task.running:
+        learning_status = "Learning at {}s Intervals".format(ursula._learning_task.interval)
+    elif not ursula._learning_task.running:
+        learning_status = "Not Learning"
+    teacher = 'Current Teacher ..... No Teacher Connection'
+    if ursula._current_teacher_node:
+        teacher = 'Current Teacher ..... {}'.format(ursula._current_teacher_node)
+    fleet_state_checksum = 'Unknown'
+    if ursula.known_nodes.checksum is not NO_KNOWN_NODES:
+        fleet_state_checksum = ursula.known_nodes.checksum[:7]
+    stats = ['⇀URSULA {}↽'.format(ursula.nickname_icon),
+             '{}'.format(ursula),
+             'Uptime .............. {}'.format(maya.now() - start_time),
+             'Start Time .......... {}'.format(start_time.slang_time()),
+             'Fleet State ......... {2} {1} ({0})'.format(fleet_state_checksum,
+                                                          ursula.known_nodes.nickname,
+                                                          ursula.known_nodes.icon),
+             'Learning Status ..... {}'.format(learning_status),
+             'Learning Round ...... Round #{}'.format(ursula._learning_round),
+             'Operating Mode ...... {}'.format('Federated' if ursula.federated_only else 'Decentralized'),
+             'Rest Interface ...... {}'.format(ursula.rest_url()),
+             'Node Storage Type ... {}'.format(ursula.node_storage._name.capitalize()),
+             'Known Nodes ......... {}'.format(len(ursula.known_nodes)),
+             'Work Orders ......... {}'.format(len(ursula._work_orders)),
+             teacher]
+    click.echo('\n' + '\n'.join(stats) + '\n')
+def paint_known_nodes(ursula) -> None:
+    # Gather Data
+    known_nodes = ursula.known_nodes
+    number_of_known_nodes = len(ursula.node_storage.all(federated_only=ursula.federated_only))
+    seen_nodes = len(ursula.node_storage.all(federated_only=ursula.federated_only, certificates_only=True))
+    # Operating Mode
+    federated_only = ursula.federated_only
+    if federated_only:
+        click.secho("Configured in Federated Only mode", fg='green')
+    # Heading
+    label = "Known Nodes (connected {} / seen {})".format(number_of_known_nodes, seen_nodes)
+    heading = '\n' + label + " " * (45 - len(label)) + "Last Seen    "
+    click.secho(heading, bold=True, nl=False)
+    # Legend
+    color_index = {
+        'self': 'yellow',
+        'known': 'white',
+        'seednode': 'blue'
+    }
+    for node_type, color in color_index.items():
+        click.secho('{0:<6} | '.format(node_type), fg=color, nl=False)
+    click.echo('\n')
+    seednode_addresses = list(bn.checksum_address for bn in SEEDNODES)
+    for node in known_nodes:
+        row_template = "{} | {} | {} | {} | {}"
+        node_type = 'known'
+        if node.checksum_public_address == ursula.checksum_public_address:
+            node_type = 'self'
+            row_template += ' ({})'.format(node_type)
+        elif node.checksum_public_address in seednode_addresses:
+            node_type = 'seednode'
+            row_template += ' ({})'.format(node_type)
+        click.secho(row_template.format(node.checksum_public_address,
+                                        node.rest_url().ljust(20),
+                                        node.nickname.ljust(50),
+                                        node.timestamp,
+                                        node.last_seen,
+                                        ), fg=color_index[node_type])