moved a bunch of variables and styles out of the theme.scss file so that they can be referenced throughout the app.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
.app-body {
height: 100vh;
margin: 3vmin;
.mycroft-snackbar {
width: 500px;
@ -1,14 +1,141 @@
// These are the official Mycroft colors as defined by the design team.
$mycroft-primary: #22a7f0;
$mycroft-secondary: #2c3e50;
$mycroft-tertiary-blue: #96defe;
$mycroft-tertiary-green: #40dbb0;
$mycroft-tertiary-yellow: #fee255;
$mycroft-tertiary-grey: #5b6984;
$mycroft-tertiary-orange: #fd9e66;
$mycroft-white: #ffffff;
$mycroft-black: #111111;
$mycroft-dark-grey: #6c7a89;
$mycroft-light-grey: #bdc3c7;
$mycroft-blue-grey: #e4f1fe;
$market-background: #f1f3f4;
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
// Mycroft palette defined using
$mycroft-primary-palette: (
50 : #e4f4fd,
100 : #bde5fb,
200 : #91d3f8,
300 : #64c1f5,
400 : #43b4f2,
500 : #22a7f0,
600 : #1e9fee,
700 : #1996ec,
800 : #148ce9,
900 : #0c7ce5,
A100 : #ffffff,
A200 : #dcedff,
A400 : #a9d2ff,
A700 : #90c5ff,
contrast: (
50 : #2c3e50,
100 : #2c3e50,
200 : #2c3e50,
300 : #2c3e50,
400 : #ffffff,
500 : #ffffff,
600 : #ffffff,
700 : #ffffff,
800 : #ffffff,
900 : #ffffff,
A100 : #2c3e50,
A200 : #2c3e50,
A400 : #2c3e50,
A700 : #2c3e50,
$mycroft-accent-palette: (
50 : #e6e8ea,
100 : #c0c5cb,
200 : #969fa8,
300 : #6b7885,
400 : #4c5b6a,
500 : #2c3e50,
600 : #273849,
700 : #213040,
800 : #1b2837,
900 : #101b27,
A100 : #40dbb0,
A200 : #fee255,
A400 : #fd9e66,
A700 : #5b6984,
contrast: (
50 : #2c3e50,
100 : #2c3e50,
200 : #ffffff,
300 : #ffffff,
400 : #ffffff,
500 : #ffffff,
600 : #ffffff,
700 : #ffffff,
800 : #ffffff,
900 : #ffffff,
A100 : #2c3e50,
A200 : #2c3e50,
A400 : #2c3e50,
A700 : #ffffff,
$mycroft-warn-palette: (
50 : #fdebeb,
100 : #f9cdcd,
200 : #f5abab,
300 : #f18989,
400 : #ee7070,
500 : #eb5757,
600 : #e94f4f,
700 : #e54646,
800 : #e23c3c,
900 : #dd2c2c,
A100 : #ffffff,
A200 : #ffeaea,
A400 : #ffb7b7,
A700 : #ff9d9d,
contrast: (
50 : #2c3e50,
100 : #2c3e50,
200 : #2c3e50,
300 : #2c3e50,
400 : #2c3e50,
500 : #ffffff,
600 : #ffffff,
700 : #ffffff,
800 : #ffffff,
900 : #ffffff,
A100 : #2c3e50,
A200 : #2c3e50,
A400 : #2c3e50,
A700 : #2c3e50,
$mycroft-light-theme-background: (
status-bar: map_get($mat-grey, 300),
app-bar: map_get($mat-grey, 100),
background: #f1f3f4,
hover: rgba(black, 0.04),
card: white,
dialog: white,
disabled-button: $black-12-opacity,
raised-button: white,
focused-button: $black-6-opacity,
selected-button: map_get($mat-grey, 300),
selected-disabled-button: map_get($mat-grey, 400),
disabled-button-toggle: map_get($mat-grey, 200),
unselected-chip: map_get($mat-grey, 700),
disabled-list-option: black,
$mycroft-light-theme-foreground: (
base: black,
divider: $dark-dividers,
dividers: $dark-dividers,
disabled: $dark-disabled-text,
disabled-button: rgba(black, 0.26),
disabled-text: $dark-disabled-text,
elevation: black,
hint-text: $dark-disabled-text,
secondary-text: $dark-secondary-text,
icon: rgba(black, 0.54),
icons: rgba(black, 0.54),
text: rgba(#2c3e50, 0.87),
slider-min: rgba(black, 0.87),
slider-off: rgba(black, 0.26),
slider-off-active: rgba(black, 0.38),
// define custom color palettes using the Mycroft colors
$mycroft-primary: mat-palette($mycroft-primary-palette);
$mycroft-accent: mat-palette($mycroft-accent-palette);
$mycroft-warn: mat-palette($mycroft-warn-palette);
@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
@import "~@angular/material/theming";
@import "mycroft-colors";
$button-border-radius: 4px;
@mixin action-button {
border-radius: $button-border-radius;
background-color: $mycroft-primary;
color: $mycroft-white;
font-weight: normal;
letter-spacing: 0.5px;
@mixin action-button-primary {
@include action-button;
background-color: mat-color($mycroft-primary);
color: mat-contrast($mycroft-primary, 500);
@mixin action-button-warn {
background-color: mat-color($mycroft-warn);
color: mat-contrast($mycroft-warn, 500)
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
@import url("");
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@import 'stylesheets/mycroft-colors';
$mycroft-typography: mat-typography-config(
$font-family: '"Noto Sans", display'
@ -9,141 +10,6 @@ $mycroft-typography: mat-typography-config(
// it should not be included for each theme.
