diff --git a/docs/source/support/faq.rst b/docs/source/support/faq.rst
index 01a0b6fb3..914001d50 100644
--- a/docs/source/support/faq.rst
+++ b/docs/source/support/faq.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ What are the recommended specifications for running a nucypher node?
Worker nodes need to run ``nucypher`` and a local ethereum node. In total, you will
-require at 4GB for RAM. Nodes also need 24/7 uptime and a static, public IPv4 address.
+require at least 4GB for RAM. Nodes also need 24/7 uptime and a static, public IPv4 address.
For ``nucypher`` specific requirements, see `System Requirements and Dependencies `_.
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ How long is a period?
Can my Staker and Worker address be the same?
Technically, yes, but it is not recommended. The accounts have different security considerations - the staker address
-can be a high-value hardware wallet (with NU and ETH) that performs stake management while the worker
+is high-value and can be a hardware wallet (with NU and ETH) that performs stake management while the worker
address is low-value and needs to remain unlocked while running (software wallet with ETH) since it
is used by an Ursula node.
@@ -74,15 +74,7 @@ This is **ONLY** a heuristic to ensure that your node is running correctly, it d
#. Ensure that your worker is bonded with your staker - ``nucypher stake list`` and check that
*Worker* is set correctly i.e. not ``0x0000``.
- #. Ensure that your node is listed on the `Status Monitor Page `_ (this can take a few mins).
- If your node is on the status monitor page but:
- a. Does not have a green dot, you should ensure that your Ursula node can confirm activity (hint: does your worker address have ETH to pay gas?).
- Try locally running ``nucypher ursula confirm-activity``
- b. Has a *Last Seen* value of ``No Connection to Node`` then there may be connectivity issues with your
- node - redo the check in step #2.
+ #. Ensure that your node is listed on the `Status Monitor Page `_ (this can take a few minutes).
What's the best way to run Ursula in the background?
@@ -108,13 +100,13 @@ Run::
> --network cassandra
> --staking-address ``
-Note that a minimum of two periods must elapse before rewards will be delivered to your wallet. For example, say we are in Period 5 when you start staking:
-Period 5: You deposit stake and initiate a worker
-Period 5: Your worker calls ``confirmActivity()`` in order to receive work for the next period
-Period 6: Your worker successfully performs the work
-Period 7: Your worker receives rewards for the work completed in the previous period
-(which calls ``confirmActivity()`` to receive work for the next period (1)), then in period 1 the Ursula
-node does work and will get rewarded in period 2 for the work performed in period 1.
+Note that a minimum of two periods must elapse before rewards will be delivered to your wallet. For example, say we
+are in Period 5 when you start staking:
+- Period 5: You deposit stake and initiate a worker
+- Period 5: Your worker calls ``confirmActivity()`` in order to receive work for the next period
+- Period 6: Your worker successfully performs the work
+- Period 7: Your worker receives rewards for the work completed in the previous period
.. note::
diff --git a/docs/source/support/troubleshooting.rst b/docs/source/support/troubleshooting.rst
index e53da7b39..74e3a158b 100644
--- a/docs/source/support/troubleshooting.rst
+++ b/docs/source/support/troubleshooting.rst
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ builtins.ValueError: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'insufficient funds for gas * p
The Ursula node does not have enough (Goerli) ETH to pay for transaction gas. Ensure that your worker address has
-(Goerli) ETH in it.
+(Goerli) ETH.
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Out of gas]
-The Ursula node does not have enough (Goerli) ETH to pay for transaction gas; ensure that your worker address has (Goerli) ETH in it.
+The Ursula node does not have enough (Goerli) ETH to pay for transaction gas; ensure that your worker address has (Goerli) ETH.
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment