mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/nucypher.git
Expand worker guide favoring docker commands, and demonstrating worker qualification.
@ -40,86 +40,146 @@ power requirements listed above.
`additional requirements <https://docs.ethhub.io/using-ethereum/running-an-ethereum-node/>`_ are needed.
Configure and Run a Worker
Worker Configuration Procedure
This guide assumes that you already have ``nucypher`` installed, have initiated a stake, and bonded a worker.
Working Procedure:
.. _configure-run-ursula:
.. References are needed for links because of the numbers in the section names
1) Ensure that a `Stake` is available (see :ref:`staking-guide`)
2) Run an ethereum node on the Worker's machine eg. geth, parity, etc. (see :ref:`Running an Ethereum node for Ursula <running-worker-eth-node>`)
3) Install ``nucypher`` on Worker node (see :doc:`/installation`)
1) Configure and run a Worker node (see :ref:`Configure and Run Ursula <configure-run-ursula>`)
4) Create and fund worker's ethereum address (see :ref:`Fund Worker Account with ETH <fund-worker-account>`)
5) Bond the Worker to a Staker (see :ref:`bond-worker`)
6) Configure and run a Worker node (see :ref:`Configure and Run Ursula <configure-run-ursula>`)
7) Ensure TCP port 9151 is externally accessible
8) Keep Worker node online!
.. _running-worker-eth-node:
1. Run an Ethereum node for Workers
1. Establish Ethereum Provider
Worker Ursula transactions can be broadcasted using either a local or remote ethereum node.
For general background information about choosing a node technology and operation,
see https://web3py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/node.html.
.. _fund-worker-account:
2. Fund Worker Account with ETH
Ensure that the worker's ethereum account has sufficient ETH to pay the gas for regular transactions, or
it may forgo subsidies (inflationary rewards).
2. Establish Ethereum Account
**Reducing the gas costs burdened upon stakers/workers is an active and high-priority area of network development.**
Worker nodes perform periodic automated transactions to signal continued commitment to providing service.
The worker's ethereum account must remain unlocked while the node is running. Worker ethereum accounts do not need NU
and only need enough ETH to pay for gas fees. The average cost of a commitment is ~200k gas.
.. note::
For testnet, the worker account can be funded with Rinkeby testnet ETH via https://faucet.rinkeby.io/.
While there are several types of accounts to use, a software based wallet is the easiest to use with Ursula.
3. Ensure Worker account is bonded to Staker
Ensure that the worker's ethereum account is bonded to the Staker. See :ref:`bond-worker`.
.. _configure-run-ursula:
4. Run Worker
3. Run Worker
.. _run-ursula-with-docker:
Run Ursula with Docker (Recommended)
Run Worker with Docker (Recommended)
Assuming geth is running locally, configure and run an Ursula using port and volume bindings:
Export required worker environment variables
.. code:: bash
# Passwords are used for both creation and unlocking
# Interactive Ursula-Worker Initialization
docker run -it -v ~/.local/share/nucypher:/root/.local/share/nucypher -v ~/.ethereum/:/root/.ethereum -p 9151:9151 -e NUCYPHER_KEYRING_PASSWORD nucypher/nucypher:latest nucypher ursula init --provider file:///root/.ethereum/geth.ipc --network <NETWORK_NAME>
Pull the latest nucypher docker image
# Daemonized Ursula
docker run -d -v ~/.local/share/nucypher:/root/.local/share/nucypher -v ~/.ethereum/:/root/.ethereum -p 9151:9151 -e NUCYPHER_KEYRING_PASSWORD -e NUCYPHER_WORKER_ETH_PASSWORD nucypher/nucypher:latest nucypher ursula run
.. code:: bash
docker pull nucypher/nucypher:latest
Initialize a new Worker
.. code:: bash
docker run -it --rm \
--name ursula \
-v ~/.local/share/nucypher:/root/.local/share/nucypher \
-v ~/.ethereum/:/root/.ethereum \
-p 9151:9151 \
nucypher/nucypher:latest \
nucypher ursula init \
--provider <PROVIDER URI> \
--network <NETWORK NAME> \
--signer <SIGNER URI>
Run Ursula with systemd
Replace the following values with your own:
#. Use this template to create a file named ``ursula.service`` and place it in ``/etc/systemd/system/``.
* ``<PROVIDER URI>`` - The URI of a local or hosted ethereum node
* ``<NETWORK NAME>`` - The name of a nucypher network (mainnet, ibex, or lynx)
* ``<SIGNER URI>`` - The URI to an ethereum keystore or signer: `keystore:///root/.ethereum/keystore`
Launch the worker
.. code:: bash
docker run -d --rm \
--name ursula \
-v ~/.local/share/nucypher:/root/.local/share/nucypher \
-v ~/.ethereum/:/root/.ethereum \
-p 9151:9151 \
nucypher/nucypher:latest \
nucypher ursula run \
--network <NETWORK NAME>
Replace the following values with your own:
* ``<NETWORK NAME>`` - The name of a nucypher network (mainnet, ibex, or lynx)
View worker logs
.. code:: bash
docker logs -f ursula
Upgrading to a newer version
When a new version is available a docker-launched worker can be updated by stopping the worker,
running docker pull, then start the worker.
