worktracker: enforce random_interval after one failure

damon 2020-12-17 10:39:51 -08:00 committed by David Núñez
parent 997e915d92
commit 5ed448058c
2 changed files with 108 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -563,6 +563,8 @@ class WorkTracker:
self.__uptime_period = NOT_STAKING
self._abort_on_error = False
self._consecutive_fails = 0
def random_interval(cls) -> int:
return random.randint(cls.INTERVAL_FLOOR, cls.INTERVAL_CEIL)
@ -598,7 +600,7 @@ class WorkTracker:
self.__uptime_period = self.staking_agent.get_current_period()
self.__current_period = self.__uptime_period"START WORK TRACKING")"START WORK TRACKING (immediate action: {act_now})")
d = self._tracking_task.start(interval=self.random_interval(), now=act_now)
@ -618,9 +620,16 @@ class WorkTracker:
reactor.callFromThread(self._crash_gracefully, failure=failure)
self.log.warn(f'Unhandled error during work tracking: {failure.getTraceback()!r}',
self.log.warn(f'Unhandled error during work tracking (#{self._consecutive_fails}): {failure.getTraceback()!r}',
# the effect of this is that we get one immediate retry.
# After that, the random_interval will be honored until
# success is achieved
act_now = self._consecutive_fails < 1
self._consecutive_fails += 1
def __work_requirement_is_satisfied(self) -> bool:
# TODO: Check for stake expiration and exit
@ -750,6 +759,7 @@ class WorkTracker:
return # This cycle is finished.
# Randomize the next task interval over time, within bounds.
self._consecutive_fails = 0
self._tracking_task.interval = self.random_interval()
# Only perform work this round if the requirements are met

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@ -21,28 +21,19 @@ from twisted.internet import threads
from twisted.internet.task import Clock
from twisted.logger import globalLogPublisher, LogLevel
from nucypher.utilities.gas_strategies import GasStrategyError
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.token import WorkTracker
from nucypher.utilities.logging import Logger, GlobalLoggerSettings
logger = Logger("test-logging")
class WorkTrackerThatFailsHalfTheTime(WorkTracker):
def staking_agent(self):
class MockStakingAgent:
def get_current_period(self):
return 1
def log(message):
return MockStakingAgent()
def _do_work(self) -> None:
self.attempts += 1
if self.attempts % 2:
raise BaseException("zomg something went wrong")
self.workdone += 1
def _crash_gracefully(self, failure=None) -> None:
assert failure.getErrorMessage() == 'zomg something went wrong'
class WorkTrackerArbitraryFailureConditions(WorkTracker):
def __init__(self, clock, abort_on_error, *args, **kwargs):
self.workdone = 0
@ -52,6 +43,36 @@ class WorkTrackerThatFailsHalfTheTime(WorkTracker):
self._tracking_task = task.LoopingCall(self._do_work)
self._tracking_task.clock = self.CLOCK
self._abort_on_error = abort_on_error
self._consecutive_fails = 0
def _do_work(self) -> None:
self.attempts += 1
self.workdone += 1
self._consecutive_fails = 0
def staking_agent(self):
class MockStakingAgent:
def get_current_period(self):
return 1
return MockStakingAgent()
def _crash_gracefully(self, failure=None) -> None:
assert 'zomg something went wrong' in failure.getErrorMessage()
def check_success_conditions(self):
class WorkTrackerThatFailsHalfTheTime(WorkTrackerArbitraryFailureConditions):
def check_success_conditions(self):
if self.attempts % 2:
raise BaseException(f"zomg something went wrong: {self.attempts} % 2 = {self.attempts % 2}")
@ -61,10 +82,13 @@ def test_worker_failure_resilience():
worktracker = WorkTrackerThatFailsHalfTheTime(clock, False)
def advance_one_cycle(_):
def checkworkstate(_):
assert worktracker.attempts / 2 == worktracker.workdone
if worktracker.attempts % 2:
assert worktracker._consecutive_fails > 0
assert worktracker.attempts / 2 == worktracker.workdone
def start():
@ -87,7 +111,7 @@ def test_worker_failure_resilience():
assert warnings
for warning in warnings:
assert warning['failure'].getErrorMessage() == "zomg something went wrong"
assert "zomg something went wrong" in warning['failure'].getErrorMessage()
@ -129,4 +153,56 @@ def test_worker_failure_non_resilience():
assert len(critical) == 1
assert critical[0]['failure'].getErrorMessage() == "zomg something went wrong"
assert "zomg something went wrong" in critical[0]['failure'].getErrorMessage()
class WorkTrackerThatFailsFor12HoursThenSucceeds(WorkTrackerArbitraryFailureConditions):
def check_success_conditions(self):
if self.CLOCK.seconds() < 60*60*12:
raise GasStrategyError("Gas is too expensive in the morning.")
def random_interval(cls, fails=None):
def test_worker_rate_limiting():
abort on error is True for this one
# Control time
clock = Clock()
worktracker = WorkTrackerThatFailsFor12HoursThenSucceeds(clock, False)
seconds_per_step = 1200 # this can be anything.
# The behavior we want to fix in production is equivalent to seconds_per_step = 1
# This test does pass with that value but it takes awhile and makes a lot of log file
# so lets go with 20 minute intervals
# with a value of 1, we get this log output after 43201 cycles (12 hours and 1 second)
# [test-logging#debug] 12 hour fail worktracker: attempts: 50, clock: 43201.0, work: 1
def advance_one_cycle(_):
def checkfailures(_):
log(f"12 hour fail worktracker: attempts: {worktracker.attempts}, "
f"clock: {worktracker.CLOCK.seconds()}, work: {worktracker.workdone}")
assert worktracker.attempts <= (worktracker.CLOCK.seconds() / worktracker.INTERVAL_FLOOR) + 2 # account for the single instant retry
def start():
d = threads.deferToThread(start)
iterations = (60*60*12)+1 # 12 hours plus one second
for i in range(0, iterations, seconds_per_step):
yield d
assert worktracker.workdone