diff --git a/scripts/build-custom-theme.js b/scripts/build-custom-theme.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..129d31313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/build-custom-theme.js
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+// This script can be used to build custom colour-scheme css files.
+// 1. Create a copy of packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/sass/colors.scss
+//    and change the values to the desired colours.
+// 2. Run this script, providing the path to the custom file using the --in option
+// 3. Save the output of the script to a file - either redirect its output,
+//    or use the --out option.
+// 4. Edit your settings file to set the theme:
+//       editorTheme: {
+//           page: {
+//               css: "/path/to/file/generated/by/this/script"
+//           }
+//       }
+// 5. Restart Node-RED
+const nopt = require("nopt");
+const path = require("path");
+const fs = require("fs")
+const sass = require("node-sass");
+const knownOpts = {
+    "help": Boolean,
+    "in": [path],
+    "out": [path]
+const shortHands = {
+    "?":["--help"]
+nopt.invalidHandler = function(k,v,t) {}
+const parsedArgs = nopt(knownOpts,shortHands,process.argv,2)
+if (parsedArgs.help) {
+    console.log("Usage: build-custom-theme [-?] [--in FILE] [--out FILE]");
+    console.log("");
+    console.log("Options:");
+    console.log("  --in  FILE  Custom colors sass file");
+    console.log("  --out FILE  Where you write the result");
+    console.log("  -?, --help  show this help");
+    console.log("");
+    process.exit();
+const ruleRegex = /(\$.*?) *: *(\S[\S\s]*?);/g;
+var match;
+const customColors = {};
+if (parsedArgs.in && fs.existsSync(parsedArgs.in)) {
+    let customColorsFile = fs.readFileSync(parsedArgs.in,"utf-8");
+    while((match = ruleRegex.exec(customColorsFile)) !== null) {
+        customColors[match[1]] = match[2];
+    }
+// Load base colours
+let colorsFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname,"../packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/sass/colors.scss"),"utf-8")
+let updatedColors = [];
+while((match = ruleRegex.exec(colorsFile)) !== null) {
+    updatedColors.push(match[1]+": "+(customColors[match[1]]||match[2])+";")
+const result = sass.renderSync({
+    outputStyle: "expanded",
+    file: path.join(__dirname,"../packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/sass/style.scss"),
+    importer: function(url, prev, done){
+        if (url === 'colors') {
+            return {
+                contents: updatedColors.join("\n")
+            }
+        }
+        return {file:"/Users/nol/code/node-red/node-red/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/sass/"+url+".scss"}
+    }
+const css = result.css.toString()
+const lines = css.split("\n");
+const colorCSS = []
+const nonColorCSS = [];
+lines.forEach(l => {
+    if (!/^  /.test(l)) {
+        colorCSS.push(l);
+        nonColorCSS.push(l);
+    } else if (/color|border|background|fill|stroke|outline|box-shadow/.test(l)) {
+        colorCSS.push(l);
+    } else {
+        nonColorCSS.push(l);
+    }
+var output = sass.renderSync({outputStyle: "compressed",data:colorCSS.join("\n")});
+if (parsedArgs.out) {
+    fs.writeFileSync(parsedArgs.out,output.css);
+} else {
+    console.log(output.css.toString());