
104 lines
4.3 KiB

pipeline {
agent any
stages {
// Run the build in the against the dev branch to check for compile errors
stage('Build dev branch') {
when {
branch 'dev'
steps {
echo 'Building code in the "dev" branch...'
sh 'npm install'
sh 'ng build --project shared'
sh 'ng build --project globalnav'
sh 'ng build --project page-not-found'
sh 'ng build --project account --configuration development'
sh 'ng build --project sso --configuration development'
// Deploy to the Test environment
stage('Build for Test') {
when {
branch 'test'
steps {
echo 'Building code in the "test" branch...'
sh 'npm install'
sh 'ng build --project shared'
sh 'ng build --project globalnav'
sh 'ng build --project page-not-found'
sh 'ng build --project account --configuration test'
sh 'ng build --project sso --configuration test'
stage('Deploy to Test') {
when {
branch 'test'
steps {
echo 'Deploying to test environment web servers...'
withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: '6413826d-79f6-4d03-9902-ee1b73a96efd', keyFileVariable: 'JENKINS_SSH_KEY', passphraseVariable: '', usernameVariable: 'SERVER_USER')]) {
// Deploy account application and its associated libraries
echo 'Deploying account application...'
sh 'scp -r dist/shared root@'
sh 'scp -r dist/globalnav root@'
sh 'scp -r dist/page-not-found root@'
sh 'scp -r dist/account root@'
// Deploy single sign on application and its associated libraries
echo 'Deploying single sign on application...'
sh 'scp -r dist/shared root@'
sh 'scp -r dist/globalnav root@'
sh 'scp -r dist/page-not-found root@'
sh 'scp -r dist/sso root@'
// Deploy to the Production environment
stage('Build for Production') {
when {
branch 'master'
steps {
echo 'Building code in the "master" branch...'
sh 'npm install'
sh 'ng build --project shared --prod'
sh 'ng build --project globalnav --prod'
sh 'ng build --project page-not-found'
sh 'ng build --project account --prod'
sh 'ng build --project sso --prod'
stage('Deploy to Production') {
when {
branch 'master'
steps {
echo 'Deploying to production environment web servers...'
withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: '6413826d-79f6-4d03-9902-ee1b73a96efd', keyFileVariable: 'JENKINS_SSH_KEY', passphraseVariable: '', usernameVariable: 'SERVER_USER')]) {
// Deploy account application and its associated libraries
echo 'Deploying account application...'
sh 'scp -r dist/shared root@???:/var/www/'
sh 'scp -r dist/globalnav root@???:/var/www/'
sh 'scp -r dist/page-not-found root@???:/var/www/'
sh 'scp -r dist/account root@???:/var/www/'
// Deploy single sign on application and its associated libraries
echo 'Deploying single sign on application...'
sh 'scp -r dist/shared root@???:/var/www/'
sh 'scp -r dist/globalnav root@???:/var/www/'
sh 'scp -r dist/page-not-found root@???:/var/www/'
sh 'scp -r dist/sso root@???:/var/www/'