.. code:: bash
docker stop ursula
docker pull nucypher/nucypher:latest
Run Worker with systemd (Alternate)
Instead of using docker, nucypher can be run as a systemd service.
Install nucypher into a virtual environment.
.. code-block::
$(nucypher) pip install -U nucypher
Configure the worker using the nucypher CLI.
.. code-block::
$(nucypher) nucypher ursula init --provider <PROVIDER URI> --network <NETWORK NAME>
Use this template to create a file named ``ursula.service`` and place it in ``/etc/systemd/system/``.
.. code-block::
Description="Run 'Ursula', a NuCypher Staking Node."
Description="Ursula, a NuCypher Worker."
@ -132,22 +192,22 @@ Run Ursula with systemd
#. Replace the following values with your own:
Replace the following values with your own:
* ``<YOUR USER>`` - The host system's username to run the process with
* ``<YOUR USER>`` - The host system's username to run the process with (best practice is to use a dedicated user)
* ``<YOUR WORKER ADDRESS PASSWORD>`` - Worker's ETH account password
* ``<YOUR PASSWORD>`` - Ursula's keyring password
* ``<VIRTUALENV PATH>`` - The absolute path to the python virtual environment containing the ``nucypher`` executable
#. Enable Ursula System Service
Enable Ursula System Service
.. code-block::
$ sudo systemctl enable ursula
#. Run Ursula System Service
Run Ursula System Service
To start Ursula services using systemd
@ -156,36 +216,106 @@ Run Ursula with systemd
$ sudo systemctl start ursula
#. Check Ursula service status
Check Ursula service status
.. code-block::
$ sudo systemctl status ursula
Logs can be viewed from the command line using ``tail`` and `journatctl`:
.. code:: bash
# Application Logs
tail -f ~/.local/share/nucypher/nucypher.log
# Systemd Logs
journalctl -f -t ursula
#. To restart your node service
.. code-block:: bash
$ sudo systemctl restart ursula
4. Qualify Worker
Workers must be fully qualified (funded and bonded) in order to fully start. Workers
that are launched before qualification will pause until they are have a balance greater than 0 ETH,
and are bonded to a staking account. Once both of these requirements are met, thw worker will automatically
resume startup.
Waiting for qualification:
.. code-block:: bash
Authenticating Ursula
Qualifying worker
ⓘ Worker startup is paused. Waiting for bonding and funding ...
ⓘ Worker startup is paused. Waiting for bonding and funding ...
ⓘ Worker startup is paused. Waiting for bonding and funding ...
Resuming startup after funding and bonding:
.. code-block:: bash
ⓘ Worker startup is paused. Waiting for bonding and funding ...
✓ Worker is bonded to 0x37f320567b6C4dF121302EaED8A9B7029Fe09Deb
✓ Worker is funded with 0.01 ETH
✓ External IP matches configuration
Starting services
✓ Database Pruning
✓ Work Tracking
✓ Rest Server
Working ~ Keep Ursula Online!
.. _fund-worker-account:
5. Monitor Worker
Ursula's Logs
A reliable way to check the status of a worker node is to view the logs. As a shortcut, nucypher's
logs can be viewed from the command line using ``tail``: `tail -f $(nucypher --logging-path)/nucypher.log`
A reliable way to check the status of a worker node is to view the logs.
View logs for a docker-launched Ursula:
.. code:: bash
docker logs -f ursula
View logs for a CLI-launched or systemd Ursula:
.. code:: bash
# Application Logs
tail -f ~/.local/share/nucypher/nucypher.log
# Systemd Logs
journalctl -f -t ursula
Status Webpage
Status Page
Once Ursula is running, you can view its public status page at ``https://<node_ip>:9151/status``.
It should eventually be listed on the `Status Monitor Page <https://status.nucypher.network>`_ (this can take a few minutes).
Prometheus Endpoint
Ursula can optionally provide a `Prometheus <https://prometheus.io>`_ metrics endpoint to be used for as a data source
for real-time monitoring. The Prometheus client library is **not** installed by default and must be explicitly installed:
for real-time monitoring. For docker users, the Prometheus client library is installed by default.
For pip installations, The Prometheus client library is **not** included by default and must be explicitly installed:
.. code:: bash
@ -210,7 +340,3 @@ that uses a Grafana dashboard to visualize and monitor the metrics produced by t
.. image:: ../.static/img/p2p_validator_dashboard.png
:target: ../.static/img/p2p_validator_dashboard.png
.. note::
Both the Ursula Status Page and Prometheus Endpoint are areas of active development.
Reference in New Issue