diff --git a/nodes/core/parsers/70-JSON.html b/nodes/core/parsers/70-JSON.html
index 0dfbfe21e..f473c6039 100644
--- a/nodes/core/parsers/70-JSON.html
+++ b/nodes/core/parsers/70-JSON.html
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@
between the two. This can be used, for example, with the HTTP In
node to ensure the payload is a parsed object even if an incoming request
did not set its content-type correctly for the HTTP In node to do the conversion.
If the node is configured to ensure the property is encoded as a String and it + receives a String, no further checks will be made of the property. It will + not check the String is valid JSON nor will it reformat it if the format option + is selected.