@include mat-core($mycroft-typography);
// Mycroft palette defined using
$mycroft-color-primary: (
50 : #e4f4fd,
100 : #bde5fb,
200 : #91d3f8,
300 : #64c1f5,
400 : #43b4f2,
500 : #22a7f0,
600 : #1e9fee,
700 : #1996ec,
800 : #148ce9,
900 : #0c7ce5,
A100 : #ffffff,
A200 : #dcedff,
A400 : #a9d2ff,
A700 : #90c5ff,
contrast: (
50 : #2c3e50,
100 : #2c3e50,
200 : #2c3e50,
300 : #2c3e50,
400 : #ffffff,
500 : #ffffff,
600 : #ffffff,
700 : #ffffff,
800 : #ffffff,
900 : #ffffff,
A100 : #2c3e50,
A200 : #2c3e50,
A400 : #2c3e50,
A700 : #2c3e50,
$mycroft-color-secondary: (
50 : #e6e8ea,
100 : #c0c5cb,
200 : #969fa8,
300 : #6b7885,
400 : #4c5b6a,
500 : #2c3e50,
600 : #273849,
700 : #213040,
800 : #1b2837,
900 : #101b27,
A100 : #40dbb0,
A200 : #fee255,
A400 : #fd9e66,
A700 : #5b6984,
contrast: (
50 : #2c3e50,
100 : #2c3e50,
200 : #ffffff,
300 : #ffffff,
400 : #ffffff,
500 : #ffffff,
600 : #ffffff,
700 : #ffffff,
800 : #ffffff,
900 : #ffffff,
A100 : #2c3e50,
A200 : #2c3e50,
A400 : #2c3e50,
A700 : #ffffff,
$mycroft-color-warn: (
50 : #fdebeb,
100 : #f9cdcd,
200 : #f5abab,
300 : #f18989,
400 : #ee7070,
500 : #eb5757,
600 : #e94f4f,
700 : #e54646,
800 : #e23c3c,
900 : #dd2c2c,
A100 : #ffffff,
A200 : #ffeaea,
A400 : #ffb7b7,
A700 : #ff9d9d,
contrast: (
50 : #2c3e50,
100 : #2c3e50,
200 : #2c3e50,
300 : #2c3e50,
400 : #2c3e50,
500 : #ffffff,
600 : #ffffff,
700 : #ffffff,
800 : #ffffff,
900 : #ffffff,
A100 : #2c3e50,
A200 : #2c3e50,
A400 : #2c3e50,
A700 : #2c3e50,
$mycroft-light-theme-background: (
status-bar: map_get($mat-grey, 300),
app-bar: map_get($mat-grey, 100),
background: #f1f3f4,
hover: rgba(black, 0.04),
card: white,
dialog: white,
disabled-button: $black-12-opacity,
raised-button: white,
focused-button: $black-6-opacity,
selected-button: map_get($mat-grey, 300),
selected-disabled-button: map_get($mat-grey, 400),
disabled-button-toggle: map_get($mat-grey, 200),
unselected-chip: map_get($mat-grey, 700),
disabled-list-option: black,
$mycroft-light-theme-foreground: (
base: black,
divider: $dark-dividers,
dividers: $dark-dividers,
disabled: $dark-disabled-text,
disabled-button: rgba(black, 0.26),
disabled-text: $dark-disabled-text,
elevation: black,
hint-text: $dark-disabled-text,
secondary-text: $dark-secondary-text,
icon: rgba(black, 0.54),
icons: rgba(black, 0.54),
text: rgba(#2c3e50, 0.87),
slider-min: rgba(black, 0.87),
slider-off: rgba(black, 0.26),
slider-off-active: rgba(black, 0.38),
// instead of creating a theme with mat-light-theme like a sane person,
// we will create our own theme-creating function that lets us apply our own
// foreground and background palettes.
@ -158,16 +24,11 @@ $mycroft-light-theme-foreground: (
// define custom color palettes using the Mycroft colors
$custom-theme-primary: mat-palette($mycroft-color-primary);
$custom-theme-accent: mat-palette($mycroft-color-secondary);
$custom-theme-warn: mat-palette($mycroft-color-warn);
// include the custom theme components into a theme object
$custom-theme: mycroft-light-theme(
@mixin mycroft-theme($theme) {
@ -175,29 +36,6 @@ $custom-theme: mycroft-light-theme(
$accent: map-get($theme, accent);
$warn: map-get($theme, warn);
.action-button {
background-color: mat-color($primary);
color: mat-contrast($primary, 500)
.app-body {
height: 100vh;
margin: 3vmin;
.cancel-button {
background-color: mat-color($accent, 100);
.danger-button {
background-color: mat-color($warn);
color: mat-contrast($warn, 500)
.danger-icon {
color: mat-color($warn);
.section-card {
margin-bottom: 40px;
margin-left: auto;
@ -221,28 +59,6 @@ $custom-theme: mycroft-light-theme(
.mat-body-primary {
@extend .mat-body;
color: mat-color($primary);
.mat-button-toggle {
background-color: mat-color($accent, 50);
.mat-button-toggle-checked {
background-color: mat-color($primary);
.mat-button-toggle-label-content {
color: mat-contrast($primary, 500);
.mat-h2-primary {
@extend .mat-h2;
color: mat-color($primary);
// include the custom theme object into the angular material theme
Reference in New Issue