Receiving / Providing TreasureMap endpoints now use internal verification and splitting logic.

jMyles 2018-06-29 20:23:35 -07:00
parent a761c3faab
commit 1c33532bab
2 changed files with 26 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ from kademlia.utils import digest
from bytestring_splitter import VariableLengthBytestring
from constant_sorrow import default_constant_splitter, constants
from nucypher.crypto.api import keccak_digest
from import NucypherRoutingTable
@ -58,7 +57,8 @@ class NucypherHashProtocol(KademliaProtocol):
if header == constants.BYTESTRING_IS_URSULA_IFACE_INFO:
from nucypher.characters import Ursula
stranger_ursula = Ursula.from_bytes(payload, federated_only=True) # TODO: Is federated_only the right thing here?
stranger_ursula = Ursula.from_bytes(payload,
federated_only=True) # TODO: Is federated_only the right thing here?
if stranger_ursula.verify_interface() and key == digest(stranger_ursula.canonical_public_address):
self.sourceNode._node_storage[key] = stranger_ursula # TODO: 340
@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ class NucypherSeedOnlyProtocol(NucypherHashProtocol):
class InterfaceInfo:
expected_bytes_length = lambda: VariableLengthBytestring
def __init__(self, host, port):
@ -150,6 +149,3 @@ class InterfaceInfo:
def __radd__(self, other):
return bytes(other) + bytes(self)
ursula_interface_splitter = dht_value_splitter + BytestringSplitter(InterfaceInfo) * 2

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@ -273,37 +273,41 @@ class ProxyRESTServer:
return Response(content=cfrag_byte_stream, headers=headers)
def provide_treasure_map(self, treasure_map_id_as_hex):
# For now, grab the TreasureMap for the DHT storage. Soon, no do that. #TODO!
treasure_map_id = binascii.unhexlify(treasure_map_id_as_hex)
def provide_treasure_map(self, treasure_map_id):
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
treasure_map_bytes =[digest(treasure_map_id)]
response = Response(content=treasure_map_bytes, headers=headers)
treasure_map = self.treasure_maps[digest(treasure_map_id)]
response = Response(content=bytes(treasure_map), headers=headers)"{} providing TreasureMap {}".format(self, treasure_map_id))
except KeyError:"{} doesn't have requested TreasureMap {}".format(self, treasure_map_id))
response = Response("No Treasure Map with ID {}".format(treasure_map_id),
status_code=404, headers=headers)
return response
def receive_treasure_map(self, treasure_map_id_as_hex, request: http.Request):
# TODO: This function is the epitome of #172.
treasure_map_id = binascii.unhexlify(treasure_map_id_as_hex)
def receive_treasure_map(self, treasure_map_id, request: http.Request):
from nucypher.policy.models import TreasureMap
treasure_map = TreasureMap.from_bytes(
except TreasureMap.InvalidPublicSignature:
do_store = False
do_store = treasure_map.public_id() == treasure_map_id
header, signature_for_ursula, pubkey_sig_alice, ether_address, hrac, tmap_message_kit = \
dht_with_hrac_splitter(request.body, return_remainder=True)
# TODO: This next line is possibly the worst in the entire codebase at the moment. #172.
# Also TODO: TTL?
do_store = self.dht_server.protocol.determine_legality_of_dht_key(
signature_for_ursula, pubkey_sig_alice,
hrac, digest(treasure_map_id), request.body)
if do_store:
# TODO: Stop storing things in the protocol storage. Do this better. #227
# TODO: Propagate to other nodes. #235
# TODO: Store the ether address?[digest(treasure_map_id)] = request.body
return # TODO: Proper response here."{} storing TreasureMap {}".format(self, treasure_map_id))
constants.BYTESTRING_IS_TREASURE_MAP + bytes(treasure_map))
# TODO 341 - what if we already have this TreasureMap?
self.treasure_maps[digest(treasure_map_id)] = treasure_map
return Response(content=bytes(treasure_map), status_code=202)
# TODO: Make this a proper 500 or whatever."Bad TreasureMap ID; not storing {}".format(treasure_map_id))
assert False