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2020-05-23 00:02:00 +00:00
import pytest
from constant_sorrow import constants
from nucypher.characters.lawful import Alice, Bob, Character
from nucypher.crypto.powers import (CryptoPower, NoSigningPower, SigningPower)
from nucypher.crypto.signing import InvalidSignature
2020-05-23 00:02:00 +00:00
Chapter 1: SIGNING
def test_actor_without_signing_power_cannot_sign():
We can create a Character with no real CryptoPower to speak of.
This Character can't even sign a message.
cannot_sign = CryptoPower(power_ups=[])
non_signer = Character(crypto_power=cannot_sign,
# The non-signer's stamp doesn't work for signing...
with pytest.raises(NoSigningPower):
# ...or as a way to cast the (non-existent) public key to bytes.
with pytest.raises(NoSigningPower):
def test_actor_with_signing_power_can_sign():
However, simply giving that character a PowerUp bestows the power to sign.
Instead of having a Character verify the signature, we'll use the lower level API.
message = b"Llamas."
signer = Character(crypto_power_ups=[SigningPower], is_me=True,
start_learning_now=False, federated_only=True)
stamp_of_the_signer = signer.stamp
# We can use the signer's stamp to sign a message (since the signer is_me)...
signature = stamp_of_the_signer(message)
# ...or to get the signer's public key for verification purposes.
2021-06-08 03:05:35 +00:00
# (note: we verify directly using Umbral API, skipping Character)
verification = signature.verify(stamp_of_the_signer.as_umbral_pubkey(), message)
2020-05-23 00:02:00 +00:00
assert verification is True
def test_anybody_can_verify():
In the last example, we used the lower-level Crypto API to verify the signature.
Here, we show that anybody can do it without needing to directly access Crypto.
# Alice can sign by default, by dint of her _default_crypto_powerups.
alice = Alice(federated_only=True, start_learning_now=False)
# So, our story is fairly simple: an everyman meets Alice.
somebody = Character(start_learning_now=False, federated_only=True)
# Alice signs a message.
message = b"A message for all my friends who can only verify and not sign."
signature = alice.stamp(message)
# Our everyman can verify it.
somebody.verify_from(alice, message, signature)
2020-05-23 00:02:00 +00:00
# Of course, verification fails with any fake message
with pytest.raises(InvalidSignature):
fake = b"McLovin 892 Momona St. Honolulu, HI 96820"
somebody.verify_from(alice, fake, signature)
2020-05-23 00:02:00 +00:00
# Signature verification also works when Alice is not living with our
# everyman in the same process, and he only knows her by her public key
alice_pubkey_bytes = bytes(alice.stamp)
hearsay_alice = Character.from_public_keys({SigningPower: alice_pubkey_bytes})
somebody.verify_from(hearsay_alice, message, signature)
2020-05-23 00:02:00 +00:00
hearsay_alice = Character.from_public_keys(verifying_key=alice_pubkey_bytes)
somebody.verify_from(hearsay_alice, message, signature)
2020-07-24 23:00:35 +00:00
2020-05-23 00:02:00 +00:00
def test_anybody_can_encrypt():
Similar to anybody_can_verify() above; we show that anybody can encrypt.
someone = Character(start_learning_now=False, federated_only=True, crypto_power_ups=[SigningPower])
bob = Bob(is_me=False, federated_only=True,)
2020-05-23 00:02:00 +00:00
cleartext = b"This is Officer Rod Farva. Come in, Ursula! Come in Ursula!"
ciphertext = someone.encrypt_for(bob, cleartext)
2020-05-23 00:02:00 +00:00
assert ciphertext is not None