[KMS-ETH]- Revert ursula flow to depiction.

Kieran Prasch 2018-03-01 19:26:41 -08:00
parent 5874a43d37
commit 571be97d22
1 changed files with 72 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -1,33 +1,84 @@
from nkms_eth.blockchain import TesterBlockchain
from nkms_eth.escrow import Escrow
from nkms_eth.token import NuCypherKMSToken
from nkms_eth.miner import Miner
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Deploy contracts in tester.
A simple Python script to deploy contracts and then estimate gas for different methods.
import random
from nkms_eth.blockchain import project
MINING_COEFF = [10 ** 5, 10 ** 7]
M = int(1e6)
NULL_ADDR = '0x' + '0' * 40
def main():
testerchain = TesterBlockchain()
proj = project()
print("Web3 providers -> ", testerchain.chain.web3.providers)
creator, *addresses = testerchain.chain.web3.eth.accounts
# ursula, alice, *everyone_else = addresses
chain_name = "tester"
print("Make sure {} chain is running, you can connect to it, or you'll get timeout".format(chain_name))
# Create NC ERC20 token
token = NuCypherKMSToken(blockchain=testerchain)
with proj.get_chain(chain_name) as chain:
web3 = chain.web3
print("Web3 providers are", web3.providers)
creator = web3.eth.accounts[0]
# ursula = web3.eth.accounts[1]
# alice = web3.eth.accounts[2]
# Prepare escrow and miner
escrow = Escrow(blockchain=testerchain, token=token)
miner = Miner(blockchain=testerchain, token=token, escrow=escrow)
# Create an ERC20 token
token, tx = chain.provider.get_or_deploy_contract(
'HumanStandardToken', deploy_args=[
int(1e9) * M, int(1e10) * M, 'NuCypher KMS', 6, 'KMS'],
'from': creator})
chain.wait.for_receipt(tx, timeout=TIMEOUT)
print("Deployed HumanStandardToken, tx hash is", tx)
# Airdropping
escrow, tx = chain.provider.get_or_deploy_contract(
'Escrow', deploy_args=[token.address] + MINING_COEFF,
deploy_transaction={'from': creator})
chain.wait.for_receipt(tx, timeout=TIMEOUT)
print("Deployed escrow, tx hash is", tx)
# Locking
for address in addresses:
miner.lock(address=address, amount=1000*NuCypherKMSToken.M, locktime=100)
# debug airdrop
txs = [
token.transact({'from': creator}).transfer(account, 10000 * M)
for account in web3.eth.accounts[1:]]
for tx in txs:
chain.wait.for_receipt(tx, timeout=TIMEOUT)
print('Airdrop done')
# Select random miners
miners = escrow.sample()
# Test locking
for addr in web3.eth.accounts[1:]:
tx = token.transact({'from': addr}).approve(
escrow.address, 1000 * M)
chain.wait.for_receipt(tx, timeout=TIMEOUT)
tx = escrow.transact({'from': addr}).deposit(1000 * M, 100)
chain.wait.for_receipt(tx, timeout=TIMEOUT)
n_tokens = escrow.call().getAllLockedTokens()
print('Locked', n_tokens)
address_stop, shift = escrow.call().findCumSum(NULL_ADDR, n_tokens // 3)
print(address_stop, shift)
# Experimenting with distributions of random points
n_ursulas = 5
n_select = int(n_ursulas * 1.7) # Select more ursulas
points = [0] + sorted(random.randrange(n_tokens) for _ in
deltas = [i - j for i, j in zip(points[1:], points[:-1])]
addrs = set()
addr = NULL_ADDR
shift = 0
for delta in deltas:
addr, shift = escrow.call().findCumSum(addr, delta + shift)
addrs = random.sample(addrs, n_ursulas)
if __name__ == "__main__":